Avatar of Force and Fury


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3 yrs ago
Current Shilling a good medieval fantasy: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Don't mind me. Just shilling a thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
So worried right now. My brother just got admitted to the hospital after swallowing six toy horses. Doctors say he's in stable condtion.
3 yrs ago
Nice to meet you, Bored. I'm interested!
3 yrs ago
Ugh. Someone literally stole the wheels off of my car. Gonna have to work tirelessly for justice.


Oh gee! An age and a gender and interests and things. Yeah, I have those. Ain't no way I'm about to trigger an existential crisis by typing them all out, though. You can find out what a nerd I am on discord, okay?

Stay awesome, people.

Most Recent Posts

Accepted Applications
As this story is two thirds of the way through, applications are now permanently closed. Our next adventure is coming up soon, though! Feel free to join our discord.
Player Students

Social Class
Magical Schools
Primary Mana
Secondary Mana
Aberrative Mana
Divine Fruits
Leon SolaireHuman19MunknownArtisan(7.40)0 7 3 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 SunblessedN/AN/ADragon's Fyre
Desmond CatulusHuman20MEnthishCommon5.003 2 2 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 RedbloodN/AN/ARed Apple
Dorothea HohnsteinHuman18FFeskanNoble7.611 4 0 4 3 0 0 0 5 0 0 BlackbloodN/AN/AMedlar
Wolf's Tooth
Trypano SomiaHuman19FRevidianMerchant8.541 0 7 1 0 0 6 1 0 0 0RedbloodBloodchildN/AGold Apple
Serpent's Venom
Ingrid PendersonHuman19FEskandishNoble8.650 4 2 1 4 5 0 0 2 0 0SanguinaireOceanborn
N/AGold Apple
Hellfire Pepper
Dragon's Fyre
Zarina Al-NaderHuman17FVirangishMerchant8.171 0 1 5 5 2 0 4 0 0 0WildbloodN/AN/AOrange
Dragon's Fyre
Ayla ArslanHuman17FTorragoneseNoble8.050 5 0 4 5 0 0 0 2 0 0BluebloodFireblood TorchbloodShadowspeakerPink Apple
Bat's Sight
Ashon'amar'loiyangYasoi19MHyparianMundane8.544 1 0 1 6 0 0 5 0 0 0RedbloodTimewalker N/APomegranate
Alligator’s Scale
Yuliya Ilyanovna VasilievaHuman17FVossoriyanRoyal8.733 4 0 0 5 2 0 2 1 0 0SanguinaireLeadvein Sensemaster Thunderchild
Oceanborn Greengrowth
N/APink Apple
Thresher's Spine
Tku PictorHuman19MObenjanArtisan8.200 0 5 2 1 0 5 0 2 0 1RedbloodBloodchildN/AOlive
Raven's Treasure
Yvain de BerbignonHuman18MPerrenchNoble8.701 5 0 1 4 6 0 0 0 0 0BluebloodRosebud
N/APenguin's Feather
Roslyn WickeHuman16FHendlishNoble7.201 4 3 4 3 0 0 1 0 0 0BlackbloodAgitatorN/AButterfly's Wing
Salomé Xiuyáng SolariHuman19FRevidianMerchant8.320 5 4 3 1 0 3 1 0 0 0FacemimicDevourerN/AWild Cherry
Candied Cherry
Loon's Call
Mahal AghaHuman18FPalapareseNoble7.934 2 3 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0BlackbloodGluttonN/ABat's Sight
Raffaella MataraciHuman17FVirangishNoble6.003 4 0 6 2 0 0 0 0 1 0SleepwalkerGluttonDreamcasterThresher's Spine
Evander Fino SynestiHuman19MRevidianNoble7.316 5 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 0BluebloodFirebloodN/ABuddha's Hand
Marco Pirovano TerranovaHuman18MRevidianCentury8.572 0 6 2 6 0 0 5 0 0 0BlackbloodIronbloodExorcistN/A

Magic School Colour Code:
Magnetic Arcane Binding Chemical Kinetic Atomic Blood Temporal Dark Command Primordial

