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Takeshi Gima

When he didn't hear or see any dangerous animals Takeshi relaxed and dropped his guard. He soon realized that he didn't recognize any of the plants growing in this forest, though that didn't say much he never was a huge expert on flora and fauna anyway. After he had walked aimlessly for around 10 minutes he saw a huge flash of light somewhere to, he assumed, the north-east.

Not having any better ideas he figured that he might as well check it out in case any other Earthlings had the same idea or were there from the start. On the other hand the light could just a natural phenomenon or even a trap of some kind. "Man I really wish I had a weapon of some kind or at least armor." Still at the moment at least it was his best bet to find someone.
Niels Timmermans

If he was completely honest Niels would have preferred too just stay in his room for the rest of the day, but he knew that not only would it be impossible it would make him seem suspicious. So roughly ten minutes after finding Reno's body he walked out the door. He took the second fasted route from his room to where he found the body and noticed both Lauren and April there.

Seeing the marine biologist briefly made him doubt that Reno suspected the technician. No, he was certain Lauren was the one he checked upon and didn't find in her room, that meant she had to be the killer because otherwise maybe everyone else was on it. While keeping one eye on the 30 year old woman he pretended to notice Reno's body and his best to look and act shocked. "What happened here?!"
@Zoey White@Gcold Yeah Niels isn't remembering the events of the previous clearly and even altered his own memories to fit his his theorie having forgotten that Reno was suspicious of April instead. Guess I could have made that clearer
Niels Timmermans

When he came across Reno's body Niels's first thought was that his death was a coincidence and he felt guilty for accusing him of being a murderer. He quickly realized though that it was way to coincidental to be an accident. Since there was no one around yet he decided to leave the body and let someone "find" it to decrease the odds of being suspected.

He rushed back to his room and broke into his supply of chocolate to calm down a little. As soon as he felt better he realized who the killer was, Lauren. After all Reno accused her which must have made her angry. Sure she talked to Niels the night of Hsuh's death but there was plenty of time for her to strike before and afterwards. He couldn't believe that she used him to provide herself an alibi but he also knew he couldn't reveal he was on to her just yet.
@NightmareInd@ERode The idea behind mana bullet actually sounds a lot like what my unique item ended up becoming after Avemelle made some changes to what I sent. Maybe some kinda skill to use two guns at once would work, that is something I want to get for myself later on or maybe edit the concept behind mana bullet, like making it more luck based for example a skill that only works if there are no bullets in the gun and loads a random chamber with mana, if you choose the wrong one nothing happens and the mana you used is lost. That skill can then serve as a requirement for the mana ammo skill.
@RoflsMazoy I think some people have decided to keep their Earth names and some have decided to change it
Name : Silvaka (On Earth he was known as Takeshi Gima)
Appearance :

Race: Human
Age: 16
Personality: While fully willing to help others out Silvaka doesn't like the idea of being on the frontline when it comes to combat so the gunslinger class is perfect for him, especially since it seemed to be easier then becoming a magician. He prefers to handle things with the least amount of effort necessary, or at least the simplest way he can think of. He is not lazy per se but believes that you never know when you need to use that bit of saved energy/resources and as such it's better to save it, on the other hand he also accepts that sometimes you have to "waste" something rather than wait for the perfect time to use it.

Background: On earth Takeshi's life was rather average, his family was neither poor nor rich and while his parents did want him to do well academically they also didn't pressure him. That said he did have one unusual hobby, every once in a while he would either play paintball or lasertag, he never really saw much of a distinction between the two and considered them basically the same game with slightly different rules. He never was good enough to win tournaments of any kind but he didn't care he simply played for fun. In fact it was right after one of those games that he died, not that he remembers what happened.
Class : Gunslinger
Skills :
  • Double Tap: Allows the user to quickly hit a target in the exact same place twice, though each hit only deals 60% damage.
  • Instantaneous Reload: This allows the user to reload their gun in less than a second.
  • Snapshot: A single fast and accurate shot.
  • From the hip: This can only be used when drawing your gun from it's holster, but it's even faster than Snapshot at the cost of a lot of accuracy.
  • Pistol whip: A powerful melee strike using his currently held firearm as a bludgeon


Secret Password : cutie
Hmmm, special abilities are extensions of your character. A manifestation of who they were or who they want to be. Your special abilities can relate to the subclass your wanting or to the personality of your character. Here are some examples,

(Also when we get to the subclass section of the plot I'm basically going to let you guys chooes whatever you want to be. For example if your a warrior then you can go to paladin, samurai, or something along those lines. )

You didn't actually post the examples.
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