Avatar of Force and Fury


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Current Shilling a good medieval fantasy: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Don't mind me. Just shilling a thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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So worried right now. My brother just got admitted to the hospital after swallowing six toy horses. Doctors say he's in stable condtion.
3 yrs ago
Nice to meet you, Bored. I'm interested!
3 yrs ago
Ugh. Someone literally stole the wheels off of my car. Gonna have to work tirelessly for justice.


Oh gee! An age and a gender and interests and things. Yeah, I have those. Ain't no way I'm about to trigger an existential crisis by typing them all out, though. You can find out what a nerd I am on discord, okay?

Stay awesome, people.

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They stood there: six of them triumphant. One was dead for certain and two were missing. The ground was littered with bodies and parts of bodies. Ingrid had sucked the flames dry once but residual heat had reignited them and and a few still guttered in the ruins of buildings. People huddled together and cried, looking upon the alien youths with fear and barely-concealed reproach.

Trypano spoke up, giving instructions to Ismette, perhaps knowingly. "Given the destruction we've drawn more than our fair share of attention from the majority of the island. Perhaps you and Benedetto should go de-incentivize any gathering pirate crews from interfering further in our work." Yet, many of the people who shrunk back in fear, who sobbed over burnt houses and dead bodies, were not pirates. A town like this needed other sorts to run as well and even pirates were people, after all. Ismette looked at them uncertainly.

Indeed, the group looked about to tear itself apart. Nerio backed away, uncomfortable, begging his leave to go see to his crew. Desmond, meanwhile, turned angrily on Benedetto for the latter's mockery of the dead and spat angry words at him. He was joined, after a moment by Ingrid. "You should be respectful to the dead Benedetto. If not for your enemies then at least for your allies. Speaking ill of the deceased only lowers you to that of a scoundrel and you are not that."

There was a pause and a palpable silence, for all knew that to play with Benedetto was to play with Eshiran himself. His power was of a truly inhuman nature. Slowly, he turned to them with dead eyes, his face a paper mask, his head slightly tilted.

Whatever their reactions to Benedetto may have been, these were not allowed to play out. A small, weakened voice called to them from shore, where Onarr was waving and asking for assistance. At almost the same moment, Princess Amelia stirred and sat up, rubbing her neck as the massive spongy cushion began to deflate. "Eshiran," she cursed, "Thank you for saving me. I swore I wouldn't be that sort of princess... What'd I miss?" Then, she saw Wvysen and her eyes widened. She crossed herself. "Oraff-Zept! Is everyone okay!?" She started to clamber off, pulling kinetic energy as she went. "They did this: the Maria Nera's crew! I recognize that one." She pointed to the Chemical mage and her voice rose in righteous anger. She freed herself from the cushion and stood, still a bit woozy, but face full of steely determination. "I know where they hide, those bastards. We need to find them before they cause any more harm."

If the aftermath of their life-or-death struggle had been frustrating, sobering, and desperate, the group now had a decision to make. They would likely need all of the strength that they could muster to fight the Nera's crew if that was indeed what they desired to do. Yet Penny remained missing and Onarr was in need of not-insignificant healing. While Benedetto's rain had drenched the fires, there remained a severe human toll and now Nerio was nowhere to be seen, perhaps seeing to his crew. Ismette looked at the others uncertainly. "I would... rather not use my magic to harm," she said quietly, "but I can... help with whatever else you need."

Meanwhile, on a beach far but not so far away, a young woman lay unconscious in the sand, covered in soot and blood. Some fifty meters distant from her, gouts of black smoke rose into the night sky and a stout building lay in ruins, decorated with bodies and guttering flames. A ship, just around a rocky head of land, groaned in a sheltered cove, and people began swarming out of it like ants: furious ants.

Hi everyone! The following is just a repost of what went up on the Sipenta Discord, for those of you who aren't on it yet!

Take the weekend to work on your CSes. For ease of reading and comparison, these all must be posted in the Oriflamme OOC by Wednesday Noon GMT-4. No submissions after that time or in other places will be accepted. At all. No matter what. I just have a ton of stuff to keep track of and honestly just don't have time to go searching through old threads, linked docs, and DMs. Make my life easy and I'll have more time and energy to keep working on this awesome world we've all agreed to play in. Anyways, the sheets will be reviewed and we will have our roster for the RP posted by Thursday morning. Looking super forward to kicking this thing off!