Non Player Students

Social Class
Magic Schools
Primary Mana
Secondary Mana
Aberrative Mana
Marlijn VaanseHuman17FEskandishNoble7.231 6 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0BlackbloodTimeracerN/A
Penelope 'Penny' PellegrinHuman18FPerrenchRoyal8.501 4 4 2 4 0 2 0 0 0 0LifestealerLeadveinN/A
Jomurr Ikon IIIHuman17MBelzaggicNoble8.360 3 0 6 3 5 0 0 0 0 0BluebloodAgitatorN/A
Benedetto CorviHuman16MRevidianCommon9.111 5 2 1 4 6 0 4 4 0 0BluebloodGlowveinN/A
Jocasta ReHuman21FDjamanteseNoble9.633 4 3 7 8 3 2 8 0 2 0TetheredSkybornN/A
Marceline HohenfelterHuman15FKerremanNoble8.285 1 5 1 5 0 0 1 0 0 0TetheredN/AN/A
Sven BjørnssonHuman18MEskandishNoble8.572 0 4 5 1 5 0 0 0 0 0BluebloodAgitatorN/A
Oweyn VaanseHuman17MEskandishNoble7.234 4 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0BlackbloodOceanbornN/A
Rikard AmbrusHuman14MBudesrnishNoble8.287 4 0 1 6 0 0 1 ? 0 0BronzebloodTimeracerN/A
Neki Kaureerah Wenhan-heepEeaiko19FAkrihanOutcast7.010 6 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 2GoldbloodOceanbornN/A
Edyta ŁaskaHuman17FWarlishClergy7.250 7 4 1 6 0 ? ? ? ? 0GreybornIceveinN/A
Tennaxi-LunaCazenax16FZenueseCommon6.972 2 1 1 4 0 1 0 4 0 0SulfurbloodN/AAstral Walker
Nezana-Samaxi-SoliCazenax18FZenueseArtisan6.880 0 3 4 5 0 1 0 4 0 0SulfurbloodN/AFiendhunter
Johann SteinbauerHuman18MKerremanNoble8.844 0 4 4 0 0 5 3 0 0 0BluebloodCopycatN/A
Ciro VoltaHuman17MRevidianMerchant7.951 4 0 7 3 0 0 0 5 0 0BlackbloodAgitatorVoidstrider
Seviin'delaan'taxoiyaYasoi15FYandeseClergy8.240 2 (6) 4 2 0 6 3 0 0 0WildbloodSolocasterN/A
Svitlana RudenkoHuman17FMenskuvanCommon7.120 3 5 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0PorousEnergizerN/A

Recurring NPCs

The Departed



Location: A Record Store @ The Ruined City // Date: February 23, 2057 // Time: 16:55 // Interactions: Erik @FunnyGuy

With a start, Lysandra twisted. She immediately knew what Erik was talking about by his tone alone. Events had forced her to compartmentalize and push her earlier disquiet somewhere else, but now it trickled back in. Her fingers kept working, retensioning the spool on a cassette, but her eyes were all his... for a moment. Ever flighty, they flicked towards the outside, where Akaia had disappeared from view with Cerise, and flicked back. She nodded tightly, her shoulders flexing towards him. "Yeah," she replied simply, "you do." Finished with the cassette, she placed it gently on her lap and set hands to wheels, turning partway to face him but not all of the way. "But I understand in retrospect why that may not have been the appropriate time to address it." She shrugged, taking a moment to lock her brakes. "So, sorry. I'll own my panic." She swallowed and glanced down at her lap idly. "You know me well enough to know I'm not half as collected as I seem." Her eyes came back his way. "Just like I gather you also know it never should've happened in the first place." She shook her head, releasing a small breath, and her voice was earnest. "I've been with you for more than two years and I don't think I've ever given any sign that I'm not committed and trustworthy. If our goal is to actually fix this sad sack world, then I need all of the information, not just what you and the other longtimers think is 'need to know'. Not to sound like an ego case - " Lys knew that she did, sometimes. " - but I'm the expert on these matters. I need the opportunity to sift through all the information because I know what's going to be useful better than anyone else."

Unbidden and unwelcome, an intense spike of self-doubt stabbed at her insides and she wrapped an arm around herself. Sometimes she wondered: was she really any good? Was she actually useful? Was she the expert that she thought she was or was it all make-work like some kind of Truman Show? Did people just humour her and tell her what they thought she wanted to hear so that the poor human girl in the wheelchair would have a sense of purpose? Lysandra pushed the irrational thoughts down, however, not giving voice to such paranoia. "I've said my piece. It's cool." She shrugged. "Now spill the goods." She managed an expectant smile, not totally devoid of warmth by any means.

