Avatar of Fading Memory


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2 yrs ago
Current Awake O Sleeper
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3 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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Most Recent Posts

Zavakri may never sleep again after this festival.
I will post tonight.

I’ve had to do that before. The DM went ‘Do this quest for me, trespassers!’ And my character argued with them about whether or not we were actually trespassing and that I was just gonna go home; DM went ‘well my usual players just obey the powerful wizards so uh.. noted for the future not to do this, but if he leaves you need a new character because this is the adventure’ so I did.
my favorite moment was Jub being crowned, and Feathreen existing.
A week it is. I shall message them just as an additional poke.

@Guardian Angel Haruki Alrighty sounds good, no spell slots needed and I’ll assume a general level of success regardless, but if you’re trying to show off/impress/or otherwise excel at this you can give me a Nature check seeing as this is Druid MagicTM
Vigil has completely obliterated this last swarm, feel free to describe if you want. My next round of posts will be gathering everyone together and moving us forward a bit- Dag’Tyr and the children will be brought to the palace too.

Roll your crit damage dice you git! :)
I've put some more thought into it, and seeing as there's so many folks raring to go with more thought in their ideas already than I have in mine, I'll just go ahead and bow out; Liked the concept, just not chugging how I thought I would mentally when I put myself time to think. Godspeed everyone!
If I hadn't already made the joke, Zavakri was supposed to have said something akin to 'that's a good, trustworthy, name' when she heard it.
I'll run this by the group; Goldmarble hasn't been on the guild in several weeks and hasn't messaged me specifically otherwise. How do you guys feel about letting someone else in, like Dark Cloud since he expressed interest? Give Gold another week then open the gate? Offer to Dark now? I'm on the fence, I just like being communicated with and don't mind people needing time, like Vertigo, but I also want someone who showed up and went 'hey I'm active' to have a shot and Gold hasn't been responsive.
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