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How many monster fighting abilities can we have?
When Danny came across the berries he decided to pick the ones that were closest to being ripe, since he did't trust his underdeveloped hands Lesser Force II seemed the way to go. Wanting to practice the skill he tried to pick them two at a time. Before long though some kinda sound drew his attention and he did his best to hide in the bush while also trying to conceal his presence.

Fortunately the Goblins didn't seem to realize he was there as they were talking about something they called a Venture. It took him a while to figure they meant a human and since it was a little one they no doubt meant a child. The whole conversation reminded him about the dream in which he saw two humans, and he wondered if it really was just a dream. Either way it sounded like they wanted to kill the kid.

Danny wondered what to do, part of him wanted to warn the boy, but he had no idea where to find him or even if humans were able to understand the monster language. Eventually he decided that he should at least try. Wanting to distract the Goblins while he sneaked back the way they came from he used Lesser Force II to telekinetically start snapping twigs until they were all paying attention in something in the opposite direction, completely unaware of his four "friends" behind him.

Niels Timmermans

Niesl still couldn't believe it both van der Meer and Hsu were dead, all because the committee allowed a psychopath to go somewhere desolated and known to be stressful. "Niels was...I saw you yesterday evening, right Niels? We talked for a little bit. You went into your room to bed down for the night. You weren't..." "Yeah, We talked for a bit." He stared at Reno, he understood the man's suspicion and while it was hypocritical to accuse him without evidence while also angry at him for the same thing he still decided to speak his mind. "In fact I think the custodian would have the easiest time out of all us when it comes to hiding van der Meer's body and sneaking around to kill people."
This sounds like it could be fun
Could be interesting
In Re: Life 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Right after Daisuke asked his questions the spy lookalike asked his own questions and he had to admit asking about magic was a good idea. Less impressive was the blue haired kid flirting with one of the nurses and the pink haired girl trying to kamehameha blast him for some reason. Luckily even the doctor and nurses who had no idea of what she was doing just pretended nothing happened instead of assuming some stranger was trying to attack someone with magic, which of course was real in this world.

Ferb's explanation about Ayame was less then useful but the fact that he didn't react weirdly to the group having been brought back to life hopefully meant he knew something about that at least, The explanation and example of magic was also interesting, but before Daisuke could ask his next question one of the nurses ran off with blue kid's phone taking pictures of whatever she could. Confident that the owner of the phone could handle things he decided to ask anyway. "Is there a way to tell how much magic you can use and store?" Sure thanks to his phone he knew how much magic he had in a numerical amount but having nothing to compare it to still didn't tell him much.

Nathan mentally facepalmed when Celina started to sing, best case scenario all the Murkrow fell asleep worst case they were out of hearing range and all the former humans were the ones who ended up asleep leaving her to fight on her own.

At least it quickly turned out that the worst case wasn't gonna happen as he didn't feel sleepy and apparently neither did any of the others. Still three of them remained conscious and ended up fighting both Celina and the Peliper on the ground. Finally remembering that Murkrow are Dark type and realizing his plan wouldn't work even if he could somehow use an attack Seedot don't learn Nathan no longer had any clue what to do.

It was probably too late to follow the Dunsparce's plan and hide and while he wanted to help in the fight he had no idea how. In the end he did the only thing he could think and brazed himself for a possible attack from one of the Flying-type Pokémon.

In Re: Life 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I can't help but snicker every time I read the Doctor's name. I keep imagining one of the nurses walking up to him and saying "Dr.Ferb! I know what we are going to do today!"

Now we just need a Phineas with a weird pet that is smarter than it acts
In Re: Life 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

"I doubt it's a dating app, after all you didn't enter that info. Daisuke picked up on Merlou's use of the word videogame character and tensed up a little. He decided that he could use some coffee and waked over to his thermos.

At that point the doctor and two nurses came in, offering to answer their questions. The first question he wanted to ask was the obvious one to him, but the man's reaction to the blue haired boy taking his picture showed he knew nothing about their phones.

So he went for the second choice. "What can you tell us about "Ayame" and do you know why she would bring us back to live in another world?" He honestly doubted he would get a good answer to the second part of his question but he had to try. As he waited he drank his coffee and tried the about me app on his phone.

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