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@Avemelle I added the extra skill but I couldn't find where it said that you could start with 5 skills
@Avemelle My cs is finished. Also do gunslingers have to buy bullets or is it more like in jrpg's and they just never run out of ammo?

Name : Silvaka (On Earth he was known as Takeshi Gima)
Appearance :

Race: Human
Age: 16
Personality: While fully willing to help others out Silvaka doesn't like the idea of being on the frontline when it comes to combat so the gunslinger class is perfect for him, especially since it seemed to be easier then becoming a magician. He prefers to handle things with the least amount of effort necessary, or at least the simplest way he can think of. He is not lazy per se but believes that you never know when you need to use that bit of saved energy/resources and as such it's better to save it, on the other hand he also accepts that sometimes you have to "waste" something rather than wait for the perfect time to use it.

Background: On earth Takeshi's life was rather average, his family was neither poor nor rich and while his parents did want him to do well academically they also didn't pressure him. That said he did have one unusual hobby, every once in a while he would either play paintball or lasertag, he never really saw much of a distinction between the two and considered them basically the same game with slightly different rules. He never was good enough to win tournaments of any kind but he didn't care he simply played for fun. In fact it was right after one of those games that he died, not that he remembers what happened.
Class : Gunslinger
Skills :
  • Double Tap: Allows the user to quickly hit a target in the exact same place twice, though each hit only deals 60% damage.
  • Instantaneous Reload: This allows the user to reload their gun in less than a second.
  • Snapshot: A single fast and accurate shot.
  • From the hip: This can only be used when drawing your gun from it's holster, but it's even faster than Snapshot at the cost of a lot of accuracy.
  • Pistol whip: A powerful melee strike using his currently held firearm as a bludgeon

[ SPECIAL ABILITY/ITEM: PM me your suggestions for your special ability and/or item!
Secret Password : cutie
@Avemelle What is the point of the secret password, is it just to make sure we've read everything?
*Also hits @Avemelle* sorry but given the fact that you posted it on saturday morning around 4 here in the Netherlands you can't complain
@Dumb1And1Lazy I just get a broken image sign when trying to view Solomon's appearance
Despite Nathan bracing himself the attack he was waiting for didn't come. Looking around he quickly realized why, both the non-sleeping Murkrow were occupied fighting his allies. In that case he couldn't just stand idly and when he saw Celina's wound his mind was made up. Despite his own fear of getting attacked. Since he didn't exactly have an attack of his own he would have to improvise.

Copying Jeri he rushed at his chosen opponent, but unlike the Dunsparce he didn't try try to bludgeon it with a specific body part. Instead he simply ran into it as fast as his tiny legs could carry him, hoping that the element of surprise would be enough to keep the Bird Pokemon from countering his tackle.

In Re: Life 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The fact that there was indeed a way to see how magic people had would be helpful."Also, you said you were the head of the Adventure guild in this town, right? Well, I would very much appreciate, when we conclude here if you or one of your lovely assistants can show us around town and then to the guild. If that would not be too much to ask, of course." Daisuke realized he had a point and wondered if there was any way he could make some money without having to risk his life by joining the adventurers guild, even though he figured it was probably inevitable that he would. He then remembered his merchant class and wondered if he had anything to sell.

"Also is there any shop that buys and sells unusual things? I'm pretty sure we're all broke and such want to sell this. Daisuke pulled out a blue wallet made of fake leather and 10 dollars in the form of a five dollar bill, two one-dollar bills, four fifty cent coins, three quarters, two dimes and a nickel and showed it all to Dr. Ferb in hopes he could help him find a place interested in it.

Yeah I got antag on Reno and he is my vote

Note the attack names aren't the greatest and I'm open for suggestions. Also does the wish have to somehow be related to the main ability?
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