Avatar of Fabricant451


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4 mos ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
4 mos ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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4 mos ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
4 mos ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
4 mos ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

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When the loud thunk alerted everyone, Hoshiko's first instinct was to wonder what she had broken. Of course that was impossible, once she had sat down after her brilliant portrayal of the hundred hand slap she hadn't gotten up for anything other than to rummage through the snack bag in a desperate bid to find something else to occupy her hands. She didn't so much as get a crisp or a crumb before practically jumping from her seated position in shock and fear, only one of which subsided when she realized the reality of the situation. As Shirasawa-senpai darted out of the room, Hoshiko took the opportunity to look around at the similarly confused faces who had just wanted to enjoy the spirit of competition in the form of flinging fireballs and uppercuts at each other. "I didn't do it." It went without saying but with Hoshiko she could never be sure and it was good to cover her bases.

Before Shirasawa-senpai came back, Hoshiko was seriously considering playing the round anyway. What would be the harm in playing senpai's turn? Other than using a character Hoshiko didn't know anything about - which wasn't saying much considering she only knew about three of them anyway - it would have at least kept things from being awkwardly silent. As her hand hovered over the controller, Shirasawa-senpai came back and Hoshiko snapped her hand back and tried to let out an innocent whistle. As long as her hand wasn't actually in the cookie jar, so to speak, then there was no harm in anything.

Of course, no one seemed to care about Hoshiko almost cutting the turn order because in Shirasawa-senpai's hands was the cause of the impact. A bird. A crow, specifically. Hoshiko knew as much about birds as she did about most subjects in school, which was just enough to know not much at all. "Do birds normally have red eyes?" Hoshiko asked, blinking at the bird; others seemed more concerned with the potential of a flapping, crapping, squawking annoyance but Hoshiko had never known anything with red eyes to be good. Every game or anime or show the villains always had red eyes or red something. She'd rather not, of course, but if the bird was evil she was about sixty percent sure she could take it in a fight.

"Is it one of those talking birds?" Hoshiko cupped her hands around her mouth and aimed towards the bird. "HELLO! CAN YOU SAY 'HOSHIKO'? DO YOU WANT A CRACKER? A COOKIE? HELLO." It didn't seem to be working.
I saw both Chip and Dale and Sonic 2 and I liked both of them fine enough. Chip and Dale does make Space Jam 2 look tame, though, like holy shit.
In Rangers 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Interacting With: Everyone

It was truly impressive what a human could do when the fight or flight instinct kicked in - though Mila wasn't even quite sure that was the name for it or if it was just a matter of adrenaline kicking into overdrive. Whatever the reasoning was, she was genuinely surprised to see Hana, the same quiet, reserved Hana, attempt to choke out an attacker and even when getting thrown aside her first response was still in making sure others were okay. Mila included. How could she, in good conscience, let something as painful as getting attacked by weirdo Halloween guys stop her? Mila managed to go from laying on her back to using her hands to lift herself to a seated position, wincing as she placed a hand on her side. Definitely an x-ray sort of situation. Internal bleeding was a killer, she could attest to that personally.

"Hana, you alright?" Mila asked, nodding to her friend who presently had a hand on Mila's shoulder. "I didn't know what a little badass you were." Smiling through the injury and not quite letting the gravity and intensity of the situation bring her down, Mila weakly gave Hana a thumbs up, both to show that she was okay, if a little dinged up, and as approval for her actions. It still hurt, but she couldn't let that stop her.

"I don't think we're the only ones being stupid." Mila gestured with her head towards the fallen Korean girl saying something about Ray-Bans as if she were Johnny Cage complaining about five hundred dollar sunglasses. If it wasn't the whole life and death attacked by weird things situation that it was, Mila might've laughed. She'd have to remember to do so later. At least a smirk. There was also the guy talking about...ass flowers? Mila gave him the benefit of the doubt, under stressful situations people often said things that made...well it probably made sense to him. And then there was the second guy who asked what they should do and Mila couldn't think of an answer. What could they do? They were clearly outclassed and outnumbered.

"I assume you guys aren't going to run." Mila's answer to something like this was easy enough for her. If it meant other people could live, she would throw herself upon the sword to guarantee it. In the grand scheme of things making sure others survived was a worthy conclusion. It was why she was an organ donor. "Then I guess we give 'em hell before we see them there." Mila, through wincing teeth and with the help of Hana, got to her feet, blood lightly dripping from a scrape on her arm. If this was the plan, then so be it. Mila nodded towards Hana and hobbled towards the Ray-Bans girl, offering her a hand to help her to her feet. "You with us, Ray-Bans?"

