Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

"Tired ? From carrying you ?" Batharyn grinned down at her. "You must come from very far." he added with a gentle smile appearing on his face. But what was that ? Had he just heard the soft and lovely sound of coins hitting each other ? His eyes twisted in his skull, his view going down along her clothing, his mind tracking both the curves of her body and every bulge that didn't seem to fit to them. That's where the valuables were, every good thief knew that.

However there was one problem: He just couldn't do that now. Frankly he needed this job, no matter how much of an ugly, fat, rotten and despicable beast his employer and owner of this shabby tavern was. The streets still weren't completely devoid of people so chances were that he'd be seen. Also his initial impression of Salina was that of a rather intelligent, attentive woman -- better not try to dig his huge hands into her pockets while she was walking next to him. But what if she rented a room here... ?

"I wish I'd win a game of cards against some kind of noble person, then I maybe would be able to call such a beautiful horse my own as well." Batharyn reached for the reigns and pulled at them gently, using his giant index finger alone. The tavern's stable didn't have any doors. It was a primitive place with the main feature being a waterproof roof and some thin, wooden walls not even reaching up to Selina's head which apparently were meant for separating the guest's horses.

"Here, that's mine." Batharyn elevated his arm to quickly point at his mount. It was a draft, packed with muscle and long, brown, solid fur. One could immediately see that compared with Caspar he was very clumsy. He snorted upon seeing Batharyn. "He's a bit rough but I can handle him." Not to mention that he probably wasn't nearly clever enough to arrange for a lucky escape of its rider from an angry man's wrath... "So... where exactly do you want Caspar to have his stay ? I'm afraid the hay is the same for all horses, though."
If noone is eager to post I can continue so we don't get stuck RP-wise on this Rog.
I dare to speculate and say that it probably has something to do with the fact that it's a vendor. Since when is merchandise a truly holy thing ?

edit: Important question now that I know that there's a vendor: Does he also buy things ? Like... dead bodies, for example. For the aforementioned non-scientific, clerical purposes :)
Batharyn internally let go of a sigh. At least today his employer -- or slavedriver, as he'd word it -- had refrained from trying to slap his cheek or shouting at him all too loudly in front of an entire main hall filled with guests from whose only the first half was drunk enough not to understand it and laugh at him.

There were some details he missed about that strange new guest though. Even for him who had only very recently been employed as an auxiliary she distinguished herself from the crowd like a sore thumb with her rather noble, richely decorated clothing. However he didn't realize her tensing up so much as he approached her, or maybe it was because he was so used to basically everyone paying a huge lot attention to him when he was coming closer. The movement of her hand wasn't anything that was capable of drawing his suspicion in such a casual situation like the one he believed to be in currently and also if one had no idea about magic in the first place except for its mere existence and some possible effects that could be achieved with it one had a very hard time considering that it might be... missing.

"The white stallion ? Oh, erm, I saw that on my way in..." He smiled gently at her, but his lips were thin and rather tense while his eyes darted over to the tavern owner for several brief moments before switching back to the woman in front if him. "Yeah, or course you can come with me." Damn! That kind of horse alone was a very solid indication for wealth, not to mention Salina's clothing, of course. He really would have liked to try and touch the saddle bags to find out what might be in them, but that would now entirely impossible. He would be able to see the things though, perfectly legally. His mind was already creating primitive plans what he might do later on.

He offered Salina the right of going first by gesturing with his huge arm and open hand towards the door, then followed her. She'd be able to feel the floor vibrate beneath each of his steps. "I have to admit I'd really like to have a ride on him. Never have seen such a good horse before..."
The tavern's owner had turned his head away from the table in front of him the moment he had heard the rather poorly maintained entrance door creaking as it was turned open. It took a few seconds more for him to get rid of the boredom in his facial expression thoug has he only slowly realized that the person that had just entered could be one of the more interesting ones. One didn't see such a nice looking, almost white haired woman in such a richly embroidered cloak every day. In fact he had hardly ever seen such a person before here. Normally his guests were all the same every day, at least judging by her apperance.

As Salina approached his position, he didn't fail to notice the clinking sound emanating from one of her small bags. So she had money, too, maybe ? How interesting! Hopefully she was hungry and would eat a lot. He'd have to treat her very carefully, so better try and put up a good, gentle smile! One couldn't say that he was completely successful with this attempt though. Having been stuck in this place for many years hadn't exactly helped his memory about manners. His double chin wobbled all over the place as he answered her questions.

"Alright. I'll see what can be done." With a lot of experience and perfect knowledge about where to find which item he turned around and straightforwardly thudded over to a large wooden shelf where obviously the more valuable beverages where stored. Searching through the many rows of wine bottles, he continued to talk to his most recent customer: "I'm sure I have a good red drop here and I'm also sure I can serve your needs for food with a large piece of roasted meat or so, but I'm still waiting for my auxiliary. If he doesn't arrive soon I'll take care of your horse and fire him..."

