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@Geyter I don't know if it matters but with 50 points spread out over 4 stats the average is 12,5 so do we round down the points for will?
While Nathan was thankful for the warnings that Normal-types were useless he didn't understand how that was possible. Worse yet was the fact that he had no idea on how to fight the Bidoof, unlike the Charmander he couldn't even use an impromptu mad-slap because of his lack of hands.

He briefly considered that he could at least block attacks but he didn't know if he could even take one more without fainting or dying. Eventually he decided that the best he could do was stay out of everyone's way. So he tried to sneak back into the cave without the impossible Ghost-type noting him.

Could be interesting
What roles in the crew i.e doctor, carpenter are claimed by what character? I myself don't really care what Karo gets so I'll simply take something that's left
@pr3acher I mostly made Kago that tall to increase the number of hornets he has but I will give him give either increased strength or endurance. As for his bounty guess I needed to explain it a better but Wapol used his connections to the government, though even with those it was hard to get a high bounty for someone who basically stole an oar. I will include that though.

@Saltwater Thief Once Kago learns of Mera's backstory I can see them getting close, you?

I see you got a 20. Here's to hoping they can understand common!


My thoughts exactly.

I didn't think of that, hopefully that doesn't bite me in the ass
Danny was relieved to see the Slimes give up and leave, though part of him still wanted to get both his exp and his revenge. He wondered how close he was to his next level and since he had already learned that just wondering didn't reveal anything he had to try something new. " System, how close am I to leveling?" He felt stupid asking and honestly didn't expect any reaction.

As he prepared to leave his hiding spot and look for a safe place to finish meditating he noticed both monsters and what looked pulverized mana crystal heading in the direction of the core. Wondering if he could somehow use the dust to replenish his Mp he flew straight into it and focused on absorbing as much mana as he could.

If it worked he would head straight for the patch of healing herbs near the pond, otherwise he would look for an empty hole in a cave wall first, to meditate in.


When Thokk noticed the trogs approaching he wanted to warn to hurry but it seemed the palladin had noticed them as well since he warned the others about their new audience. Raugar was right that it was time to leave but the half-orc still decided to try and buy the group a bit more just time since carrying the loot might slow some one down.

"Are you troglodytes sure you wanna mess with a group that took down something you feared?" To further empathize his words he drew his sword.

The return of the others was good news, as it showed they unharmed plus they could help against the Bidoof. It was even better to see Celina use Peck as it showed that Nathan wasn't the only one capable of attacking. The good news ended there as the Bidoof took the bait and tackled him which actually hurt significantly.

Unfortunately the Seedot missed the fact that Normal-type attacks didn't seem to work on the insane beaver as he got back on his feet. "Ugh I need at least one more hit before I can return the favor, let's hope I can take it." "That the best you can do?"

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