Avatar of Fading Memory


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Current Awake O Sleeper
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Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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You bastard. Just wait until she can twinspell her ray of frost.
Ah yes. If only someone had prestidigitation. All I can offer you is Gust.
“Y’see, ya gotta get the bugbear to pick you up just so- angle with the wings- make sure they’re stapled into your back so they don’t fall off midflight- then you insult ‘is mother.

Instant flight.”
If it makes you feel any better, Zavakri can’t keep them either; she’s just not mystically forced into it because her ability was stolen.
HP - 8->14
Sorcery points - 0->2/2
Clockwork Soul spell Swapped -> Alarm->Feather Fall
Spell slots - 1st level - 2->3
Extra Spell Gained -> Witch Bolt, because I literally couldn't decide on anything else and despite it being a generally 'poor' spell it fits her theme of present spells. I'm probably going to swap this one up to a 2nd level spell next level all things considered, as unless we run into a particularly nasty critter I'd stick to my other utility spells or magic missile.

I will admit I stared at Chaos Bolt a little too long before going 'Nahhh, I couldn't'
While I ordinarily always roll for Health, Zavakri will be taking Mathematical Average.

B a l a n c e.
Zavakri rises, silent in her observance of the ending of the festival once her hysteria has passed. She marches along like a gosling bent to the will of her matron goose, entering into the Hall of Illusion; a place of fuzzy memories and a strange forgetfulness. For some reason it made her think of Gnomes. She shudders upon entrance, the mirrors once again catching her eye and their myriad forms creating a sense of unease in her. Amusement to an extent, but general unease...

At last she finds herself before the mirror that reveals her true age. To others, she seems a young woman of adulthood and, while eccentric and strange, intelligence and social awareness. Standing before this mirror, her reflection reveals her to be but a child; the same child that haunts her nightmares and memories. Herself, those eight years ago when the Carnival was last here. She grew older, but she never grew up. She stares at her reflection, lost in the conversation and her memories- but she shakes herself and grimaces.

"If my sister isn't over there, Hag or No Hag.." She points a finger at the Misters. "You'll be dealing with me later."

She steps the mirror, the overarching conversation still lost to her whirling thoughts.

"Hither, Thither, Here and There; Wander Yonder, Show me Where!"
@Lurking Krog Honestly if you ran out of sneak attack dice I'd be downright impressed, that's a feat in itself to run out of infinite dice. I'd need to learn that trick meself.

as for the rest of you- y'all must've enjoyed this carnival even less than I did to have spent resources besides money and a one-off subclass feature charge-


I did definitely spend a charge of my 'cancels disadvantage' feature somewhere, upon reflection
Long rests are for schmucks. What, you guys spent resources?! Pathetic, I merely spent sanity.
In fact this module may be the death of her entirely.

Fret not, she has many siblings as well as a surprisingly competent husband as backups-
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