Avatar of Fabricant451


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4 mos ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
4 mos ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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4 mos ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
4 mos ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
4 mos ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

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For some reason, Hoshiko felt responsible for everything.

Well, not the dead body, that wasn't any of their fault. But Hoshiko, in a rare display of silence within the group, spent the trip to the police station with her head down and her mouth closed tight. She couldn't even bring herself to look towards any others in the cruiser with her, and she knew if she looked at Shirasawa-senpai at any point then Hoshiko probably would've felt even more guilty than she was presently. She didn't mean to say 'Shirasawa did it', she meant to say that Shirasawa found the body! Like those old games people played a couple years ago, only without any of the fun arguing between friends. How could she apologize adequately? Hoshiko had never really been part of a group this big and she was already clearly making a strong case to be excluded from future hangouts.

The silence continued from Hoshiko even as she was brought into a room by herself and sat opposite Miss Saitou. It wasn't until Miss Saitou clapped her hands in front of Hoshiko's face that the first year finally looked up and blinked like she had been woken up from a deep, comatose slumber. "Huh? What? S..Sorry." Hoshiko shook her head but her smile was gone for the moment. She was still stuck in the feeling of deep apology.

"Ebina...that's not the most common family name. Any-"

Hoshiko knew what was coming. It was asked more than she'd like to admit. "Yes, Ebina Habiki is my brother. We're...not close."

"Who's Ebina Habiki?"

Hoshiko paused, blinking, an awkward chuckle escaping her mouth. "Oh uh..well...he's...an actor...right now he's...well...it doesn't matter, you must not be a fan of his. You'd probably think he's handsome, so many other women your age do."

"How old do you think I am?"

"Oh it's fine, my brother is twenty three, he's totally -"

"Best you don't finish that sentence. I was going to ask if there was any sane reason why you decided to put your hands on a dead body."

Hoshiko knew the question was coming but there wasn't really an answer that could be considered good even as she was thinking of one the entire time. How could someone really justify every action they took? Sometimes people just did things because their bodies moved without thinking. That was human nature. "I...well...in police dramas they look through the body to find identification. I wanted to know who it was. And I wanted to know if he was...you know...really dead. He could've just been really, really drunk or something. It's not...it's not illegal to touch a corpse is it?"

"Actually yes. Destruction of evidence if you took something or willingly damaged it. Fortunately you didn't do that, you were just stupid."

"That's...that's kind of mean."

"You were just being stupid. Is that better?"


"Why did you say Shirasawa-san did it? Isn't she your friend?"

This was the other question Hoshiko expected to be asked of her and this one at least she had a more prepared statement for. "I didn't mean that she killed the guy! I meant she found his body. It was just...I panicked. I freaked out! I...I don't think they're gonna wanna hang out with me anymore." Hoshiko slumped in the chair, again pointing her head downwards as she sighed. "I'm sorry for touching the body. It's my fault they're here so you can let them go. They didn't do anything."

"It doesn't work that way Ebina-san. But I do have more questions for you..."

When Hoshiko's interrogation was finished, she was brought back to the waiting room she almost dropped down to her knees in apology, but instead simply stood by the door and looked at everyone whose day she had made somehow worse - and given they were going to study that was a monumental feat. "I...I'm sorry. I'm really...really sorry. When we get out of here I'll go home and I won't bother you guys again."

Hoshiko took her seat and awaited judgment, saying nothing else on the matter. When everyone was free to go, Hoshiko thrust her hands into her pockets and walked with her head down. When the talk of getting food still was broached, Hoshiko took that as a sign. "You guys...enjoy it. I'm gonna go home. Sorry...sorry again...for ruining the day." A final apology as Hoshiko finally ran out of something to say.

She didn't leave the group but she wasn't moving in any hurry to do so either. She was just...moping.
In Rangers 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

interacting with: @Akayaofthemoon

At first, Mila wasn't planning on going.

When it came to the holidays, Mila Doehring's relationship with them were complicated to say the least. The last Christmas was spent in the lobby of student housing just because nowhere else was open long enough to spend more than an hour or so inside; she could've bitten the bullet and made an attempt to go see her parents, her family, but she made a promise and she was going to stick to it even if that meant spending a Christmas bouncing between reading about an ancient civilization and humming along to Here Comes Santa Claus. This Christmas, at least, she managed to spend with people at a little party hosted by her favorite teacher at the University. But that was Christmas and now it was New Years Eve and that meant a festival and with a festival meant people celebrating another year gone and another year to come. She didn't go to the festival last year with the excuse of having an excessive amount of homework. She had, of course, been lying, she always made sure her homework was finished at a reasonable enough time. She just didn't want to go. And she almost didn't go this year. But then she went to a cafe.

Going to a cafe was nothing special, Mila went regularly enough when she wanted a change of pace from the library. Normally she would think little of it, except on this particular trip she noticed one of the employees was new and seemed to be a bit in over her head. Mila could empathize, there was a time when Mila didn't know anyone and had a hard time breaking that ice. It might have been an assumption on her part, but that didn't stop her from asking if the employee was new to Angel Grove, and it wasn't long after that that Mila had met Hana Song.

It was Mila who invtied Hana to the festival believing that it would be a good way to end the year without having to worry about if a party was with the right crowd or not. Free music, food from trucks, attractions, what wasn't to like? And if Mila had her way, by the end of the night Hana would have expanded her circle of friends. Just because Mila often chose reading and history over dates and hanging out didn't mean she wasn't still a social butterfly when it mattered. What Mila didn't want to do was force Hana into an uncomfortable situation. Yes, the blonde wanted her friend - associate, whatever the term - to meet more people, to find her voice so the speak, but it was important that it be on Hana's own terms, not on Mila's. As long as it took.