He pulled out a large, dark green and unlabeled bottle and put it down onto the desk in front of her. On his way one could hear him mumbling something like "...that stupid little bastard...". As he was presenting her with one of his finest (though by elevated standards still rather shabby) glasses to drink the fermented red grape juice, the door was opened again. Heavy breathing could be heard, so intense one could almost think it didn't come from a human but from a very large animal.

"Batharyn!" the tavern owner shouted right across the entire room, hardly taking Salina's ears into his immediate considerations. "Move your butt over here, excuse yourself and then quickly take care of this woman's horse!" The aforementioned person hurried over, some of the wooden floorboards giving so much way under his feet that it looked like he was in grave danger of stumbling. He didn't though and also he only caused little noise, at least for someone who was scratching along the ceiling with his hairs and had shoulders which were close to requiring two chairs.

"Yes, yes. I'm coming. Sorry, sorry..." his chesty voice traversed through the room, dripping with timidity.
Vodrahin was one of the major towns in the region. While -- as it was rather typical for the small human kingdom of Hadral -- the outer circles primarily consisted of poorer people's wooden housings which turned more and more into farmer's buildings separated from each other by bigger and bigger fields the further one went away from the town's center, the latter one had already fallen victim to what in modern times probably would be called 'gentrification'. Times were peaceful, at least in this part of the world. Along the eastern borders however things were about as tense as the weather after a day-long sweltering summer heat. War had not yet started with Ythrim, but rumors had it that preparations for it were already underway while envoys were still at least pretending to try and avoid the worst.

Not that this would have been of any significant relevance for the local inn. One could say that the Nail In The Coffin was doing quite well at putting some real meaning behind its strange name. At least not few of the patrons had already reached a considerable level of drunkenness despite the fact that it had not been that long ago that the sun had sunk below the horizon and the tavern had opened. Its scattered, reddish light was still illuminating the wide roads sufficiently for the more wise of men to make an escape, even though it was a lurching one.

The inside was filled with warmth from guests and an open fire in the middle of the room. It served primarily the purpose of heating, light and entertainment, the cooking was done at a separate place not accessible for the common visitor. Due to its central position, shadows of furniture and people were dancing on the decently decorated wooden panels all around the large room. A large, rather chubby looking man was waiting behind the high and broad counter for someone else who had not arrived yet. It was the tavern's owner who at this time also was responsible for accepting any orders from his guests.
@The Fated Fallen

It's 10 years since school, so I probably wouldn't be able to translate an original text to any modern language right off the bat. However Latin is very interesting in some aspects which it doesn't share with other languages I know about, especially ordering of words. It's far less relevant because the syntacical function of a word in most cases can be identified by the way it's modified from its base form. And as far as I can remember there are far less flat-out stupid and ridiculous exceptions of exceptions of exceptions that most modern languages plague their speakers with.
I'm not clever. At least I don't consider myself to be. I only had Latin in my late stages of school because it appealed to me more than any of the alternatives.
@The Fated Fallen If it helps remember that the original word for 'bear' in Latin language is ursus. I find that quite helpful in case of Ursaren :)

  • Strength: 17
  • Agility: 9
  • Intelligence: 12
  • Height: 7.8 feet
  • Weight: 400

Current Gear:
  • Dark leather clothes that can protect him from bad weather.
  • Thick linen clothing. Not exactly very nice looking or even expensive, but it offers good warmth and comfort.
  • A short but very sturdy sword (can also be used as a lever), a small crossbow he can use to shoot a climbing rope with a hook, a garrotte, a set of lockpicks and some minor other tools required for his kind of work
  • a draft horse for those occasions when he needs to get out of town. Going on a real long journey would require additional preparation though.
  • A lot of pockets, but one won't find many coins in them. He is very far from being rich.

Batharyn is a thief. He has descended into killing before, but these had been sad emergencies. He takes jobs from his involvement into the local criminal network, but on most occassions works for his own good. He usually stays in one town until the local 'resources' so to speak have been sufficiently exhausted or until he feels that he has drawn unfortunate suspicion. Usually any of these conditions only comes true after a time long enough for him to have rented a more or less small, humble room or even a small hut or house for him to live in.

He doesn't know anything about magic, nor does he know much about what the usual frontline soldier would call fighting. He can be considered quite successful with what he does though, even though one might add that he sticks to a more conservative approach and only seldomly want to engage in stealing tours which obviously are much more risky than average. One probably doesn't want to start a bar fight with him though. In fact a tavern is where he often works when he either currently is out of jobs or wants to put up a deceptive facade for a while.
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