The spiders hiss as they begin to close in around Eric and the unconscious Aela. The spider in front of Eric hisses all eight eyes trained on him. The large spider was almost the size of a horse. This one was an adult and it was determined on getting it's food. The Silvia dripping from it's mouth contained a toxin that had knocked Aela out cold.
As Emily soared looking for the serpent, her strong eyes were able to spot the serpent seeming to be asleep in the swamp. It's body covered each inch of the swamp area.
The spiders hiss as they begin to close in around Eric and the unconscious Aela. The spider in front of Eric hisses all eight eyes trained on him. The large spider was almost the size of a horse. This one was an adult and it was determined on getting it's food. The Silvia dripping from it's mouth contained a toxin that had knocked Aela out cold.
As Emily soared looking for the serpent, her strong eyes were able to spot the serpent seeming to be asleep in the swamp. It's body covered each inch of the swamp area.