"Keep the change. Happy New Year." Mila paid for a slice of sausage pizza and two canned beverages. One she popped open and took a sip from, the other wasn't for her. The other she offered to Hana. "I probably should've asked if you wanted anything, but I wasn't thinking. Still, it's yours if you want it." Mila took a bite of pizza and her expression could only be described as...intense. Her eyes closed, she sighed deeply, and she savored the bite. What was it about festival food that made it taste better? The perfectly melted cheese, the slightly spiced sausage, the warm sauce holding it all together...Mila couldn't help herself and took a second bite as her ears pricked up from the sound of a police siren whizzing past in the distance.

"Probably some drunken brawls or something." Mila shrugged. It was that time of the year. Plus big gatherings of people always had a tendency to have a few rowdy jerks making things worse for everyone. Mila didn't want to focus on sirens, she wanted to focus on music, on the live performances going on. Some bands were clearly better than others but that didn't matter given the atmosphere of it all. "Do you want to get closer to the stage? Wait, better question: how are you doing? Having fun, right? I told you it wouldn't be so bad." If nothing else, Mila hoped Hana would come away from the night not regretting being there.
In Rangers 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay



Got into the Overwatch 2 beta

Push is the best game mode.

okay i added them

There was a certain energy to the ramen group that Hoshiko couldn't describe but it made her feel what could commonly be described as happiness. It felt like she was hanging out with friends and while she wasn't presumptuous to say they were, the fact that she was so easily able to talk with them despite them being in a higher year than her was a good sign. She was even smiling a bit though that was as much because she was going to have food on someone else's dime which was always worth a grin or two. Before doing the rounds in conversation her eyes rolled towards another senpai who seemed very excited about the girl who took their order which only served to widen Hoshiko's smile again. "Senpai, do you have a cruuuuuuush? You should say something!" Hoshiko was quiet enough to not alert the attention of Yuri but loud enough that it was very clear among the group who she was talking to.

"Cute? The boys who like you?" Hoshiko blinked towards Shirasawa-senpai. Hoshiko wasn't exactly an expert on cute boys so she shrugged her shoulders. "You could probably do better." As the food was set in front of her, the first thing she did was take a gyoza and dip it in the broth of her spicy ramen before taking a bite. "You have a rough way of talking, senpai. It's kinda funny." Speaking with her mouthful towards Nakano-senpai, Hoshiko took another dunked gyoza bite. "Also what's a condom? Why would she be scared to buy them? Hey we should all exchange contact info. Do you guys have Line?" Perhaps she was rushing into things but Hoshiko didn't care.

She was just happy to be part of something for once.

April 24th, 2025

"I don't even know why I'm hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."

Hoshiko slumped her shoulders as she followed along with the small group of mostly familiar faces. When she left the ramen shop a few days ago she didn't expect the next time she'd be invited to something would be being dragged along to a study group. She hated to study! It was so boring! And she wasn't even in their class, she was a first year, they'd all already been through it so what were they going to study with her? Answers to tests they took already? Hoshiko's hands were in her pockets and her lips were pouting but she'd already agreed to come along when Shirasawa-senpai ran into her in the halls and invited her as Hoshiko was getting a drink for lunch.

In hindsight, Hoshiko really wished she listened to the invite instead of just immediately saying yes when she was asked to do something with others.

There was some conversation being discussed about their class being expelled but that didn't exactly matter to Hoshiko given she was a first year and the worst thing her teacher did was try and get Hoshiko to apply herself. She was partly tuning out and partly making sure her voice was heard as she complained whilst shuffling her feet. There was nothing exciting about studying even if it came with them stopping to get snacks which at the very least would be the highlight of the afternoon. Hoshiko would have killed for something else to do.

And that was precisely when Shirasawa shrieked.

Hoshiko had to cover her ears until it subsided. Just before she thought to ask what that was all about, she noticed the rest of the group in some state of shock or the like and her eyes finally danced upon the reason. A body. A corpse. A cadaver. All manner of other names for the thing that was completley out of the ordinary; it wasn't like corpses were just found on the sidewalk every day. Well, not that she knew of. She'd have to ask Nakano-senpai if she saw bodies before; she just seemed like the type. The only time Hoshiko had seen a body was on cop dramas that she watched, mystery stories and the like starring eccentric murder solving detectives and the stuffy partner who was usually cute and uptight.

"Is it a real one?" While people were, understandably, freaking out, Hoshiko did a strange choice and approached the body, blinking only once as she did. "Shouldn't we, like, see who it is? Maybe we know him. Like a grandpa or uncle or something." That's how they did it in the shows. The detectives would look for a wallet or card or identification of some kind and while Hoshiko was definitely not a detective she had watched many of them on tv. "Wow he's like...really dead, huh." Hoshiko, for want of a stick, crouched next to the corpse and poked with her index finger the arm of the corpse. She gripped the cadaver's sleeve and lifted the arm up a brief moment and let it fall back onto the trash bags.


An authoritative voice cut through the area and Hoshiko quickly stood and spun to face it. Two uniformed officers arrived on the scene and instinctively Hoshiko threw up her hands. "He was dead when we got here. Honestly. I didn't do it. We didn't do it. She did it." Hoshiko pointed towards Shirasawa-senpai. "I mean she didn't do it. She-"

"Everybody step away. Now." The first officer on scene commanded while his partner was reporting something to the radio, no doubt calling it in and calling for backup.

"See, this is why I don't study."

"Which one of you kids can explain to me what happened?" Wisely, the officer seemed to ignore Hoshiko.

Yes, Activision-Blizzard sucks and all but also I kinda hope I get into the Overwatch 2 beta.

I dunno I just wanna throw javelins at people as a robot horse.
In Rangers 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
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