-Force and Fury
(neither forceful nor furious)
Chapter One of Act Three is currently active.
Posts are due by Saturday, December 17, at 10:00 PM GMT-4. If you need some help getting started, please see the 'Action Opportunities' hiders at the bottom of the posts. As this is the first post of a new act, consider how your actions set up future plot points and remember that you will have five chapters to tell the story of your character's actions.

@udonoodles Thanks for the repost. Just makes it easier to keep track of things that way! As for the CS, I like Edmund's angle quite a bit. He's cold and quasi-villainous without being a caricature and... honestly not really so much a villain as a believably ruthless individual of his day and age. He's loyal but ultimately for his own reasons as opposed to anything less tangible. As for some small amendments and recommendations, I might offer the following:

1) Just keep nomenclature of the time period and ethnic group analogues in mind. Edmund Hereward passes muster... barely. Maybe something else just to make it sound a bit more archaic than high medieval. That's ultimately a nitpick on my part, however. This is, however, a somewhat French-analogous society, so try to keep that inn mind as well.

2) Just make sure that you're not making their society sound a bit too structured and advanced. maybe a bit more emphasis on how he's genuinely an innovator in bringing in new crop rotations and in establishing networks of trade that have fallen into neglect after the collapse of the empire. Maybe his services in that regard have been so valuable that the king has ennobled him.

3) Maybe some distinction between merchant and businessman, because the former would've been the common term in his day. Why does he personally think of himself as the latter? That could be interesting to explore!

4) Might want to specify that his family were yeoman farms as opposed to regular peasants. That makes his rise a bit more believable. They were respectable and better off than most other farmers but still a very far cry from privileged.

Overall, I really appreciate his angle and look forward to seeing him in this roleplay!
@Siber Okay, so I've read the CS and I like her angle a lot. I want to see where it leads her for sure! She uses force magic in a very cool way too and makes being a bard believable in terms of being helpful. A few minor issues below:

1) The names. Remember that we're not just in a generic fantasy setting here. Drudgunzean names should remind us of names from Germanic tribes. Eskandr names should have a Norse/Viking feel to them. 'Jenny' ain't gonna make the cut, haha.

That's honestly about it, actually... Otherwise, you're good to go!


Jocasta had let herself slip. She'd said too much. Being here - in this place - was not good for her, even if it did afford her the opportunity to dispense some cold, hard justice. Briefly, she went so far as to consider leaving the others to their fates, but there was the chance that one would live and know her for what she was.

The tethered girl had been about to grudgingly suggest lifting them all with kinetic magic, but then Slut came up with a sudden idea that was just needlessly complex. She began shouting instructions with such purpose and vigour that... It wants to live, Jocasta thought mockingly, but then she softened, unable to begrudge Ayla that most basic of ambitions. She actually had a life to look forward to and, for a moment, the floating blonde girl felt a spike of jealousy.

"R-Right!" Jocasta shouted, remembering to keep the tremor in her voice. "I think I-I know her plan! Do it!" This could work out well. They'd either live and grow to trust her more or they'd die by their own actions and she'd carry a bit less guilt into her dreams tonight. The binders started binding then. Jocasta could've helped them, but she'd only signed up for one part in this production and she'd let the chips fall where they would.

Then, as a colossal tuning fork began to take shape, Bitch leaned in towards her amid the scramble. "If it turns sour,” she began, and it was an effort not to flinch from her foul coffee breath (Jocasta turned it into a nervous start of surprise). "Think you can get Ayla and Yalen to safety? I can throw my sister and Kaspar far enough for them to get away. Should be able to land and handle minor injuries. Worst case, I keep it busy.”

Jocasta nodded. "I-I can do that." Fuck you and your quick thinking. In truth, she did not want to actually picture leaving those two idiots to die, loath as she was to admit it to herself. She exhaled. "Don't w-worry about a thing, Zamira!"

Yalen began heating the tuning fork while Sucker and Creep nearly collapsed. The tethered girl let herself sink back onto the ground right beside the latter, setting her wheeled-chair nearby. "Lean on me," she whispered. Her head was at about the perfect level. As Ayla reached out and set the tuning fork humming, Jocasta could feel a massive heart quicken under the sands. "Just aim it properly..." It was Bitch again. "and–”

Jocasta didn't wait. She could feel her partner's kinetic kick and it wouldn't have been enough. She gripped the tuning fork midair and hammered it towards the dead halassa and the dozen other scavengers that had gathered since her departure. Every bit of energy, she bled from herself... save a tiny bit: just enough to escape without having to fully draw should this fail and she needed to.