Before the heroic last stand could occur, though, a colorful rainbow of...color whipped and whisked through the smoke, fending off the attackers before emerging and floating in front of the five of them. Mila's eyes widened, not specifically because of what had happened to the attackers, but because there were floating crystals in front of them. And, more importantly, "I've never seen a crystal like this. It's not jade...or emerald...verdelite? Maybe...prasiolite? No, it's not quartz it can't be...Vesuvinite" Her eyes looked towards the other four crystals floating by the others. "Heliodor?" She said of the yellow crystal. "Eudialyte?...Tanzanite?...Rhodocrosite?" Mila asked of the red, blue, and pink crystals. Without actual closer study she couldn't do anything other than guess based solely on visuals but of course...there was no time.

Mila, instinctively, touched the green crystal in front of her and it was like getting a dose of caffeine or an endorphin rush all at once as her body surged, lurched, and the crystal phased inside of her - not something crystals had a tendency to do. As the rush of sensation continued, the pain in her side subsided and a green swirl whooshed and swooshed and wrapped over her left wrist as a device similar to the ones appearing on the wrists of the others appeared. Mila didn't know what it meant, only that it was likely monumental. Important. Life altering.

"I have a million questions right now but...maybe we should think about them later? I don't know about you guys but I think some payback is in order. I feel like I can kick some ass right now."

The only proper course of action was to break out into a grin so wide it would make that green guy who hated Christmas ask her to dial it back. But really what other option was there for getting a senpai to admit that he didn't have physical magazines but instead looked at stuff digitally. It wasn't a huge revelation or anything, but it made her laugh and grin all the same. It was a pity she wouldn't be able to judge him for his tastes but in truth she didn't know how to judge; this was her first time in the room of a boy but obviously it wasn't like the dramas made it seem. There was no romance in the air. Only chaos. Chaos, snacks, and Street Fighter.

"I'll play last. I played some at the arcade so I'm probably gonna win. The only true statement she made was that she played some of Street Fighter at the arcade. Her record wasn't exactly stellar when it came to playing humans but anyone who played at the game center was on a whole different level anyway and didn't count. Among friends? Hoshiko liked her odds. At least enough to want to get a round in. "You should pick the sumo wrestler. He's fun. He goes like-" Hoshiko started slapping her hands forward quickly like the famed sumo wrestler himself just not as quickly.

Her slap-happy self caused her to accidentally hit a shelf in the room, clattering some objects to the floor. Hoshiko retracted her hands and set about picking up what she dropped, scratching her head and hoping nothing was broken. She couldn't really afford to replace it. "Sorry. I'll...I'll just take a seat and wait my turn. Hoshiko found a seat and sat, hands in her lap. "Could you pass the snacks?"
Anyone see the new Chip n Dale movie yet?
I wish Chrono Cross Remastered didn't run so poorly because Chrono Cross is fantastic and deserves to be played by more people

Hohsiko did, of course, still feel bad about the whole touching a corpse thing but having Shirasawa-senpai give a little pep talk helped Hoshiko rationalize the fact that it was really likely they were going to be questioned as witnesses in the first place. Regardless, it was clear to Hoshiko that going forward she was certainly going to...not touch any dead bodies. Of course, she didn't expect to come across another one any time soon - or ever, if she had her way. It was still creepy and she had even washed her hands at the police station. Twice. Some things just stuck with a person, she figured.

Unfortunately what was sticking together was the study group - not that them being a group was a bad thing, moreso the fact that after their interrogation it seemed they had every intention of studying. At least that was what Hoshiko thought before she brought up the rear of the gang upon arriving at the house to the sights and scents of a home cooked meal. If Hoshiko was down in the dumps before all it took was smelling something hot and ready to get her practically jumping to the front of the line to get a peek and, more importantly, a plate. The others were, naturally, thankful and excited for the smorgasbord and while Hoshiko was as well she just couldn't help herself when she saw Chen's father and the spread.

"Do you have any burgers?

