Avatar of Fading Memory


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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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Back From The Ashes


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Does one have to spend time with Brut to really know him? Does one need to spend time with Goblinoids to really know them? Are goblins even people? Are people even edible? Something doesn’t add up here.
“Oh thank the Gods; I lost.” She sighs, relief flooding her body. This reverie is not long for this world however, as the instant the Bugbear and Goblin duo rise up and Jub is held aloft; aglow; triumphant..

Dread and frustration set in.

“Wait. I lost to them?

Her brow furrows, watching as the goblinoids ascend to claim victory. She wags a finger and looks sternly at the stage, metaphorically imposing the world upon it. Soon an abacus glows spectrally before her, formulae manifesting in the air as she began rapidly shuffling the device with her hands.

“…I lost by Two?!. Oh, bother.”

Flinging her hands, she dispelled the spectral mathematica and crosses her arms in a sulk. Don’t worry; soon enough existential dread at her failed foiling of the bad plan will set back in, and she’ll begin to chew her nails- but for now, sulking it is.
Congratulations @xXFellsingXx! Jub is the Witchlight Monarch!

I've decided to give you guys the breakdown of how I decided the Witchlight Monarch. Since the mood was easily influenced by the players during this first chapter, I decided to use the Mood increases/decreases as the points to help determine the Witchlight Monarch, the person who brought forth the most joy. ^_^

Zavakri furiously doing math intensifies

Hell yeah. Huzzah for Jub. Now Zavakri can relax.
Thankfully I’ve been living with my future wife for most of our relationship and we’ll have been together… almost 9 years before our actual wedding is finally planned! Godspeed to transitions!
@Lord Wraith How go the Nuptials and post-nuptial excitement? :)
this is true;

The Blessings of Water - While it is raining or you have access to a large body of water such as a river or lake and are standing or submerged in it, you may spend Hit Dice as an action to regain hit points. Add your proficiency modifier to hit die expended in this way.
Absolutely. Feel free to punch me and yell ‘Reaction’ if I ever accidentally jump over the dialogue; editing posts is easy.
In the whole ‘I’m being friendly with the simple initiative’ and letting you guys act in whatever order on ‘Players Turn’, if someone healed Amaryllis up I’d let Haruki take a proper turn. The ‘risk’ of snowballing Exhaustion is dangerous enough that I don’t feel compelled to ‘steal’ turns from my players because they chose to be fluffy.

Do as you will, but in general I will be ‘friendly’ with interpretations and activations like this. I’ll specify if something has Legendary actions and order matters.
Thankfully, for the injuries, high = less bad. I may use a more customized table at some point but the collective groan people give off for even the basic DMG table is satisfying.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

you have the wonderful choice of either...

Festering Wound. Your hit point maximum is reduced by 1 every 24 hours the wound persists. If your hit point maximum drops to 0, you die. The wound heals if you receive magical healing. Alternatively, someone can tend to the wound and make a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check once every 24 hours. After ten successes, the wound heals.


Minor Scar. The scar doesn't have any adverse effect. Magical healing of 6th level or higher, such as heal and regenerate, removes the scar.
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