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In Re: Life 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@EpicKDP Does runology simply mean reading runes or is there a rune based magic system?
In Re: Life 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Re: Life 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Should I point out that not only can Nathan not learn that move by any means... but it would also be completely ineffective against the murkrow? Meh, I guess by asking that, I kinda pointed it out, sorry.

I know all that, he just want to try something to help and since he knows the world doesn't work like in the games he hopes to be able to learn a move effective against Ghosts he couldn't normally learn while forgetting Dark is immune to Psychic
Summoner's academy might be interesting
Nathan was wondering if he should figure out if he floated in water by trying to cross the puddle when the Bird Pokémon came into view. He didn't notice Jerri's brief stare at him but if he did he wouldn't have bothered making her worry even more. "Crap, for those of you who don't know Flying-type moves are twice as effective against me. I'm gonna be even less helpful then during the last fight, if they're also Ghost-types."

Nathan hoped that this world was different enough from the games he was somewhat familiar with that improvising worked as otherwise he was gonna stay helpless for a long time thanks to the impossible Ghost-typing he had seen before. He did have something in mind that seemed relatively simple to pull if and was super effective if it worked but he had no evidence that it would. "Now I do have one idea, but I have no idea if it'll work ."

I guess it mainly depends on how much interest we get, I for one don't know enough about the game to have a preference
@EpicKDP Found it
@Lugia Oh yeah then try the next campfire
@Lugia Maybe try using your tail to set something on fire and act like a fire eater
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