Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

So how is everyone?

I'll try to get up something tomorrow. This week just drowned me in work.
"Strength by far is not the only thing that's needed for a good auxiliary..." Batharyn responded, both grinning and smiling at her at the same time. "Unfortunately it seems that everything else is not exactly my forte, otherwise I guess I wouldn't loose employers almost as fast as I can find the next one." Well... he knew that this was quite a bit exaggerated, especially if one considered that more often than not it was himself who canceled his current job for a purpose he had absolutely no intention to tell her about.

Then Salina started to talk about 'fates'. His grin faded away almost completely when he noticed the intense, penetrating power that seemed to rest in her eyes. Fascinating on one hand, somewhat discomforting on the other if one knew only so little about the other person. Batharyn couldn't help but sound quite sheepishly when he responded "Geez you almost sound like some kind of soothsayer." He tried to put up a bit of an apologizing facial expression. "I'm not entirely sure if I really want to know all the relevant pieces of my future. Only if it's for free maybe..."

Batharyn chuckled a bit, looking down at her. "Maybe you can tell me if the similarity between us too will eventually lead to us traveling together ? I could imagine that to happen. Don't think my stay here will continue to exist for long."

Name: Athanah
Age: 24
Race/Class: Draconian / Battle mage

Posting Rate: medium
Karma: 0

Team Leader of: currently none
Team Member of: currently none

Coins: 10
Crystals: 5


The picture doesn't show his 'usual' clothing, which consists of a much more simple, gray-white piece of linen which also leaves far less gaps in covering his body. This is more how he'd walk around if he needs to went some steam in an aggressive manner while he doesn't need much physical protection. While he appears very lean and relatively wiry, his muscles and bones are extremely dense. Athanah can't fly with his wings - he's far too heavy for that. He stands at a not-so-very-impressive 5'8", but to his excuse it might be added that while is growth is slow it's also far from completion.

'Unstable' might be an adequate description if one is on the search for brevity. On one hand he is perfectly capable of remaining calm, friendly and rational, on the other hand this can rapidly change once he experiences a too significant amount of stress or refusal. Not that he'd straightforwarldy behave in a physically aggressive manner, but it can easily be noticed in his tone. He doesn't share any interest in the other gender, even if the woman in question is of his own race. Also he strictly refuses to drink alcohol and prefers to stay outside of large, dense crowds. If this is due to any racial trait or a specific 'problem' is something he doesn't tell, at least not openly. He is up to some careful planning, but does firmly believe in its limitations and therefore rather often jumps into action more directly. He is relatively open-minded in terms of culture and other personalities as long as they don't infringe his sensitivities. Due to his race the common human language is not native to him: while he can speak it, he doesn't do so especially well.

There is not much to tell about him. In contrast to many of his fellows one can't tell that there was something really serious that went wrong in his childhood, youth or the earliest stages of him being an adult individual. His parents are still alive, but the society of the Draconians doesn't know about the concept of 'marriage' or any other kind of (preferably) life-long relationship. It isn't socially sanctioned to part shortly after the child is born as long as one of the persons involved takes responsibility of the newborn. In Athanah's case it was his father who raised him and taught him the fundamentals: language, mathematics and some of the methods of fighting. With the age of 20 his father confronted him with a challenge which is not that uncommon among their kind: Go out, leave the Draconians' territory and dive into the depths of the world outside -- but please, don't drown...

  • Health: 10
  • Wisdom: 1
  • Stamina: 6
    • Strength: 4
    • Speed: 1
    • Agility: 2
  • Mana: 3
    • Elemental Affinity: 3
    • Arcane Affinity: 0





Does 'You will create a character within any race you can imagine, so long as it fits the era' include the possibility of creating reasonable races, or are we 'merely' (that scope would still be vast enough) free to choose from those races which have been introduced in common fantasy literature ?
<Snipped quote by Cu Chulainn>

I'm actually letting as many people create a character sheet as they like. But actually getting in on the adventure comes on a first come first serve basis. If you miss the boat, your character can qualify for the next adventure.