Chapter Ten: Dark Wings, Dark Words
Part One: Into the Tower

The students blinked. They had been standing in a drafty stone stairwell between floors in the Forked Tower, caught between exultation and trepidation as they had proposed their solution to the problem. Now, they were not. Surrounding them was an expansive study, multiple stories high and replete with towering bookshelves, a strategy table, and numerous desks and hutches packed full of magical and scientific equipment: clearly the personal domain of an eminent Arch Zeno. At the far end, daylight streamed in through a set of towering stained glass windows. They were set high enough against the wall that the students could not simply look through them.

It was all so grand and unexpected that it took many of the new arrivals a moment to notice that there were more here than simply their original group of five. As they looked around, they noticed other familiar and semi-familiar faces from campus. Indeed, there appeared to be twenty-five in all. What they could not know, of course, was that there had originally been one-hundred others who had failed the test at some stage or another. Those found themselves back in bed with no memory or knowledge of what had transpired remaining in their minds.

For the twenty five who had passed the three tests, however, a new challenge awaited. Almost lost amid the sudden turmoil was the elderly, white-bearded figure at the far end of the room, hunched over a desk. It twisted in its high-backed chair, cold grey-blue eyes peering out from beneath wizened wrinkles and bushy brows. Somewhat querulous with age, the figure stood, a great sea-blue robe unfurling as it did so. "Welcome to the Society of the Forked Tower," said a deep, gravelly voice, resonant despite a tone steeped in age. "You were smart enough and the others were not." It was the paradigm himself: Hugo Hunghorasz - by the reckoning of some, the greatest mage to have ever lived.


Okay, so I like Ingrid quite a bit. Below is my feedback.

1) Personality: I dig it. I get a clear vision of what she is and what she's like. Remember caps for all traits.

2) Character Appearance: I like the little details in here. Awesome job.

3) Languages: Well explained and makes sense. As a side note, learning one language within a family (Avincian, Belzaggic, Inipori, Drudgunzean, Eskandish, etc.) makes it easier to learn the others.

4) The Gift: To quote, "Her current RAS is 8.4" Just an FYI that RAS is kind of an immutable thing. 8.4 also puts her in the range of being a true prodigy. I might remove the 'current' and just pay a bit more attention to how exceptional that RAS score would make her. There are no more than a couple hundred people in the entire world with RAS scores that high. I also like the way that you handled her dive into Atomic. It's nice to see someone making an atomic mage who isn't an idiot. As an aside, at some point, just give me a list of her official primary, secondary, and tertiary schools of magic she'll me focusing on at the academy.

5) Background: Digging this overall. I like the conflict between motive and reality and how that'll have to come to a head sooner or later. In terms of that brief mention of her family's past struggles, I might leave out the literally 'starving'. They're nobles after all. They were probably humiliated and broke, but not the point of literally not having enough food. Maybe they just had to - *gasp* - cook for themselves or eat 'peasant food' or even... skip some meals. Just having to worry about food supply would literally be humbling.

6) Motivation: Thumbs up here. Idealism mixed with some doubt.

7) Inventory: Love it! Remember to delete my original text at the end there. Also, 'Neskal' as opposed to 'Neskel'.

8) Strengths & Weaknesses: looks good and makes sense. Just double checking that 'capable in a bow' means she can bow/curtsy well?

Overall, well done. Feel free to make those handful of small adjustments and post her in the Characters tab! Welcome aboard.
Blood Brothers
A Collaboration between Manfred @Force and Fury, Dorothea @jasbraq, Eun-Ji @Medili, and Trypano @A Lowly Wretch

In the event, the Gift was employed and, thankfully, two out of the three were kineticists and Dory was… determined. They passed under the Sea Gate, with its great arcing sea serpents carved into the archway and made their way down the Merchants’ Road to Mudville.

The rough suburb looked more impressive by day than it did under the moonlight. Tall, narrow buildings lined its muddy streets and wagons and people alike clattered through them. Manfred found himself consulting his mental map. He was not as familiar with this place as he needed to be, but already more than he would ever want to be.

They came up to a large crossroads and he pointed right. “This way!” he called, shooting down the narrow street at a somewhat undignified pace. There were other students about. Many were wearing hooded cloaks or some other means of disguising their identities. Manfred had been in such a hurry that he hadn’t thought of that. It was too late now, however, to rectify his error.