She did not get burgers but she did proudly boast that she would eat more spring rolls and dumplings than anyone else. No one even challenged her, she just made the claim as she placed no fewer than six of them on a single plate and that was also before she grabbed a generous portion of chow mein. Whether or not she won her boastful claim, Hoshiko was no stranger to eating in excess; her reasoning was solid enough: if it was on someone else's dime or time, it would be rude to let things go to waste. Leftovers never tasted as good so she was doing Akio-senpai a favor by helping reduce the amount of leftovers his family would have. It made sense to Hoshiko. But then so did touching a corpse.

It was because of her little feast that Hoshiko entered Chen's room holding her stomach with one hand and secretly chomping away on a spring roll with the other. Dessert would have to wait, though, unless there was parfait in which case she would happily jump at the chance. Still, while the others were settling on snacks or looking for games to play, Hoshiko was, rudely enough, looking around the room - specifically near Chen's bed.

"I thought guys had magazines in their room. Did you hide them before we got here?" Yes, Hoshiko said it aloud, and no she didn't seem to care if it embarrassed the host. "They must be pretty steamy if you hid them, senpai."

For better or worse, Hoshiko was no longer moping around.
In Rangers 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

If ever there was any doubt in Mila's mind about her grand plan of inviting Hana along to the festivities, they were swept away like dirt from a broom when Hana said she was having fun. Fun was a good start. Fun led to wanting to go to more places with people which, in turn, led to friends and the like. The contented blonde took another bite of her pizza, still piping hot and baked to a meaty, cheesy, saucy perfection that it was impossible for her to stop with just that bite and promptly took another, savoring the flavor, the taste, the everything. Was there anything better than pizza? If there was, Mila would like to meet it. She was about to crack into her drink when Hana lightly pulled at her wrist and they were on their way closer to the stage.

It was fortunate for Mila that she had managed to swallow her bites; had she not then when Hana grabbed Mila's wrist, Mila might well have choked or had the sausage delight go down the wrong tube. Mila blinked as she was pulled along, willingly her steps trailed beside Hana. Her eyes flitted, darted, swirled about. It was nothing, the touch to the wrist, quick and effortless, a gesture shared between friends, and yet Mila was thinking about it. About if she could ever be bold enough to touch someone's wrist - about why she was thinking so hard about it. She knew Hana was having fun, was expressing her desire to get closer, to mingle with the crowd, but for Mila the only thing that mattered to her was the fact that...hands sure were soft. In the best possible way. She spent so much time around rocks and old textbooks that sometimes she forgot these things.

What she did know, though, was that seeing Hana smiling at the suggestion of going closer in turn made Mila smile - though hers was a shade dimmer thanks to her mind racing at a thousand thoughts a minute.

The scream of a woman and the faint rumbling of a distant explosion capped off by the rising of smoke into the night sky snapped Mila from her confused reverie. When beige-clad...beings descended on the crowd around the concert stage, Mila's pizza dropped from her hands, the plate splattering to the ground and the pizza immediately getting trampled to the dirt by people desperately fleeing from the commotion. Mila's first instinct was simple enough. As Hana had before her, Mila grabbed for Hana's wrist not to pull her towards but to try and pivot so Hana was placed behind Mila. "Hana, RUN!" The safety of her friend was more important right now.

Mila watched in horror as someone close to her was scooped off the ground and thrown aside like garbage. She shook her head at the thought. Not garbage. That was a person. The head shake turned to a full body shake. That was a person. A person was tossed aside. A person made a heavy thud as they were thrown away. And there were more people being approached by the strange beige figures.

Instinctively, Mila started moving side to side, the fundamentals of her capoeira training. As one of the beige men lunged at her, she performed a rolê, narrowly avoiding the lance. "Didn't you losers get the memo? Halloween is in October!" Mila taunted as she performed a second rolê to the other side, avoiding a second attack. The third time she wasn't as lucky as one of the attackers was quick-witted enough to not go for an overhead lunge but a sweep.

Mila found herself landing with a thud on the ground, unsure if the wet feeling on her back was blood, water, or... "...I think I landed on my pizza..." Mila groaned out just as she was, quite literally, kicked while she was down. Spittle with a little fleck of blood coughed up from her as she rolled on the ground, rolling onto her side. She wasn't quite ready to just ball up and take the hits, but the wind was certainly knocked out of her. If she'd had a pain like this before she hadn't remembered it. Not a physical one anyway.

"Come on, Mila...get up...get up..." But for the moment, no matter how much she said it, her body was refusing to cooperate.

I wanna be a magical girl

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