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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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Back From The Ashes


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Total Damage Suffered So Far: 11
Con Save of 4-1 = 3. 4 Radiant Damage; Vulnerable; 8 damage suffered.
Mace Swing misses; Spiritual Weapon hits; 4 damage suffered.
Total damage suffered so far: 23

Behemoth Cub's Two Attacks deal a total of 5 damage; Tralaya Swarm 3 is defeated with 28 damage suffered.

Dag'Tyr's natural regeneration will fill his HP back to full; no additional danger is coming his way.

The swarm flows away from Dag'Tyr, radiance and spectral wrath being his parting gifts. The Swarm, thoroughly diminished by his magics, falls prey to the young Behemoth's wrath; a hail of spines forming a proverbial wall that halts their progress towards the young girl, the final vestiges of the threat falling to the ground in heaps of feather and blood- the bodies caught in Dag'Tyr's radiant burst evaporating into a sickly green mist. The Behemoth's eyes widen, staring up at Dag'Tyr as the immediate threat lessens, but soon he whirls around and grabs the girl by her dress in his teeth and drags her roughly aside, disrupting her playing.

The remainder of the swarms in the courtyard had begun to congregate towards the music as well, their distracted state permitting the guards in the area to finally clear away the danger with this much appreciated lapse in the swarms' effectiveness. A spare few individual Tralaya scream their hideous wail, soaring higher into the air to rejoin a tendril of the greater horde.

The girl's eyes widen, as if snapped from a dream, and she numbly clings to the Behemoth as she pulls herself to her feet; still woozy and limping from that scratch on her leg. She too looks up at Dag'Tyr in wonder.

"'Allo." She offers him, her quiet voice thick with thirst. Her free hand clutching the Lute like it was a lifeline. "'E saved us, cos." She directed at the Behemoth, who merely growled through his teeth in her dress as he dragged her back towards the perceived safety of an alleyway.

Iris, Amaryllis, Vigil

Iris' Attacks; Wakizashi + Unarmed Strike 1 hit; 17 damage; Resisted to 8 total [5 and 3 respectively].
Vigil Heals Amaryllis.
Amaryllis turns into a constellation and tops herself off.

The Tralaya attack Vigil; 15+5 = 20
Vigil takes 12 Piercing Damage + 3 Necrotic Damage as the swarm envelops him.

Total Damage Suffered: 8

Amaryllis's sudden rise and display of mystical energy dazzles the Tralaya, and Iris' furious rain of blows begins to thin their number; but it is Vigil and his displays of holy magic that has earned the ire of the Tralaya's strange intelligence. The swarm condenses around the Behemoth, their jagged beaks finding weak points in his natural armor, and gorging themselves on what precious soft flesh can be found.

Nearby, another gout of flame engulfs the air, scattering the encroaching tendril of the Tralaya once again. Alison, standing beside Tomas Smithson, once again clutching her strange medallion as the young warrior bats another Tralaya off its lethal trajectory towards the sorceress with a resounding thwack of his hammer. Crimson drops from the air, seeking a brief respite from danger as the Tralaya swarms thin; the methodical precision of the Noctem Woman's arrows buying him this moment to catch his breath as he produces and quaffs a potion...

The area was being purged relentlessly, the danger was fading, and the Palace itself remains untouched.

As the fights wind down, the greater horde above the city rises out of reach and seems to retreat back into the clouds. The scattered swarms abandoned by their fellows to their fights are soon to be eradicated; the sparse few minutes of terror are almost over, though damage has certainly been enacted.
Kobolds can ride Vultures, which qualify for beast master pets. That is all. Have a good night.

Where in the realm of Gothic do I need to aim my dart? Serious grotesquery, or more cartoonish macabre? I can do anything, I just want to end up in your expectation zone.

Any particular culture analogues I should be following? We seem to be aiming European style stuff, but if you’re drawing from a particular reference it’s cool to know.

Are you cool with me portraying a bard style character, silly jokes aside? The intention is to be someone who long ago earned his Undeath by pleasing the queen with song and ending up a formal ‘court musician’ of musical secrets. A fanatic philosopher of passions sort of fellow. If you’re not vibing with the idea I can stew a different idea.
Zavakri will mostly just be moaning and groaning and choking out s few words of the song as she waits for the shoe to drop. Nothing can go well tonight; the math wouldn’t have it. Don’t wait up for me on this one lmao.
I shall post early tomorrow morning; I am celebrating father's day early with my in-laws tonight.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Fair point, though considering the race of Fairies as shown in Wild Beyond the Witchlight, they do seem to just look like "Pixies/sprites but bigger", which just adds to the confusion xP

Well that's because a Pixie, Sprite, and Fairy, are all three different creatures; Fairy just became synonymous with 'fey' in literature! It is a divergence from D&D History, somewhat, but the three creatures have always been separate mythologically as far as I'm aware. I could be mistaken, I just miss my old European mythology sometimes.

One week, aight. That’ll keep me short. Good. I’ll field some questions in the evening my time, then crank out my musically inclined gothic ne’er-do-well. Every Queen needs a fanatic.
I shall hold my present questions until the OOC, but largely I have a concept in mind as is after my time with these novels and my recent fancy with musical experiments in roleplay. Music is a helluva experiment, and I'm keeping to it.
I am interested. I will stew on concept, but I have been reading some oldschool gothic fantasy lately so this is on the brain.
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