The buildings trailed off into a large thicket of sturdy sycamore trees and, behind them loomed a large, ramshackle villa. People were glancing around between themselves, conversing, and entering. A thin stream of white smoke trickled from its chimney. Glancing at his peers, Manfred pushed the door open and entered. Inside was a world of high, vaulted ceilings, tall narrow windows, and rustic chandeliers dripping candlewax from above. The central atrium was open, and there was a speaker’s lectern at the far end. Numerous hallways and rooms branched off towards the back and there was an upper floor and balcony surrounding all but the back of the atrium.

Manfred sniffed. Incense, he thought. Disgusting savage stuff. There appeared to be sitting mats on the floor too, as if the students weren’t good enough for actual chairs, like civilized adults. People were gradually gathering on those, taking the choice spots, but he had little interest in being up front. He’d have a better view from the back. “Well,” he groused in a low voice, “this about meets my expectations.”

“This looks like some weird theater play. . Is this really a forbidden magic school or a group of theater kids?” Dorothea, now hidden in her cloak, would whisper in Manfred’s ear. She didn’t really know a lot about all the occult. “And what’s up with this smell?”

Eun-Ji was used to the scent of such incense, it being a common thing in Tan Keoul. Still, the overall atmosphere of the place was as shady as expected. She took a spot beside Manfred, sticking to the back. ”I agree. It is just as I expected…” she said softly. Then, she briefly glanced at Dorothea, still not sure why she was there with them. She definitely will need to ask Manfred about this later.

Manfred let out a sniff of mirth at Dory’s observation, and he was tempted to think of her as shamefully out of place, but she was the only one who’d actually brought a hooded cloak, and those seemed de rigueur here. He was just opening his mouth to comment when a group of robed figures appeared from one of the back hallways. Five had their faces covered, but one was in chains with a sackcloth over its head. In the rear was a sixth: a tall man with dark, shoulder-length hair and a pale complexion. Murmurs rippled through the group of students gathered.

The man who seemed to be the head of the group stepped up to the lectern. “Hello,” he said, “and good morning.” The other four spread out in a square around the captive behind him. They pulled the chains near taut, and the bound and gagged prisoner flinched and wailed beneath her gag. Though it was impossible to see her face, one could tell that she was panicked, hyperventilating. The leader with his deep red robe and dark shoulder-length hair twisted slightly her way and scowled. He turned back to the students. “Someone use Blood drawing, please,” he said simply, “and kill her.”

Dory’s eyes lit up in disgust, tugging on Manfred’s arm to try and keep herself calm. “Are they really going to execute her? . . Is she even guilty of anything? . .” The look in her eyes was getting more and more determined to step in.

At the speaker’s words, a cold pulse shot through Manfred’s body. This was exactly how magic shouldn’t be used. He glanced at Dory and Eun-Ji, determining if now was the time to say something. There were robed figures around the perimeter of the atrium now, though. They’d emerged from the back hallways and he could feel them reaching out with energy. What the hell was going on!?

”....” Eun-Ji’s expression remained neutral as she looked upon what seemed to be downright evil in full display. Her body tensed up, however, and it took her a considerable amount of effort not to reach for the daggers hidden within the fold of her dress. Surrounded and outnumbered. Not enough information too… Part of her was indifferent to the scene, numbed by her years as a Lotus Sentry. Yet the other part of her was screaming at her, telling her to act.

She ended up looking at her companions, especially Manfred. Subtly, she shook her head at him. As much as she wanted to act and do something to stop whatever was going on, acting now will likely prove a folly, if not suicidal.

It was at that moment, with all three infiltrators and a good deal of the remaining student body perched on a razor’s edge, that someone stood up. It was a boy with wild white hair and reddish-violet eyes - clearly a bloodchild. “As you command!” he shouted and, a moment later, the captive howled in pain. Her left hand began to disappear in a mist of blood and unraveling flesh.

But then there was a commotion. The boy was hurled off his feet by an attack from the side. A tall young woman in a hooded cloak stood, crackling with energy. “You would just take life without question!? she screamed. Her dress fluttered strangely, empty on one side, and it made her instantly recognizable as Penny: Penny Pellegrin.

