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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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Back From The Ashes


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Zavakri's only plan is 'In retrospect our plan was garbage, so I just need to make sure someone else doesn't win, but I have no idea what I'm doing if I do win- OR what I'll do if I lose'
Two (2) 'Tralaya Swarms' descend over the area; others are being dealt with by the various NPCs, but these two are a direct threat to you three. Vigil, Amaryllis, and Iris, may act as needed; no Initiative needed here. The monsters will act after you three have had a chance. For the purposes of 'distance', one is at ground level and approaching, while the other is still descending from the air but will arrive when the monsters have a chance to act.


In general I'll be keeping a 'simple' initiative; this situation is a lot happening, so rather than a 'how do you react' and 'roll initiative', I'm just giving you guys initiative.

Meant to poke you too, was flipping through some notes and realized I forgot to. You alive and well? :)
Lmao, she's glad to be of service as the walking ensemble accompaniment to the psychological dictionary.

@Guardian Angel Haruki@XxFellsingxX@karamonnom

A Horn Blows

The sound resonates and spreads. Originating from the outer wall, quite near to the Noctem Shanty where a guard has raised horn to their lips, the sound is echoed within the city in multiple locations, then finally upon the tall palace exterior walls a trumpet player sounds the alarm in a more complex manner.

The peoples of the city gasp, cry out, or shout- then begin scrambling.

The Noctem outside all move with haste, the elderly amongst them clicking-and-clacking as they move; the weaving couple are lifted and carried, their work not disrupted in the slightest by this delicate act, and brought inwards into the cover of the heavier wall of tents. Wagons are shifted, great effort taken against the entrenchment of the mud, but their shanty is swiftly, efficiently, fortified and closed off; the tent-tops layering tighter together as many of them seek the cover within wagons or beneath the wide tabletops present.

Within Fenhall, The smith welcomes panicking people into the forge, placing down his tongs to free his hand for a weathered axe he produces from near the anvil. Jerald, the Apothecary, throws his doors open as a tide of people rush inwards to the store- and, indeed, into other stores as well. Soon the marketplace lies abandoned- Almost abandoned. In the chaos of the panic, Dag'Tyr witnesses that young girl pick up a stone and cast it against the music shop window; in the ensuing rush of the crowds, she clambers up through broken glass and grasps the somewhat warped lute in her hands. As she descends back down from the window her foot slips on rainslick wood, her leg catching on a broken shard of the windowpane and she falls to the ground, cradling the Lute in her arms and shielding it with her body as she lands heavily upon herself. The Behemoth Cub rushes towards her, having been separated by the sudden press of the throng...

But the sky darkens; what light had been eking through the cloud coverage suddenly gone. Speckled shadows dance over Fenhall, then the clouds seem to descend;

Tralaya, the fanged swarms of the dreadlord Dykto, descend over Fenhall. The singular mass of monstrous birds split, descending over Fenhall in a stream of foul screams; their jagged beaks parting in a shrill cry that resembles the wail of infants. Crossbow bolts hail into the air, initially stemming the onrush of the birds- but in the lapse of fire brought about by the need to reload, the wave of birds crashes down into the city walls like a loam-laden tide. Screams rise from the city.

The Market Place

Dag'Tyr witnesses, perhaps the sole person of this area besides the Smith and what few Guards have scrambled to this location to keep his wits, the initial descent of the Tralaya. The throng splits and diverges, the singular dark cloud above the city writhing into a series of living tendrils that split into smaller, individual, swarms as they pursue diverging targets. The Guards all make efforts to use crossbows, but are forced to draw swords and don shields as the cloud descends upon the Market; combat is soon to ensue.

The young girl and her behemoth companion are hindered by her wounded leg, and as they attempt to move away from the scene of their crime and this place of danger, the Behemoth is forced to drop the girl upon her knees on the ground and whirl about, the delicate-seeming spines on his shoulders rising into a full, porcupine-esque, flair as he prepares himself for combat. The girl, shaken as she is from her fall, clutches at the Lute feebly at first- but then the fire of conviction surges back in her eyes, and despite the danger or rain she begins softly plucking at the strings and tuning the instrument...

But the Tralaya descend upon the Market Plaza.

