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@alexfangtalon If you're going with Adelinde, you might wanna check out Soundbite's tab on this page as they have eaten similar devil fruits.

Also I myself am fine with any position in the crew for Kago
I came across this on imgur and decided to do my part by spreading it to as many dog owners as I could. So if you have a dog check the link out and maybe comfort a sick little girl.
:::create [Hunter]
Honestly Danny was surprised that meditating worked in his condition, but it was a welcome surprise. He had been hoping he would have the time to at least recharge a Mana Orb, but a quick look at his surroundings made it clear the Slime wasn't let get that happen.

He quickly changed directions to the left in an attempt to dodge the attack, still not sure if he could survive another hit. Assuming dodging worked the Wisp went for his usual hiding spot, the cave ceiling and did his best to conceal his presence. He wanted to at least finish of the Yellow Slime, but the exp wasn't worth the risk.
Disappointed as Danny was that he didn't learn anything useful form Stone shot by trying to analyze it, it seemed that simply was because the Slime hadn't mastered it itself. Still seeing a failed attempt to use it in action was better than nothing. After a while the Wisp noticed he wasn't staying up in the air. With there being one only reason as to why he was slowly falling he regretted using a level II spell and not at least taking out one of his opponents.

Still this wasn't that bad, much as he hated wasting mana crystals he just needed to spot one nearby and touch it. As he looked around he realized there were no crystals nearby. When he noticed the yellow Slime approaching him he briefly wondered if he should try to absorb the source crystal shard, only to decide against it.

Not only did Danny have no idea what would happen if he successfully manage to drain it's power, and that was a big if, but he might destroy Jason's only hope of coming back. And as long as he had other options he refused to do that.

Hoping that since he wasn't being attacked at the moment that would count as him not being in battle, and that he had enough time to at least partially recharge the Wisp did his best to calm down and Meditate. If that for some reason failed then and only then would he try to use the source crystal to restore his MP.

While Nathan was more than a little relieved that Lance decided to come with him, he had no idea what moves the bladed Pokémon could learn. Before he could really contemplate what they should do if they were attacked, a red eyed Pokémon jumped them.

Honestly the Seedot didn't really need Celina's warning thanks to it's eyes, but it was nice to see others being aware of stuf like that. As far as Nate knew he still was the only member of the group with an attack, so if the beaver Pokémon was hostile, and it was very likely that it was, he would have to the one to fight it.

Unfortunately that meant Nathan had to let it hit him and hope he lasted long enough for Bide to activate and hopefully take it. "Hey, bucktooth over here." As he taunted it he moved away from the cave and the others in hopes it would follow him.

@pr3acher Interested, and just like in the isekai I will probably end up using this fan made devil fruit
@catchamber Thanks
@catchamber Does it matter if I'm not familiar with Pathfinder?
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