Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

@BCTheEntity I read your last post and thought it might be a good idea to give you a hook where you can get Settionne in since he has already positioned himself. If Settionne doesn't want to attack it's @POOHEAD189's turn I'd say since he's the one ultimately controlling the Rog and making the decision who he's going after next. If Settionne wants to attack he'll be recognized anyway.

edit: An-Hasst, if undisturbed, probably will require a bit of time to get his crossbow ready to fire. He's not exactly in peak condition anymore.
So far things had been going on relatively well, at least as far as An-Hasst could survey the overall situation. He had taken a major bruise which was easily visible by the reddish stain than started at one point on his back and went down in a broadening line to his legs, but he also was surrounded by several slain rogs. Settionne had gone out of his sight or rather the other way round, but before the Skayleigh could try and regain knowledge about that strange and small man's position, something else happened...

Or rather: It stomped towards him. Hopefully this was the largest one of the bunch -- not because otherwise he'd have to share the honor of having dealt with such one, but because otherwise they'd probably all share the unfortunate misery of death by... being already halfway split in one half by one single hit of this halberd ? Obviously the situation would have been so insanely much better with him havings his hands at that weapon and the Rog having to deal with his petty bajonets, but before An-Hasst could even dare to think about trying that wicked thing out he'd have to get rid of its owner first somehow.

Some inner feeling told the Skayleigh that the simple application of brute force, despite its successes so far, was in grave danger of being insufficient against that kind of foe. This thought truly was the case once the Rog suddenly swung his weapon for the first time. An-Hasst, having underestimated its vast range at first, had to throw himself and his so far clean looking face into the trampled and blood-stained mud beneath his feet. Luckily he merely looked like being a behemoth who'd be massively impeded by his own bulk, so he found himself able to get back up into a crouched position and rush sideways before the Rog could deply his disgusting, but heavily armored foot against his stomach.

The Rog experienced some delay with tracking that strange enemy with the golden-colored hair, but the concept of faster-than-he-looks-like probably wouldn't take indefinitely to gain a foothold in the ugly creature's mind. An-Hasst recognized the opportunity and approached the Rog's left armpit from below, ramming one of his blades into where one could, for technical reasons, hardly apply solid metal plating. With the additonal support of his other hand the blade pushed the rings apart like a wedge and sunk into the Rog's flesh.

The Skayleigh couldn't tell if the action had been a deliberate one or a reflex response in order to protect the injured armpit, but the Rog's left arm immediately moved in in order to close the gap between them and his torso, the effect being that An-Hasst's left hip was impacted by the Rog's elbow. The much greater flexibility of his scale armor didn't exactly help to block the path of the black, solid armor of the Rog. Had An-Hasst been Argon or Ursaren he probably would only have been thrown to the ground again, but, while he looked heavier than the lizardman, the opposite was the case and he was actually tossed away by several feet.

It only helped to amplify the amount of pain emanating from his left flank. Lying in the mud again and trying to get up as quickly as possible, the Skayleigh's efforts were hampered by the feeling of blood seeping into his stomach and at least one of his ribs being broken. He wasn't out of the Rog's immediate range and despite hating it, the wisest course of action at the moment probably was to get further away. After all and from his different point of view now he could see Settionne again. Hopefully that bloody bastard would finally start doing something and buy him enough time to stabilize and get his crossbow ready! That was... if the man would be actually willing to attract the Rog's attention and the latter one would actually be willing to buy it. Otherwise he'd have to do somehow with the one blade remaining and despite his injuries.

On the good side of things one could add however that the Rog was hemorrhaging blood at a rapid rate. The creature angrily ripped out the blade from its deep wound and tossed it away. The amount of power behind the halberd's moves hopefully would have greatly decreased. Still... getting hit by it ? Better not. At least if you were only very lightly armored.

@POOHEAD189@The Fated Fallen@Sypherkhode822@Banana@BCTheEntity
@FetzenPost straight forwardly, sir.

Aye aye, sir!

*secretly procrastinates execution of orders until after sleep*
"No, I would give a donation regardless. Though if your holy workings do not work, I might perhaps be too deceased to give any donations. I'd rather not be." Kayden replied.

Kayden can still donate his dead body! For... err... non-scientific, clerical purposes.
@Fetzen As per the rules that's up to you. Though since it is a higher 'level' foe, you'd need to beat it in a realistic fashion where you would likely take damage. Or, you can post a few moves and I'll control his reactions.

The latter one sounds like an interesting idea. Would you like to collab or shall I post straightforwardly in the normal cycle ?
Gonna try to get something out tomorrow. I have to think about how to deal with that Rog though. Is my character supposed to kill him on his own ? @POOHEAD189
A large Rog with a wicked halberd ?

Does anyone know the cows out of the Diablo series 'secret' cow levels ? That's what was my spontaneous association.
I'm wondering what's so hilarious about my post ? xD @POOHEAD189
Sorry Fetzen, the thief was talking to Jollan's character. I've been screwing up everyone's races in this RP for some reason. I hadn't had a chance to fix it

The only character I hadn't screwed up, I think, was Lin... whom I've been referring to as a Half-n-Half. Though I swear to god at some point I might end up just making her even shorter by calling her a halfling.

*imagines Othiosiya accidentally being called a halfling*

I sentence you to life by not-hanging!
<Snipped quote by Fetzen>

I'll get the noose ready for you.

*jumps off the pedestal*
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