Initiative is not necessary here; Dag'Tyr may act. One (1) 'Tralaya Swarm' descends into the area; others are being dealt with by the myriad NPCs in the area, but this one appears to be closing in on the young orphans. At the moment, Dag'Tyr is 'safe' within Jerald's shop; he could remain within without fear of harm. For the purposes of 'distance', it is at ground level and rushing towards the young ones..

The Palace Courtyard

The Palace Walls are suddenly alive with the heavily armored movements of guards. Even Pyke's calm demeanor has been replaced by one of austere severity; his charisma bending itself from casual friendliness to the importance of the task. He makes a gesture with his arm; this act holding some significance with Tomas Smithson, who draws his smithing hammer with a slow and weighty deliberation. Pyke's longsword is suddenly in hand as well- in good time, too! for the Tralaya surge over the walls.

The Guards make good work of battering the beasts from the air, but the tide is simply too weighty. One guard is lifted off his feet as he swings about with his blade, a dozen Tralaya biting into his armored body and limbs with their jagged beaks, as they throw him from the battlement. Crossbow bolts and sword slashes thin the tide, but cannot stop it. Over the walls and into the courtyard the tralaya surge.

Alison grips the grips the gemstone medallion at her neck, Crimson already with scimitar drawn at her side, and soon the air around her crackles with a strange power as she casts her hand into the air and speaks in the strange tongue of magic; "Fire!"; from between her outstretched fingers, fire surges into the air and consumes a part of the Tralaya coming towards her. Her magic forces the singular cloud to split and break up into smaller, more manageable, swarms; Crimson already soaring into one, blade a blur of movement. From that erstwhile shrubbery, a methodical and strangely paced series of arrows rain out; the Noctem Woman appearing to be selecting targets in a very precise manner from her hiding spot. Tomas, for his part, seems to see a hole in that group's needs and soon he's swinging his hammer with immense strength to bat the Tralaya away from Alison as she recovers and prepares her next spell...

But that is them. Amaryllis, Vigil, and Iris have another problem. The splitting of the Great Swarm has made the Tralaya more manageable- but still a threat.

Two (2) 'Tralaya Swarms' descend over the area; others are being dealt with by the various NPCs, but these two are a direct threat to you three. Vigil, Amaryllis, and Iris, may act as needed; no Initiative needed here. The monsters will act after you three have had a chance. For the purposes of 'distance', one is at ground level and approaching, while the other is still descending from the air but will arrive when the monsters have a chance to act.
since a majority of you have reached the Palace, I'll be posting and starting an 'event' that will push everyone there in its conclusion.

@Vertigo; If you're still alive and well let us know, otherwise I may need to temporarily slide I'Rajith onto the shelf to clear up my own headspace. As an immunocompromised individual, I understand being sick and hope that all is well!
The approach to the tent was an agonizing affair. Zavakri pulled her hood up- decided that was too much of a bother, it'd ruin her hair if she wasn't careful, so she lowered it back down and meticulously distracted herself on the walk with fixing her hair back to perfection. It'd muss up the instant she got a smidge too emotional, but a gel could try to maintain some semblance of present-ability, couldn't she? It didn't help that the fear was only just now, after Ellywick's assistance, beginning to fully fade from the front of her mind...

Enough that her anxiety at being in this crowd to begin with could set in. She took deep, calming, breaths. This probably made her look like an idiot of some kind, or perhaps a fish gasping in air as it flounders for water, but it had the intended effect; she was able to feel calm. Feel like she had more breathing room. It helped that those immediately around her had certainly pressed away from the oddly presenting woman.

And soon she found herself shuffled into a seat- and she gasped.

"Oi, how come whenever I'm having a mild panic attack and finally calm meself down, it's always you lot I find nearby? At least I know where I stand with you guys; in the back, safe and forgotten. Big personalities, you lot. You lot could hide a giant behind your conversations. Honestly, that's right where I want to be right now; behind a giant, behind you lot, forgotten for a few minutes. Oh, be still my beating heart! This place was pure chaos!"
Oh snap. The fuel injection of chaos has returned. And here I thought I might be able to balance the scales at least somewhat reasonably-

I mean, welcome back :) Sorry for any delays on my end folks, I had a rough last couple of weeks after my vacation, so I'm starting to pick my pieces back up.
Turns out my router name and password got reset in an outage, leading to my issues. I have fixed the issues. I will be back on track tonight
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