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@pr3acher Did something happen to the discord?
Never played maffia before but willing to give it a go
Danny was surprised by the system message about him leveling up and being ready to evolve. He didn't do too well with the absorption of the mana dust though and that caused him to make up his mind. It was about time for him to leave the cave, if he was right about the mana crystals being responsible for the growth of the herbs then it was even more so. He felt bad about ignoring Jason's order to go to the core but he was in no shape to fight anyway. Instead he headed towards the cave entrance in hopes of finding a hole in the wall or ceiling where he could sleep and hopefully heal a little.

On his way there he decided to allocate his skill points and consider his evolution options. "No point in wasting of points on plant analysis but despite the cost I want Blunt Resistance." "Okay six points into Blunt Resistance, two into Focus and the last one into Faster."

Once he arrived at the entrance he started looking for a place to sleep, if he is able to find something inside he will use otherwise he will look outside for something suitable.

Now that he had a restingplace it was time to go over his evolutions. "While it would get me Fireball the short lifespan makes the Pyrofly unsuited for me. The poltergeist on the other hand has seriously weak defense but gets me limbs and more power." Hoping he wouldn't regret his choice he made his decision. "I'm going with the Poltergeist."

The flameless Charmander, Trevor?, had a point. If all their opponents were part ghost type as a Seedot Nathan wouldn't be able to do much. "Ya, at least he goes get arms in the end... lot of us are stuck without the ability to have arms.. which is kinda bad here."

"Not in the end I think Shiftry just has leafs." He was half joking, but yeah a lack of hands could get annoying. After Trevor revealed their haul included Oran berries he wanted to take one but decided to see if sleep would heal his injuries first after the rant about about keeping them in reserve. "I did take damage in the fight but I don't if it was enough to justify me using an Oran berry, and besides maybe a full night's sleep also heals us." He looked over the stash since he didn't all the flavors, though he did remember that the cheri berry which Lance picked was probably too spicy for him.

In the end he picked a random berry that turned out to be sweet and sour. "If there are more of those red eyed Pokémon that is probably why we're brought here, but why is behind them and who summoned us."

@Geyter Yeah, I was actually planning on a fishman at first but I had no luck finding one with four arms that wasn't Vanderdecken, and since there already was a tribe of humans with unusual arms I didn't think to create another one. Though if I can find good art of someone with four I might still go that route. I also hadn't exactly planned out the DF progression beyond the fishman and long arm tribe arm thing yet

"Orc man, leave them! IF they chase, we block path! Come!""Ser Thokk, their numbers are too great! We need to disengage now!" Thokk couldn't believe they thought that he was planning to fight the troglodytes. "I know that, I'm just trying to convince them not to follow us or at least slow them down a little." he whispered, just loud enough that hopefully the horde couldn't hear him.

The Half-orc had no idea if all the others were already running but he also didn't know them well enough to risk his life if his intimidation failed so he calmly sheathed his sword and walked away. He only started only running after climbing on one of the buildings.
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