Then, there was only silence - eerie silence in the desert night - and the feeling of her entire world subtly shaking. Eyes darted between the members of the group. Pulses quickened. Jocasta tried to hold herself aloof from their panic - amateurs - but her racing heart put the lie to it. The rumbling grew. The Wyrm was no longer on a course to intercept them by the Refuge gate. It was heading towards them. In the near distance, bells began ringing at the Refuge and torches flickered to life. She could head the shouts but not understand what was being said. The three pieces of shit had made it safely, though, and they scrambled inside. She could see their silhouettes glancing back at the group of teens. The faint energy signature of the dead one lay in the desert until the Sand Wyrm passed right beneath it. It was subsumed and torn to shreds, inconsequential. That beasts of this nature exist... It would be humbling if it wasn't so wondrous. That Wyrm was probably hundreds of years old. It had been here when the Torraro were still the Torraure, perhaps before them, when this land had belonged to its original inhabitants. It was -

One hundred yards. It closed in. The ground shook. The sand shifted.

Eighty yards. The bells were clanging. Jocasta remembered those bells.

Sixty yards. She could see figured climbing up on the Refuge's parapets: caretakers and guards, the children who were still On Four. She had done the same as a child, scanning the dune sea for the trails of the great Wyrms, terrified yet intrigued behind great walls that she prayed were safe enough.

Forty. Her heart accelerated behind her ribcage, clawing to free itself and escape. She could see it! She could see the waves of sand, the dust sparkling under Qamar Aħmar: the red moon.

Twenty. Yalen was silently praying. She could tell. The Wyrm slowed and started to turn.

Ten. Jocasta opened her arms, ready to suck in every ounce of energy that she could and hurl herself from here. The sand close to them began to sink. Her wheeled-chair shifted. Fuck it! enough of -


The gates shuddered open only after another two minutes. The people inside - at least the ones in charge - were evidently in no hurry to let anyone in. As the colossal wood and iron-strip doors parted, they could already see a sizable crowd gathered. Most were children and teens and some leaned on canes or crutches. Others were older and in wheeled-chairs not unlike Jocasta's. They were held back by a handful of adults: ones who evidently had no trouble with their mobility, and some of whom appeared armed.

One little girl with wavy black hair, dimples, and buckteeth managed to slip through and make it to Yalen, beaming. "We don't geh visidors verrey offen!" she said with a thick Segonese accent. "Only waan in de whole time I'm heer!" She blinked and regarded his cane for a moment. "Whehr you froam?" she asked.

A second one, a few years older, slipped past, leaning on a crutch. She was tall for her age, with braces over her feet and ankles, auburn hair, and a light dusting of freckles. "You know the Wyrm Dance?" she demanded of Ayla, her eyes wide with excitement. She sounded... Perrench, perhaps, or maybe Miattan. "I used Sonic Magic to hear you." She grinned with self-satisfaction. "I can tell you're a sonic mage too. That was a neat trick."

A boy with a nervous face approached Kaspar. "Are you guys like..." He glanced down, trying to hide his hope, "Here to pick up anyone... or something?" He mumbled a couple more words beneath his breath, but they were impossible to make out in all of the clamour.

Another boy, this one a preteen, slipped through right near the outer wall and made it to Zarina. "You're from Virang, aren't you?" He asked in her native tongue. He reached into a little satchel and pulled out a medallion. It was a family seal of some sort. "You don't recognize this, do you?" His eyes darted about and he glanced at her with hopeful uncertainly.

A small dark girl mirrored him from the other side, nearly tripping over her feet. "Your hat is really cool," she said to Ysilla. "You know I have a pretty neat hat too. So, what are you doing here?" It all tumbled out as if she was afraid she wouldn't have time to finish.

The ones who weren't ambulant generally seemed to hold back, less able to dart or slip by, but enough of a gap in the perimeter opened itself up when a couple of guards had to deal with two preteens fighting that a girl perhaps just a couple of years younger than most of the students was able to wheel herself through. She had long, straight black hair and dusky bluish eyes. Something about her looked... vaguely familiar, perhaps. "You're one of us," she said to Jocasta, stopping herself and looking at the older girl unflinchingly. "They're gonna send everyone back now. We'll talk later." With some effort, she started to turn, but nearly ended up running over a lanky boy with a mop of unruly blonde hair. She paused and simply backed up. "It's Marceline," she said quietly and then, more loudly and with some snark and weariness in her tone after a caretaker snapped at her to back up some more, "And they're firing the gun in three... two..."

