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I know it's the norm to do introduction posts but it'll take forever and people usually lose interest. I also don't think it's necessary for characterisation.

Just my opinion - we should start on a typical school day, they know they have powers and they know they're going to be involved in some sort of event but they don't know if anyone else is involved. We roleplay the day, maybe bump into each other and write about their relationship dynamics. Then the Unfair Monster arrives and they're all surprised to see each other.

If you think about it, our characters aren't gonna have a chance to really develop and get to know each other until after the first monster because they need it to tie them together. Option 2 means we get to developing faster.

That is a good point actually, I'd like to change my choice if possible
@IceHeart option 1 sounds like the best one
>Absorb the Dirt and Infused Dust carried by mime
>Digest the Ash and non-infused dirt to see if it recovers magic
>Either way continue digging
>learn mime
>use spell to move dirt

After everyone had gotten their skill the receptionist showed the group a training room downstairs and explained how skills worked, before mentioning that those who would stay behind would get an extended history lesson. As hr took the info in the female elf showed the group a bunch of weapons and gave them permission to use whatever they wanted. Before focusing on that he decided to try and get answers to something that bothered him.
"Excuse me but what would happen if you activate a skill verbally while also focusing on it? Or if you state the name of one skill but focus on another?"

After getting his answers he turned to the weapons, the first thing he picked was a simple looking Revolver. He had hoped to find a rifle but didn't see anything, though of course someone could have take one while he was talking. Next he grabbed a hand full of bullets and realizing he would need need something to carry them also grabbed a Bullet Pouch and a Holster he thought looked cool. Remembering his gunsafety he checked that the gun was unloaded before putting the bullet pouch and holster on.

Suddenly he noticed a bunch of knifes, figuring it wouldn't hurt to get a melee weapon he grabbed a simple Hunting Knife. Meanwhile some of the others had already started on their training. Two wizards were slinging fire at some dummies while the tailed woman leaped across the room before starting to beat her dummy up with enough speed to impress Sonic.

@Phantomlink959@NightmareInd @Avemelle

>Continue expanding the pool
>Spawn Slime.
>Name: Jello.
>Expand Slime Pool's crater until the liquid reaches the magic gateway on the right.
When Danny heard the boy say that the Goblins started a fire he stopped running and remembering the last fire knew he had to do something. He swallowed the four Green Argep and began preparing a Aqua Sphere I. Midway through the casting he got an idea and tried using Mana Shape I to flatten the sphere into blanket or disk to increase the surface area. Ignoring the risk of being seen by either the Goblins or the humans he aimed the water at the fire in hopes it was enough to put out the flames, if it wasn't he would repeat his actions until the fire actually was extinguished or he run out of mana.

When either one occurred he would use Meditate I to top himself off. If the fires were indeed out he would sneak back to see if there was a mostly intact stick that was somewhat hardened by the fire and try to see if Monster Analysis II could tell him anything about the boy and his "master". Otherwise he would create a few more Aqua Pancakes beforehand.

"My attacks seem mostly ineffective on these...Murkrow, was it?" That was something he did know about and he was happy to explain it to the Misdreavus. "Murkrow are part Dark-Type and thus immune to Physic-type attacks." While he was happy to hear the others agree to his plan to take the sleeping Pokemon out, he couldn't look at what Lance and Ravi did to them.

Instead feeling guilty about not being able to do the dirty deed himself he wandered over to Trevor and the Pellipper just in time to hear the Charmander's explanation for why they were left alone even though they were babies. Deciding to try and learn something more about this new world he wanted to talk to Wendy. "Yesterday we were attacked by a Bidoof with red eyes and while we defeated it, bide had no effect. Any idea what that was about?"

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