“He ordered it and he is our master,” retorted another, also standing and gathering energy. Students quickly seemed to be taking sides. Meanwhile, the woman on stage moaned and shuddered, weeping beneath the sackcloth and clutching her ruined hand. The leader remained impassive, hands clasped behind his back, eyes slowly roving over those gathered.

As the situation seemed to become inflamed, Eun-Ji finally subtly reached into her dress and took a dagger out, hiding in by holding the handle stuck on her left palm, the blade hidden by the long sleeve of her dress. "I suggest that we prepare for the worst, Manfred… And Ms. Hohnstein.” she whispered to her companions. If things came to blows, Eun-Ji already knew which side she would be taking. After all, she saw no one who fit the description of ‘master whose order must be followed’ in this place. She drew as subtly as she could from the noise and whatever ambient heat there was in the place, imbuing her dagger with kinetic magic. Of course, she seemingly remained standing calmly, not outwardly showing any intention to intervene.

"Can I shoot him? I really want that bastard to taste some lead for what he did!" She opened up her cloak to him, revealing a dueling pistol. Nodding eagerly for his approval.

Eun–Ji was on her feet, and Dory quickly joined her. Both women seemed ready for a fight, and Dory was not quiet about it either. Manfred rose as well. Unlike Dory, he didn’t have his weapon and he wondered just how in Shune’s light she’d hidden it, for he certainly hadn’t felt a pistol in there when he’d picked it up. He felt oddly naked unarmed, but he drew from the light pouring in through the windows, prepared first to cast an invisibility illusion so that he could work unmolested. “Wait, he whispered. Let’s see how this plays out.”

“You attack me!?” roared the student who’d been tossed aside by Penny. He leapt to his feet with kinetically-aided speed and drew a handful of cushions, rematerializing them into daggers which he hurled at the tall girl.

And that is exactly where matters halted… along with the daggers. They disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if they had never even existed, and the leader stepped forward, wearing a scowl of disapproval. “The violence will cease,” he commanded, his voice deep, calm, and unnaturally powerful. His eyes took in the entire group. Some sat. Some remained standing. Others had never risen. The room went quiet. “All violence,” he amended softly. “That is not who we are and that is not what we do.”

He walked over to the captive and removed the sackcloth and gag. She was gritting her teeth in pain. “Thank you, Lilla,” he said softly, placing a hand on top of her head. Students could feel the energy being drawn to him - gently, determinedly. He closed his eyes and concentrated and fresh new bones sprouted from the ragged stump of her wrist. Flesh and sinew coalesced and wrapped themselves around the bones, arteries and veins branched across them and then, finally, fresh pinkish skin, newly healed. Lilla stared at her hand reborn, and blinked. “Thank you,” she said, opening and closing it in wonder.

“No, it is I who thank you for your bravery.” The four guards unchained her and she rose to stand among them. The man in the deep red robe turned to face the students once more. “We are not monsters,” he said firmly. “If that is what you think, if that is what you have come here to be, you may leave now.” He paused, hands clasped again. “The only thing that we are here to destroy is the deathgrip that selfish people hold on Sipenta’s magic. Sure as each of us has blood running through our veins, each of us deserves to access this Gift of the Pentad.”

“Oh, and if you’re hesitant to leave after being willing to murder Lilla in cold blood and without cause simply because you were ordered to, these lovely people -” He spread his arms and gestured at the roughly two dozen cloaked figures around the perimeter. “- will be all too eager to assist you. Practitioners of the Blood do not obey, he admonished, “they think. If you did not come to think - to challenge your assumptions - you may also leave now.”

Dory slumped down with a rather disappointed look on her face. "Did they really have to intervene? . . My finger itches now." She'd lean against Manfred, trying her hardest to cry in a fake manner. "What will I do now?"

"Hmm.” The situation was fortunately defused, revealed to be a test to weed out those who were, so to speak, deemed untrustworthy of learning the controversial school of magic. Eun-Ji calmly sat back down, putting back her dagger into the fold of her dress as subtly as she did when she took it out. “At least they seem to be making an effort in regards to not confirming the stereotype… Still…” She whispered to Manfred. She wasn’t convinced yet, it was too early to conclude that this Blood Magic class was truly harmless. Furthermore, she wondered who this man was who became the instructor of the class. “Manfred, do you perchance recognize who he is?” She asked Manfred, again in soft whispers.

