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Danny didn't know for his what had been going on during the dream while his body changed but the feeling of the dungeon core trying to suck him in, whether it was imaginary or not, on top of everything else going on in the cave had convinced him it was time to leave. Seeing humans was also pretty huge but less pressing at the moment. Despite really wishing that Jason or at least someone else was coming with him he would have to manage on his own for now.

As the former Wisp floated down from his restingspot he inspected his new body. Having limbs again was nice if they were a lot shorter than what he had before and should allow him to create skills that didn't need any MP, his former body's dependency on mana really proved to a weakness after all.

When Danny touched the ground he took a deep breath and walked out of the cave. He had an idea to at least get some new skills in a way that hopefully wasn't too dangerous. He looked around for a tree with moss covering it's bark at around the height of his arms, on the way both doing his best to analyze any plants he passed and pay attention to his surroundings after all if there was a multitasking skill he really needed to get it.

In Re: Life 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Daisuke wanted to point that the American was basically just repeating what he said earlier, but he figured that the more people pointed out that it wasn't a tv. show or movie the better. He did his best to ignore the thoughts about all but of them being fake since there was no doubt nothing any of them could do if that was the case. So instead he finished dressing and was just about to take the girl's picture when another pink haired girl woke up.

The fact that this new girl seemed to be as young as the boy offering the first girl water made him terrible for both of them since they at least remembered dying at a young age. Still since he didn't know what to say he felt it was better if everyone dealt with things their own way for now at least.

In Daisuke's case that meant trying to distract himself from his suspicions. Once he was fully dressed he grabbed his cellphone and prepared to take Merlou's picture.

Could be interesting
In Re: Life 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Now that the coffee was being handled Daisuke decided that it would be a good time to get dressed himself. "Just save some for me, it's taking some effort not to freak out. As he was putting his jeans back two other members of the group woke up and came to a decently reasonable conclusion that maybe this was all a hidden camera tv show.

"Not just bad taste with what they did to our phones alone I'm sure there would be a lot of lawsuits coming from us, also if you had the same reaction to "Ayame's" smiles as I did..." Daisuke took a deep breath as the possible implications of what he was about to say sank in. "Well let's just say that any technology that could do that sounds closer to scifi mindcontrol than anything we have available." "Speaking of scifi tech some kind of virtual reality program with semi-sentient NPC's with false memories and a player character could also explain things." He decided to keep that bit for himself.

Without saying another word he finished dressing himself and tried to think of a distraction to keep his mind off the fact that he might have never been alive in the first place. His phone seemed like a good place to start. "Hey do you mind if I take a picture? I want to try this Pictopedia thing." Despite his best efforts even Daisuke noticed how shaky his voice sounded as he asked.

In Re: Life 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
<Snipped quote by EpicKDP>

Not sure how often I'll be on but sure.

In Re: Life 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Daisuke forgot alchemy and learned alchemist instead
In Re: Life 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
So should I change alchemy into alchemist then?
In Re: Life 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

When Daisuke woke up his first though was rather naturally that the whole thing with Ayame was a dream. Just looking at his surroundings completely changed his mind however. After taking a few breaths to keep himself from freaking out he reached for his phone, not that he was expecting much as the battery had died about 30 minutes before he headed home. Oddly enough it seemed to be functioning though all his recorded numbers and downloads were gone, the wallpaper of him in front of his truck was still there though.

Just as he was about to check the new aps that were on it he heard someone sobbing. Looking around again he noticed a teenaged boy offer some water to a clearly overwhelmed woman. After grabbing his pen and thermos he forced himself out of bed and after briefly wondering if he should get dressed first walked over to the two.

“Have a drink first. I think it helps? Not that I’m an expert or anything, so…yeah…oh yeah, fair warning, this actually tastes worse than mineral water, so...fair warning?” Before he could make his own offer the girl tried the water and clearly didn't like it."Ehm excuse me. I have something that might taste better, though I can't offer a lot as the others might need it as well." He said holding up his thermos half filled with lukewarm coffee and hoping he sounded and looked calmer than he felt, though the facts he talked faster than normal and kept clicking his pen revealed he was feeling uncomfortable as well.

In Re: Life 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@EpicKDP I assume my alchemy and Qrow Storm's alchemist talents are just like the charm/charmer thing from earlier
In Re: Life 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Got it
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