Avatar of Fading Memory


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2 yrs ago
Current Awake O Sleeper
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3 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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My internet is down which is really frustrating, since I only just turned my computer on tonight to begin writing. So there’s a delay on my end, apologies.
Aright. Haven’t turned on the ol computer in a few days. Expect a post from me in a few days, then I’ll move back to my ‘On Saturdays’ schedule.
Apologies. Today was uncharacteristically busy following a stupendously bad friday. I’ll let you guys know when my next post is coming.
I live. Barely, but I do. Too many sleepless nights in a row lmao.
<Snipped quote by Fading Memory>

I'm getting married on Saturday and leaving for my honeymoon immediately after. So my chances of getting a post up are looking pretty slim so you should be safe. Enjoy your vacation!

Way to one-up me you bastard. My own wedding is still over a year away, huzzah and godspeed!
Just in case any of you would directly need me, I will likely be completely unavailable through this next weekend until monday; I'm taking a vacation and attending an anime convention, so if I need to respond to anyone directly before then I apologize!
Just as a heads up, I will be unavailable this coming weekend until Monday due to a brief vacation to an anime convention; if I'm needed to respond I'll try to catch up after then!
There we are, that should tide you folks over until I return next week.

@Guardian Angel Haruki@XxFellsingxX@karamonnom

Oh goodness that fills me with deep nostalgia. Thanks for the giggle.

As an update; I will likely post and reply to people either wednesday or thursday this week due to my weekend vacation.
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