Amongst the twenty who stood by and watched during the event was Trypano herself, standing taller than most if not all the people present. She had halfway wondered why she even bothered keeping her hood up when her red eyes, pale skin and unusual height were more than telling. Perhaps it was simply due to the fact that while she stood out she didn’t particularly care to draw attention to the fact that she stood out, not bothering to be among the only few in the room to have her hood down as well.

She watched the scene unfold. It was a test of course, one designed to weed out those who were all too bloodthirsty or simply far too accustomed to obeying their authorities. Blood Magic was a science after all, a subsection of Binding, not some cult ritualism practiced by priests to appease the powers that be. It was no less a tool to be used and utilized than Chemistry or Kineticism. Any field of magic could be used to kill after all. The fear of Blood magic was largely born of propaganda spread by the nobility for fear of what the mutability of their material world could mean towards the status quo.

Her face was no less cold or unflinching as it ever was. A perfect mask of serenity with a calculating stare. In her pocket she held her knife, a surgical tool and also something of a focus for her. Given how long she’s spent using magic alongside medical practices she’s spent a fair amount of her time holding this very blade whilst conducting her binding, hence why it serves well as a tool to center her focus, especially for directed casting.

Her magic was not directed however but instead was being used in the context of reading. Her Chemistry, to be precise. She monitored the chemical exchanges occurring within those who were recent entries into this class. Things such as adrenaline, endorphins and other such biochemical elements were all detectable beneath her discerning eye. She was well accustomed to dissecting the biology of living forms, human and otherwise. It was now simply a matter of doing so without opening the subject first.

She continued to stand by, not adding to the current discourse but remaining ready in the situation that action becomes necessary. Humans were a violent species after all, prone to assumption and aggression.

Meanwhile, Manfred, Eun-Ji, and Dorothea were exchanging whispers. After tut-tutting Dory and suppressing an only partly-comical shiver, Manfred furrowed his brow, thinking. “I cannot say I have seen him about,” the Kerreman confessed to Eun-Ji. “Still,” he continued, “he reminds me of someone.” He shook his head tightly after a moment. “But I cannot place it.” He glanced at the two women. “He seems a showman to me. Look how he has these people in the palm of his hand. His narrative demands trust.” On the one hand, the denunciation of savagery in this space was welcome and reassuring. On the other, he still did not trust the Practitioners of the Blood or their strangely charismatic leader. However, before either of the girls could offer their thoughts, his soldier’s instinct pulled at him and his eyes darted to the side, where Penny was scooting over to join them. “We have company,” he whispered, moments before she arrived.

"Who's that? Another acquaintance? . ." Dory looked at him with angry eyes, the woman really needed to shoot something soon. She’d stoked herself up when a riot had almost happened. But in the end it left her needy. Looking at the approaching girl, she cleared her throat while thinking about what her mother would say. "Young lady, you could've died!"

Penny blinked, unsure what to make of the intrusion. “Ummm… okay, mom?” She glanced at Manfred and Eun-Ji for some type of assurance that this was not just some random nutter.

"A showman…” Eun-Ji nodded at Manfred. “I agree. I would not trust him. Not just yet. Not when this whole thing seemed planned exactly to induce trust in him upon us, the students.” Then, she noticed Penny approaching just as Manfred whispered it. Dorothea was once more quick to speak up. Eun-Ji hardly reacted at all to the resulting peculiar interaction between Dorothea and Penny. After all, she barely knew who Dorothea was herself, what’s with her being an unexpected addition brought along by Manfred. She merely lightly shook her head in response to Penny’s glance at her and Manfred, as if trying to tell Penny that she herself knew little about Dorothea.

“Anyways,” the Perrenchwoman continued after a minute, “I did not expect this to be a ruse. It’s rather brilliant how he’s weeded out the bad ones.” She shrugged. “Besides, it’s the sacred duty of a Binder to protect life. I truly thought she would die had I done nothing.” Despite the light tone, there was a tension evident in her body language. She settled on a cushion beside them, gazing up intently at the speaker. “If this is what Blood Magic is really about, then perhaps we should all give it a chance.”