So to answer your question more directly, yes, but your final selection into the quest is not guaranteed. The earlier you get a character sheet up, the better.

So the first-come-first-serve is based on character sheet creation and not signaling interest in this thread ? Ok, I should hurry :)
I'm intrigued as well.
Othiosiya was a bit hesitant to enter. So many items that looked almost as fragile as the priest who had greeted Kayden. He'd have to be careful in here, but at least he had taken off parts of his armor out of respect. The Drabarian frankly had very little to no idea about what kind of impression he'd make here -- apart from the ubiquitous 'he's so huge!'-one, of course --, so he had a vital interest in not trying to push his luck but instead get over this visit in a decent and adequate manner.

That was until the marble floor challenged him. The thing promoted everyone's footsteps to a minor event, even the slow and lithe ones of some of the elder priests. It didn't take long for Othiosiya to almost give up on actually lifting his feet as much as he was used to. He resorted to almost just dragging them over the floor as if he'd be some kind of lazy person who didn't know how to walk properly or had a problem with his legs. Then he could feel one of the marble plates crack beneath his heel as he had leaned over too much to one side to get a different perspective of Wulfric. He moved his foot further back to cover up the little mishap.

A prayer now would have been a good thing to make his prolonged stay at that one place less awkward, but Othiosiya didn't feel suffciently adept for this. Ultimately he hurried on to get to where Kayden had progressed. He had no real interest in buying any of the holy items. It felt awkward for him who had devoted most of his life to an entirely different goal that was far apart from what was being presented here. It didn't feel compatible, not even if he considered that this little things could improve his combat strength. And then there was the fact that he was already sucking out a lot of gold from the guild he had only joined hours ago for refitting his giant weapon -- better not to push his luck again.

Hopefully the other's would be quick to make their decisions.


Being in the cafeteria, Vaughtar had been busying himself with the bewildering array of different foods this world appeared to offer even in places their inhabitants considered 'remote'. He had found especially good taste in what one had been quick to tell him were so called 'hamburgers'. Since their arrival a mere few minutes ago Vaughtar had consumed no less than five of those stacks of roasted patties, cheese, bread and some very minor amount of vegetables mixed in between.

Things rapidly changed however when he was about to reach for his sixth meal. Hirsch entering the room had slipped his attention at first, but hearing Zesiro suddenly screaming. Vaughtar turned his head only to see Hirsch toss Zesiro's dead looking body away. Had he gone completely crazy ? And frankly since he had already had one training fight with one of the marines he found it hard to believe that any of them suddenly was able to pull off such a feat and was capable of beating his way through the massive and robust looking glass.

Strange things appeared on the wall, some symbols he didn't truly understand but were rather mean looking by themselves as if they were designed to tell him that something very ugly was going on. They fizzled out suddenly not to be seen again. The unicorn had jumped into action, Vaughtar was only second to follow him several seconds later. By the time he did though his mind had come to the conclusion that Hirsch needed to be stopped no matter if there was any idea about what had happened available or not. He had left Munimis only days ago, maybe things like this were not so uncommon on this... earth ?

Vaughtar sluggishly built up speed, wreaking havoc on his way through the allotment of tables. But how to stop Hirsch without the risk of killing him, just in case things disappeared as quickly as they had reared their ugly head ? Seeing that Rockin' was struggling quick action was required, so the gargoyle opted for what he believed would not cause too much damage and reached for Hirsch's wrists. He'd try to wrestle this out if this was possible.

"Call for help!"
<Snipped quote by Fetzen>

<Snipped quote by The Fated Fallen>

Or he could be upset about Sett being a killstealing prick. Just a thought.

I don't think that terms like 'killstealer' etc. would be appropriate for an RP like this and An-Hasst's situation, given how battered he currently is.

But I'm sure he can handle that wicked halberd better than Settionne. Also the Rog Captain's armor will be easier to adapt to his Muscle-y Half-Ogre body than to Sett's!

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