Avatar of Fading Memory


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2 yrs ago
Current Awake O Sleeper
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3 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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That’s just dandy and fine. No harm in that.


Alrighty it's saturday! I'll have a post up responding to anyone who has introduced themselves so far later today!
Yoooo wrapping up finals is awesome. The last time I had finals I failed a computer science second level class and nearly aced my english and philosophy courses, setting the tone for the rest of my life! Props and kudos!
I legitimately have no idea if any of our plans even align but this eighth hour better be wild.
I’ll try to post at least once a week unless folks specifically need more time than that. During combats or if everyone else posts within that time I should be able to respond more frequently, but my general self-rule is to post on saturdays so folks aren’t left waiting on each other in situations like this starting scenario.

In that vein, I have a vacation for the weekend of the 27th, so I may be absent that weekend while I try to submerge myself in an anime convention despite not having watched any anime this calendar year.
We are up and running folks; let's have a good time.

As an update, I run my real-world D&D games on Sundays like today, so aside from early in the mornings like when I started writing today, I need to focus on that obligation and may not be as available as usual.

The greatest of cities, the capital of the Dale Lands, and symbol of the ancient oaths of Aesithas. Fenhall stands upon a rise in the dale, a hillock being the foundation of its original longhall in ancient times. Over countless generations that founding hillock has been built upon in a slow evolution to the grand palace that now stands at the heart of the dale; from tribal longhall to imposing hillfort; from hillfort to a rising tower; from a tower to a grand Castle. Its stone walls and high parapets have often been a sign of the strength of the Dale Folk. Its omnipresent status over the surrounding city a promise of safety come danger. The high tower, storied to have been the home of the Blade of the Dale, is said to have once lit like a beacon with the rising sun...

The city radiates outwards from the palace, surrounding it on all sides, with a main promenade paving its way from the main gate of the Palace through the city and to its western gate. This cobbled stone road houses the market of the city and sees good traffic even in these times as far off travelers and merchants come to peddle their goods or seek refuge from the wilds within the stone walls of Fenhall, but one cannot help but see that even at noontime and during the harvest the streets have ample room for more to come. Prominent, near to the western gate, is the Grand Temple to the Two-Faced Gods.

A stark contrast to the ancient grandeur of the Royal Palace, the Grand Temple is meticulously designed and encompasses a great width rather than a towering height. A large central building is comprised of terraced viewing balconies in the round about a central sanctum, with six branching avenues dissecting this central chamber. Each of these avenues leads to a chamber housed in neighboring constructions, each one's construction as artisanal as that of the central temple, dedicated to each of the separate Two-Faced Gods. Each day of the week a different service is found here, with the seventh day bearing a grand sermon from the Archbishop himself in the central temple. Whilst still meticulously maintained, it is clear that time and circumstance have lead to a decline in the state of the temple; stones on the walk are cracked, pews grow dusty and forgotten, but the altars are tended to with the fervor of the devout...

But all that the Palace of Fenhall represents these days is the failures of generations of kings. No longer to the citizens of Fenhall gaze towards the castle with awe or hope; no longer does the high tower blaze with the grace of Renyo; no longer do the Palace Guards walk the streets proud of their heritage and the justice they represent. No longer does the Grand Temple seem as a communion to the Gods; no longer do the masses heed the Archbishop's sermons; no longer does its illustrious design inspire at the sight of its vaunted great doors. And why would they? The palace houses Mildred the Unready, the accursed and doomed witch of Fenhall, and the Gods themselves seem to have abandoned Aesithas to this decay...

Nay, now the people's gaze falls only at their feet, with scant few daring to raise their eyes towards the horizon- or towards Hope...

As dawn breaks over Fenhall, the light of the sun struggles to break through the dense cloud cover of the day and the gloom of night clings to the waking world most dreadful. Light breaks through the cloud coverage in sparse locations, brightening up the morning dutifully, but a light rain that begins to fall cascades coolly down upon the streets and joins the gloom in an unpleasant matrimony. The main streets that are paved become slick underfoot, and much of the city becomes riddled with mud patches where paving stones give way to dirt pathing.