So, with varying degrees of embrace or reticence, that is precisely what the group of four did. This seemed to be as much a quasi-underground society as a class and Manfred had to admit that many of his initial fears had been allayed. Still, it seemed almost… too good to be true, as if they were putting on a friendly face for public consumption, for when they knew they’d be watched. He wondered how it was that they could run a class so brazenly, just outside of the city walls. They would have powerful benefactors, he knew. One glance at Eun-Ji showed that she knew it too. Dory, for her part, had seemed eager to fight: heart in the right place, perhaps, but hotheaded. A beautiful woman, he thought, a loving woman, and not unkeen of mind, but questionable judgement. Of Penny he knew little except that she seemed favourably disposed towards Blood Magic and she was a person of action. Time would tell where she fell on the spectrum from friend to enemy.

Regardless of their interpersonal dynamics, the four Biros spent most of the next hour practicing the foundations of blood drawing: how to grasp with one’s manas at material as opposed to energy. While it seemed frighteningly easy for Penny, it was… an alien concept to Manfred, he was forced to admit, and an uncomfortable one. It did not feel right to… destroy concrete things. For all of the Practitioners’ righteous rhetoric, all that the exercise served to do was to reinforce his fundamental wariness of the discipline. Still, he admitted to himself, as he walked back with Eun-Ji and Dorothea for their afternoon rendezvous with Wvysin, I will keep at it. Manfred knew that his instincts had been right. He, the dagger that was Eun-Ji, and the blunderbuss that was Dory had stumbled into something of great import, and there was no telling just how deep the rabbit hole would lead.

Location: A Record Store @ The Ruined City // Date: February 23, 2057 // Time: 16:48 // Interactions: collab with @Exit, @Medili, and @FunnyGuy

Lys cracked a lopsided smile as she rolled up to Akaia’s find. “Well, wouldja lookie here: it’s a radio, complete with…” She paused, furrowing her brow. “Ooh, it’s an old one.” She tucked some hair behind an ear, body language halfway between exhausted from her recent narrow escape and excited.

Erik grinned widely beneath his mask as Akaia unveiled her discovery. He crouched down to get a better look. “Now this is a find!” He gave Akaia two thumbs up and stood to allow Lys to fiddle with the radio.

She bent over and played around with a few things. “Heh, that’s a record player on top. It was considered ‘classic’ even before the collapse. I… know someone who used to have one.”

“Oh my. A record player," Cerise remarked, "huh… Sure brings back some feelings of nostalgia, doesn’t it?” She giggled briefly and Lysandra flashed a quick smile back, but she had become engrossed with the machine, mind evidently swirling with possibilities as it was wont to do. Perhaps her inner child couldn't help itself. After a few moments, however, she blinked and straightened, half-twisting to look at Akaia. “It’s absolutely lovely. Looks like it somehow escaped any really serious water damage too.” She glanced at the others - “Been a while since we’ve had a good radio…” - and turned on the spot, eyes roving curiously across the room. “Think we can spare literally two minutes to poke around?” She addressed Erik and, as she spoke, of course, she was already reaching into a pouch on her backpack. ‘No’ clearly wasn’t going to be an acceptable answer, but it was clear by his body language that he also couldn't wait to work on it. “Two minutes?" he laughed, I was thinking five!

Lys tossed a pair of flashlights onto her lap and flicked one on, settling it between her knees. “We’re in a music store,” she said matter-of-factly, “which is a mecca for things like this. You’re going to look for big black discs -” she gestured out the approximate size with her hands “- and little rectangular things with two holes in them, for the cassette player. They might be in packaging, so open things up.” While she spoke, Erik proceeded to look around but only in his immediate surroundings to start - almost as if he already knew what he was searching for. Lys bit her lower lip for a second, probably not keen on being out later, but too tempted to be prudent. “If you need a flashlight, by the way, I have an extra.” Her eyes darted about. “I know we’re on the clock, so maybe we can divide and conquer? I’m gonna look for something else: been trying to find a new mic for the karaoke machine and I’d rather not have to make one from scratch.”

Erik glanced her way momentarily, and then at Cerise. “You can take the flashlight if you want, Cerise, and you know, I'm still wondering what happened to that thing.” He added at Lys' mention of finding a new mic for the karaoke machine.

“Truly one of the Commune’s great mysteries,” she sighed.

“Oh sure, big bro!” Cerise managed to get a word in and she took the flashlight. Lysandra knew that she actually already had one herself, but the group's scout was never one to say no... to anything.“Anyways, just look for records and cassettes, right?" Lys nodded by way of reply. Got it~” Cerise proceeded to do just that, turning on the flashlight while looking around the store for those items. It wasn't a particularly difficult task, considering that they were in a music store, even if it was a long-abandoned one.

