Avatar of Fading Memory


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2 yrs ago
Current Awake O Sleeper
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3 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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That's good. Dandy. Excellent even. Just Fantas-

wait. No. I KNOW the carnival now. I comprehend it. I've been steeped in the carnival. I've had time to marinate the carnival. The carnival knows me. Anything that isn't the carnival is scary :(
Don't do this. Don't give me hope. More chapters means more carnivals. Please. I can't handle it. /s
Things are bigger inside than they are outside.
Alright chums, it's the 14th; woohoo. As said before, Neianna86 has been very vocal and communicative with me about their stuff and as such they will have some extra time to get me their finalized background information. I've got enough to work off of to finish my notes for the game beginning, and can begin working on an official adventure-start writeup.
I reiterate my prior statement; this carnival is straight up not a good time right now. [in Character, at least].

I'm having the time of my life here. [Out of Character, at least].
Should be able to finish this up and post tomorrow evening; cheers! Thanks for the patience, folks!
In the interest of me maintaining a flow, I’m gonna set a soft deadline for the 11th for people to express interest, and the 14th will be a hard deadline for completed characters. The game will begin properly shortly after that.

Hello the 11th!

To any and all Lurkers and Watchers I will officially be closing off welcoming any other interested parties today; I’m still in contact with and assisting neianna86 with their sheet and we are making good time.

So far we are set to meet schedule just dandy this weekend!
Sorry for me delays, had a proper sidetrack these last few days. I’m pencilling in time this week on the ol’ calendar to catch back up.
3/6 of you folks took the Guidance Cantrip. I will just assume it is active barring situations I warn you people that it may be inappropriate or otherwise noticed by those around you, such as during combat it would still need to specifically be cast, or if trying to interact in social situations or with potentially hostile people who may react to the casting of a spell.
I'm stoked that y'all got this info in early and finished your characters ahead of time. If only I could get my real life players to read half my notes, or level their characters up before the sessions /s
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