On this auspicious day of days, as if guided by the hand of Olst himself, you six arrive at Fenhall by way of the West Gate, having traveled the main stone road that begins at the mouth of the dale, where a bridge crosses the River Dale and leads down into the great valley that the tribes of Men have called home since ancient times. It is a many day journey from the mouth of the dale to Fenhall itself, the main road passing beneath the watch of the First Fort, Castle Boville, which rises upon the northern crest of the valley and surveys over the road to Fenhall. The journey from there was safe, the sheltered protection of the valley and the knowledge that the First Fort was at your backs granting you a peace and sanctuary that is rare upon the road.

Arriving at Fenhall, a great Noctem Shanty has been constructed outside the walls; wagons and tents gathered together in a communal manner, tied and hitched to create a shared space out of the rain where the Noctem who can ill afford to travel share their supplies and resources. A great multitude of family troupes comingle in this place, the banner of the Royal Palace flying over a prominent wagon by the road; a symbol of the princess Mildred's permission and blessing to take residence outside the walls.

The road into Fenhall is open, the gates welcoming and a nearby stable maintained by a singular member of the Palace Guard who tends to a pair of scrawny draft horses. Despite the light shower of rain the paved path is busy on the morn as people try to prepare for the day's market. The path leads through the central market of the city, where a mix of tent, booth, and permanent wood and stone buildings present themselves as shops and services. Finally, the portcullis of the Royal Palace is raised; admitting all who wish to enter into the castle's grounds.

There we are. Proper Ellis time; be loud, obnoxious, and distressingly brazen. That ought to stir the pot.
Falling still at his companion's sides with their own discretion, Ellis shut his eyes and let out a soft breath as the raptor cried out its exaltations from the Abbey Gate. The words travel'd the air and, to the elder hog's perception, seemed to fill him from the tips of his paws to the farthest reaches of his spines. Unbidden to his senses, his spikes rose slowly as the raptor spoke- the threat of its words working their predatory call into the very instincts of Ellis of the Tap and overriding his bodily control.

"...We must be taking an unproven beast at their word." He said quietly, in response to Marigold. "Don't be looking for lies when the rest is plain scary 'nuff. Stay still, stay quiet, young cousins, but keep your eyes and wits- we must try to give time for others to scurry away and seek refuge 'afore we can properly bargain with this beast."

He opened his eyes, his spines settling, before he rose from their hiding spot and set himself upon the road striding towards the Gate with a lumbering, oafish, gait. His voice cried out, rising high and strong;

"Hark, listener, to these words!
They carry within them a warning of old
A warning, dear listener, of a dibbun so bold!
This youth, this youth, oh this blessed youth!
Nary a thought nor caution was felt
Nary a grown'un nor mother was behel't

This little one was reckless, tis true!
This little one was a fool, too!
He feared not a bruise nor scratch-
But the rumble of the stomach was too much for the lad!
If ye learn anythin' from this tune, let it be
'do not be bad!'

His song carried high into the air, his deep baritone rumbling through the air as the large hedgehog approached the Gate brazenly, heaving against it and casting it open before him. Solidifying his message to any goodbeast within earshot, for all of the abbey were familiar with his songs and tales, he skipped stanza and shifted to a separate part of the tune. To the raptor he was just a hedgehog who may have had too much to sip- to those who may be in the area, he was calling upon memory and learning of danger and warning;

"They ran, they swam, they bounded, they leapt
The great Rat's nose sniffing as they went!
Soon the great Abbey walls rose in their eyes-
But the vile rat soon would have them as his prize
If not for the walls! Oh Redwall, Oh Redwall!
The Walls of Redwall and its great tower Bell!

The Rat leapt from hiding, scooped them young'uns up!
But right as he did, the bell was struck!
The spirit of Martin rushed to their aid!
The Warrior of Redwall always saves the day!
While battle was set, the Dibbuns made their haste!
For within the walls of Redwall, there was dinner to taste!

The message was clear; listen to the elder beasts, seek safety, danger was afoot.

Ellis swayed forward, remaining in the shelter of the gate itself, and cast a paw over his eyes as if the sun was a bother.

"--Eh? What...Whatzallthisthen? Fear? Summa...some-kind of greatbeast? Ho! Ye be in the right place then, friend!" He called up to the air, attempting to draw the raptor's attention to himself. "Redwall Abbey welcomes all beasts! Harken, new friend, harken to me- tell this humblybeast more of this..this...this prince fella!" He laughed so loud and boisterous that he almost seemed as if he was to fall over upon himself. "I think I'd like to shake 'is paw, sounds like a proper generous lad!"
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