Lys, meanwhile, made an immediate beeline for a door near the back behind the counter area. That was where all the goodies were in stores like this: usually in boxes. Of course, ‘beeline’ was a ferociously relative term at that moment. After wheeling at full tilt away from that Tsar Bomba, her arms felt little more useful than her stupid legs. Of course, that too was relative.

As the others were searching, Akaia gingerly picked up the player and placed it in an empty space on the counter. She turned to stand next to it and looked over the first batch of items Cerise had found. Nothing in particular stood out to her as the splash of colors and words seemed to coalesce into an unintelligible thing.

Naturally, the door that Lys was trying to open was locked. Naturally, Lysandra Tran, once Fresh Haven’s best scrounger, had a solution for that. She reached into her bag, fished a set of thin strange–looking metal hooks free, and jerried the lock open with one. Inside was a treasure trove: dusty old boxes just positively filled with audio junk. Grateful for Erik’s enthusiastic “five minutes”, she eagerly set to work and, before long, her lap was laden with dozens of items. Then, she hit pay dirt. “Found it!” she called, at full stretch to fumble down a box with an image of a microphone on it. It half-fell into her arms and she grinned like a Cheshire cat. Lys came rolling out of the back room, quite pleased with herself. “It’s karaoke time!” she chirped, pulling up beside Akaia just on time for Cerise to arrive and show off the smorgasbord of audio delights she’d found.

“Well, I’ve managed to scrounge some up." Go ahead and check these out, Lys!”

Lysandra grinned broadly. “You're the best, Cherry." She took a few seconds to sift through them before realizing that there were far too many. She straightened. "Promise I'll do it, homey, but on our way back. This is such a haul!” She bobbed up and down and sways from side to side a bit, smiling and snapping her fingers. “I can feel the music already! Ugh, this place is great. We need to come back if we can. There’s a lot more here. Speaking of which…” she twists to look for Erik. “What’d you find, gramps? Got us some good dadrock?”

Erik's head popped up like a prairie dog from the furthest aisle. “I wish! I didn't really find anything on this end.” Beside him but unseen by the others were the remnants of a revenant ash pile. “I grabbed a few tucked away vinyls around, but I'm kind of afraid to take them out of their jackets. Might need a more delicate hand.” He took a quick reflexive glance back at the aisle as he walked up carrying four white vinyl jackets in one hand and a miniature orb shaped barrier in the other. The faint light coming off the orb was a makeshift torchlight.

Cerise looked very much pumped up at the prospect of having a little karaoke party back in the Crows’ Nest. “Hehe, karaoke huh? I can’t wait for it! It’ll be just the perfect thing to lift everyone’s spirit after what we just went through.” She clapped her hands a few times, looking giddy. “Who knows, maybe one or more of our newer friends are actually really good at singing, and then we’ll have a singer that can accompany me playing the piano in the Great Room~”

“Ahem,” says Lys, “Are you saying I’m not talented?” She posts her hands on her hips for a moment, but then removes them and takes everyone in. “But seriously: they say all’s well that ends well, whoever the proverbial ‘they’ are. Doesn’t mean that wasn’t hell, though. I think we could all use a wind-down.”

Akaia nodded at Lysandra in agreement and it was, without doubt, the most unarguable shared sentiment of the day.

Nice to see a legit-ass sports fan on here. Based purely on RP interests, I don't know how much of each other we'll see, but welcome aboard and I'm sure you'll find plenty of stuff within those fandoms to sink your teeth into!

Stay awesome.
In Hi. 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
INB4 you win 'Most Interesting Member of the Year'... were that a thing around here. I found the forum the same way, TBH. Based on your interests, I imagine you'll fit in just fine around here and we way just see a bit of each other. If you need anything, I'm just a DM away. Stay awesome!
OMG. You had me at Southern Gothic!!

Welcome aboard, new person. Here's hoping we'll get to RP together at some point. If you have any questions or want some pointers, feel free to drop me a DM anytime. Stay awesome!
In Hi! 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome aboard, new person! I'm a sucker for all of the same things, though I'm not much of an artist. Really hoping to see you around in some RPs. Iif you have any 'getting started' kind of questions, feel free to toss me a DM anytime!
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