Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

1x1 between @POOHEAD189 and @Fetzen
The Kerenyr lake was a calm place, its crystal clear waters stretching well beyond any man's vision. The watery body which had a narrow, but stable connection to the oceans via the Rawen river, was large enough to secretly follow the curvature of its celestial body. This was unknown to the most common men, the world and the continent in particular had other troubles than worrying about the true nature of its geometry and propagating this knowledge down the hierarchy of society. It was rumored that it had been a very flat joke that had triggered this conflict, but if that story indeed was true than it was more like the stupidity of its creator who had targeted it at Grom III. that was responsible. It was common sense that the entiry Grom dynasty was comprised of more or less intolerant persons who required very careful handling. However, whatever the trigger for the war between his kingdom and the neighbouring Meridin had been, the fertile ground on which its potential had been growing for long was much more simple: greed.

Marrsak was a highly militaristic society, its people under almost constant pressure to maintain a tremendously large apparatus consisting of army and a fleet of warships that had been idling around for years. While the kingdom was large, so was its population. Large numbers of solidiers meant that there was less time to seed and harvest crops or raise cattle while more food was needed to keep the troops from starving. With such a large fraction of the general population essentially doing nothing economically productive for years of their lifetime it was no surprise that the kingdom's internal welfare wasn't very advanced. The opposite of which could be said for Meridin: The land was not only what was deemed to be much more liberal, but moreover it took great benefit from the Ithjr volcano. While the fiery mountain devastated its immediate surroundings on an almost regular basis, any peasant further away could appreciate the light rain of ash fertilizing the soil. It was something Marrsak could barely have any hopes of participating in since the Hastue mountains were blocking the path of any high winds. Yet it was also said that Meridin aristocrats could be quite the arrogant bunch. As stable as the country was on the inside, together with Marrsak it formed a highly delicate arrangement. This arrangement now was fighting it out with only little regard towards any smaller neighbours. Those were faced with the difficult choice of either joining the cause of one side or remain completely isolated. Almost needless to say that the human king of Marrsak had decreed to invade the dwarven realm of Kol right away in fear of a second front stabbing into his back at a less pleasant time. By now the southernmost part of the continent was said to already have been conquered almost completely.

Two years earlier the Kerenyr lake had been populated by an abundance of small fishing boats and even larger ships carrying cargo the direct way from one coast to the other, but now with so many thousands of men already slain and rotting away on the battlefields it was not too unusual to experience the end of a clear, almost moonless night with no activity along miles of the shore at all. Bardek and Ferthyr had made camp in an abandoned hut near it -- one of the more comfortable nights the two had experienced over the last weeks since they had been caught in the conflict. Two people, one looking like a perfectly capable soldier who maybe had deserted and was on the run and the other looking like one of those wicked, unknown creatures that were said to live in the forests of Vahald , were an all too tempting target for any patrol to pick up and put into custody. Not that any of them was eager to endure that... Ferthyr was still asleep on the wooden floorboards, wings tightly wrapped around his torso as a replacement for a blanket. Bardek had been able to take what had remained of the bed, but right now it was his term to stand guard until his companion had regenerated from his shift and they could walk on.

The section of coast the hut was residing at was surrounded by hills. Their gentle slopes led down towards the lake. The grass was tall since it had been able to spread completely uncontrolled by anyone for months, making the early discovery of any approacher more difficult if one had opted for staying on the ground level around the hut. Armed men were approaching. Two were carrying a typical combination of sword and shield with the king's emblem on the latter. Another one apparently had experience using a bow and the fourth... one couldn't really tell. Unlike the others his armor did not appear to have any parts made out of metal and if it was leather it probably wasn't all too thick either. Maybe it was a person the other three were escorting, or it was a mage ? They were approaching on horses and they were doing so at a mediocre speed. So far the men didn't seem to have discovered anything that was worth their attention, but even if they decided to stay on the muddy road and not make any derivation towards the hut they'd be able to see what was happening there with ease. The small building soon was within their vision and one of the men, a rather large and broad-shouldered one with a stomach bulging underneath his armor, pointed at it...
@POOHEAD189 You've forgotten to mention the position of my character in the altered group's formation, so I've left it out in my post. I guess this is irrelevant now that we're on that island anyway ?
If it had not been for the very possibility of making one hell of a mock out of himself in front of the rest, An-Hasst would have decided to crawl his way accross the bridge instead of walking. There were rather violent gusts of wind around which found plenty area of attack at the almost eight feet tall Skayleigh. Beren's comment about plenty of rocks which one could try and grasp in order to survive the fall did nothing but lure out a rather accusing, darting glance out of An-Hasst, directly at him.

