Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

@POOHEAD189 I'm kinda in lack of motivation at the moment :/
As already mentioned I'm somewhat interested in the Dragoniods (or is it Dragonoids ?), but before I step into creating a CS blindly I'd like to ask some additional questions beforehand:

  • Is there any preference in their magic ? Like fire, for example ? Or is the choice of which kind of magic halfway evenly distributed among their kind ?
  • Is there any preference in weapons and armor ? It is said that they make up for their flaws with strength (its an aspect that's not said to be greatly inferior to some other species).
  • Are there any other hints to their appearance in general ? For humans, dwarves and elves/drow I can pretty much imagine how one could look like, but except for the fact that a Dragoniod obviously has wings since he can glide for a small bit it's difficult to imagine. I don't want to risk picking some picture/written discription which is so far away from your intentions that it's an inacceptable mismatch.
The tavern's owner's face had turned into a kinda ambiguous mixture of a gentle smile towards his new guest and a fair share of unhappyness about his new guest praising his auxiliary. He didn't like to hear that -- he wanted to be able to continue to thrive in his own world of prejudice. Or was it because his auxiliary threatened to sit down onto one of his chairs and have a brief pause, watching his master having to cook a meal for his guest now ?

Batharyn indeed sat down, the wooden thing beneath him protested so loudly that Selina could easily hear it. He was kinda bored -- his mind had already completed its preparative thoughts about the little raid he was going to commit tonight. She was strange, yes, so he'd have to be careful. In every other aspect though it was nothing he hadn't done many times before though. Routine whereever he mentally looked at. For now however he still was on duty, even though that meant that he'd have to idle around for a while until someone else would come or she'd have completed her meal.

It took a few minutes to prepare the meal. Given that her request had not been all too simple this time could be considered quite short, implying that the tavern's owner had a firm grasp of the concept of preparing thigns in advance and trying to keep them warm and edible as long as he could. How far he actually went with this idea and how much it impacted the quality of the original product ? Batharyn couldn't really tell. He preferred to eat his meals elsewhere where he didn't have to pay his own master for them.

There was no more need to tell anyone that something was really wrong with Hirsch, however there was a very desperate need to find out if the effects could be reverted or if the man he had trained with only days ago was completely lost. And maybe someone should also find out how to beat him if it should be necessary. So far violence had merely helped to slow the marine down, but to his own surprise the gargoyle found himself halfway pinned against the transparent wall which continued to accumulate cracks. Most of them were hidden beneath his wings though, so he had no clue about the real condition of the glass.

Even without this knowledge Vaughtar couldn't really get the point of Shannon's charge at him. Wasn't such a charge which, given how much strength the strange creature had already proven to posess, supposed to put even a lot more stress on the window ? He couldn't allow that to happen, so what Vaughtar did was to press his feet halfway against the wall and ram his claws into the floor as much as he could. He leaned forward, transferring his weight onto Hirsch. With such preparations made he was far too massive to be rammed against the wall easily again, however it also meant that the marine would be literally compacted between him and Shannon who collided from behind.

Now Shannon was busy fisting the marine, so there wasn't much space left for him to do anything except for maybe to try and hold firm onto the marine's arms so he couldn't strike back at her.
The gargoyle's hands reached for the strange kind of armor that looked far more similar to what one usually saw on Munimis than this strange, 'modern', 'high-tech' stuff that appeared to be so widespread on this world. He would have tried to dig beneath it with his claws at the seams to injure something beneath it, but they were too tight. Now he briefly had enough idle time to have a glimpse at the transparent thing behind him: It was almost broken! Better to stand guard there and try to soften any accidental impacts than to allow either Hirsch or Shannon to hit it again...
I noticed I lied in retrospective :/

*writes it down on a paper and sticks it to the screen this time for tomorrow*
I'm very tempted to join this ( *secretly peeks at the Dragoniods* ).
*drops in a bunch of loosely packed 1000$-notes through the air duct to watch for any people suddenly raising their heads and running around in panic with their hands randomly reaching into the air like frenzied zombies*

Anybody still there ? I'm somewhat worried... :/
Will try to get something up tomorrow :)
*has watched his index finger impact the left mouse button while the cursor was over a piece of string saying 'Subscribe'*

Can't promise to join though yet, depends on how other things are going.
Would you be interested in trying to create a fantasy-based world / plot / 1x1 roleplay with me ?
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