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lmao I accidentally bopped my own CS thread, dang quick hands.
@Vertigo the only thing that's a bit off from what I've written is that a 10 year old Noctem would be closer to a 20-22 year old human; I made their lifespan but relative age roughly a half/double ratio to a human's, otherwise you hit the nail on the head with the idea. Small children that suddenly sprout into full sized bodies before co-ordination can really set in, who rapidly develop the full cognitive abilities of an adult with their shared experiences. That's Noctem.
Sounds good, no complaints from me, ship may sail, cargo manifest is secure, so on and so forth.

I like the background; simple, captures tone, puts a few dart throws at the map, and sets up Durwood well to answer The Summons. Nothing to add or nudge here at all, I'll be adding Selside Village and Knettishall to my notes and tying them into the Dale Lands.

1) Just let me know what you're switching and what your justification for the character is; it's usually going to be okay, I'm not such a stickler, I just didn't want the stat shuffling since I made the races 'fantastic'.

2) Yep! I intentionally kept the Noctem to +4 net instead of +5 net because I baked in what I felt was a powerful racial ability to pick-and-choose mini-multiclass. The +4 vs +5 was part of that mental-gymnastic-routine that I called 'balance' in my own head; the physical folks get caps bumped to 24, mental folks to 22, and Noctem get slightly less raw stats to compensate for their greater versatility. That was the design intention at least, and 1 stat point often isn't a huge difference in the grand scheme.

Additionally the caps were placed where they were, and the stat bonuses assigned how they were, to compensate for a common perception of 'magic wins D&D'; I made the physically inclined races truly exceptional, while still making the magically inclined ones fantastic compared to the human- all while trying to keep the human relevant in its versatility and rolling in what I thought was a very fitting ability for Humans in Fantasy.
Me forgetting about mother’s day definitely contributed to my own delay.
I have now added snippets for the Storied Road and the Journey of Du'Eld; I decided to take it easy instead of pumping out the full length stories I had in mind for either lol.

No rush to anyone, just addressing what I've read so far and giving small nudges or notes.
Someone’s PM’d questions indirectly reminded me I owe you lot details on The Storied Road and the Journey of Du’Eld. I ghosted it in making the ‘recent history’ and ‘The Summons’; I have now remembered to do it.
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