The forge was a very impressive thing beyond any doubt. How long had it taken how many skilled workers to build that thing in the first place ? And how long had it taken to design it so well that it would survive for so long ? And then there was the mere fact that this forge maybe didn't even require coal or any other fuel, but instead could draw energy from the abundance of molten stone in the neighbourhood. Needless to say though that the same fact made for very bad and overheated air. Maybe a dwarf found find this comfortable -- An-Hasst certainly did not.

"Folks... I really can't help but simply admire the workmanship that has obviously been dedicated to this place. However I don't think it would be appropriate for us to dishonor this place by leaving behind our mummified bodies that are not allowed to rot in the dry heat. This is next to a perfect trap, so in case there are rogs or other things still following us I suggest we don't stay here for long. At least we should start to invest the time necessary to study this island if there is any other escape route."

He watched Ursaren as he partially undressed himself in order to apply what looked like healing magic. The Skayleigh was tempted to ask for the same favor, but something about this was... eerie. The immediate pain had subsided and the bleeding had stopped, so he silently hoped he could do without unless the bear-man would find out or remember that the Skayleigh was carrying around an injury as well.
Welcome to the Guild!

If you feel like being in the mood for a fantasy RP feel free to contact me. It might work :)
Sooo sorry for my late post. I hope it was at least acceptable ?

In his anger, it took the gargoyle several seconds to notice that by know weapons were directed at him. Well, not directly at him, but dangerously close to him. Also there was the little problem that the appearance of a gun was nothing that Vaughtar's mind would immediately and instinctively associated with something especially dangerous. It was a not so handy piece of metal with a precisely drilled hole in it, wasn't it ? If he had not seen other members of the team running around with similar things who had actually told him that there were weapons he probably would not have cared at all.

Vaughtar could feel that his claws were encountered success, even though that the definition of 'success' in this case was doing as much damage as possible. If there suddenly was warm blood and weak flesh instead of robust metal then it meant that his attacks had to be somewhat effective. Of course he couldn't see on the inside of that armor, so he had no idea to tell if it was the marine's body or not that was bleeding. In case the latter thing was true though Vaughtar quickly decided to partially let go of Hirsch. He still had hopes that there was some part of the friendly and joyful marine he had had that little fight with in the gym left in that individual in front of him.

But what to do in order to be able to pay more attention to the armored men and his highly active surroundings while keeping Hirsch at bay ? The solution was simple: Step and stand onto him. Vaughtar's feet and claws easily covered the man's entire torse and hopefully would pin him firmly to the ground. Of course there was a risk that the strange armor would collapse and Hirsch would likely be killed instantaneously, but given the situation it was an acceptable one. Hopefully it just wouldn't happen.

Vaughtar probably made quite a strange appearance as he tried to balance himself out on moving Hirsch instead of the solid floor.
So. My cold is halfway over, I only have to visit my workplace once more for the next two weeks and that one occasion will be a very brief one... So.. I've started working on processing my roleplay backlog!
Fathom ? What in whoever's name was a fathom ? Always those individual ways of measuring things. However the very high number of seven thousand gave some reason to believe that the quantity they were talking about could be abstracted by saying a lot -- and that was enough information for the Skayleigh at this point. With considerable internal reluctance the elven behemoth moved away from the safety of the wall behind his back and came a bit closer to that perilous looking crossing.

"The most heavily armed and armoured ? Don't say such things, please." An-Hasst would have added the obligatory quality of grinning and sarcasm to his statement since it was referring to something spoken out by Settionne, but the mere fact that the priest's statement was both reasonable and put him on the top of the list eradicated every bit of amusement inside him. Innocently the Skayleigh inspected himself, his extremely bulging muscles and his -- though wooden - armor. "It appears to me that I should go either at the front or at the rear, together with Argon and Geradin I guess ?"

Saying this, he glanced over towards the two one after another. He was expecting the party to arrange itself in some kind of line. At this point probably noone was eager to put himself closer to that abyss than was absolutely necessary... "Those 7000 fathoms won't disappear by themselves, and given that there could be Rogs behind us I think that going ahead is no less sensible than turning around." Still... the latter option felt damn better! However chances of others accepting it were to be considered very slim at best he thought, so better not to repeat the idea in the first place. Still dragging the oversized halberd behind him, the Skayleigh moved himself into position at the front.

@POOHEAD189@Banana@The Fated Fallen@BCTheEntity
@POOHEAD189 I hope I can get something up today. I feel though as if I've acquired a cold.
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