The crowd in the entrance plaza cleared quickly and all that was left before long were a handful of guards, a caretaker or two bustling about, the Head Caretaker, and Marceline. It was the second last of these who addressed the six students. "Ahh, visitors!" He spread his arms in front of him in a welcoming gesture. "My name is Tavio Ortega, and I'm the Warden here. I welcome you and I would like to apologize for the somewhat... chaotic introduction." His voice was a rich Torragonese lilt, possessed of a natural friendliness that was disarming. When one or two members of the party seemed about to dispute that, they found themselves pierced by Jocasta's warning glare. "Sadly," the Warden continued, "we don't have many... experiences with non-residents out here." He frowned, glancing back at some of the dormitory areas, and his voice turned regretful. "Poor kids get too excited and then I need to be an ogre, I fear: threatening punishment." Then he clapped, suddenly businesslike, and pivoted on a heel. "But you'll have the chance to see them at a more appropriate hour tomorrow." He was smiling now and he began walking. "After we discuss your mission, of course. I received notice that you'd be coming to help us deal with our... problem." He furrowed his brow.

Marceline took a moment to release the small pegs that acted as her wheeled-chair's brakes. Similar to Jocasta's, it was a light wicker and rattan construction, with a low back, bluish cushion, and slim wooden spoked wheels. Her feet sat on a simple footrest flanked by large casters to either side. With a couple of big pushes, she caught up to the others. "Not to be rude," she butted in, "but it's going to be a really big problem if that Sand Wyrm finds the aberration. It was impressive how you six distracted it -" she twisted awkwardly to regard them "- but if it gets to there..." She trailed off for a moment as the seven figures followed the warden and he clasped his hands indulgently behind his back. "A few halassa is one matter," she concluded, "even a froabas or a rino blindado, but that thing..."

"Ah yes," the warden acknowledged, "this is Marcelina. She has been with us for... four years now, is it, dear child?"

"Yes, four," she said, businesslike, and there may have been a hint of Kerreman in her accent. "Warden Ortega, we need to get out there and do something about that aberration as soon as possible. If the Wyrm reaches it -"

He held up a hand for silence as they headed up a ramp. People cleared the way for her and Jocasta. "Keep your voice down, dear. You know we don't want to alarm the others. They have such stress as it is."

"Sorry..." she grated, reaching the top with far less grace than Jocasta. "It is not a problem," replied the Warden. "Now, as for our guests, can't you see that they are exhausted?" He glanced at them and then, admonishingly, at Marceline. "I can tell that they are brave and capable people, but even such individuals need a nice warm bath, a good night's sleep, and some new clothes and supplies before setting out in the morning." He addressed the six with a clapped clasp of his hands. "I am having rooms made up for you now. I am sure you are eager to get on with it. We will have a briefing at 3:00 HS in the morning and I will tell you everything that I know about the situation." He paused and turned to face them. Marceline came to a clumsy stop and turned as well. "Marci, you're still on four. Why are you in a chair?"

"Apologies, Warden Ortega. My knees are getting worse and I thought I should practice. Plus, I wanted to hurry out and didn't have time to put on my braces."

He nodded. "Marcelina will show you to your rooms." He rested a couple of fingers on the younger teen's shoulder for a second, a fatherly smile peeking out from beneath the bristles of his great mustache. "You're in a row beside each other. I'm having baths filled for you all." He fished a loop of keys from his belt and tossed them gently to his assistant. "On behalf of all of us here, I cannot thank you enough for coming and agreeing to help us. We are... not so well-equipped to deal with threats of this nature and they've been becoming... more common as of late." He smiled tightly, clasped his hands once more in thanks, and bowed slightly at the waist before making his exit. The six found themselves within a ground floor colonnade, the upper floor's own covered balcony and colonnade making up the roof above their heads. Crickets chirped, the moons shone, and the plaza's central fountain splashed somewhere off behind them. In the near distance were six flickering oil lanterns, one by each doorway. Marceline glanced down at the keys in her lap and then, excusing herself, pushed her way to the front of the group. "I suppose you can guess where it is," she said wryly. "If you'll follow me..."

Hey, @Salsa Verde, thanks for dropping your CS here. I like Ulfhild very much and she's a strong candidate for being chosen (only 4 Eskandr spaces, after all). She feels realistic and believable within her world. I can sense the thought that went into her. I know I've also given scant detail on the Eskandr religion up to this point. That'll be rectified today, so feel freee to incorporate it if you'd like. A few small suggestions below.

1) Eskandr is the demonym and Eskand is the land;
2) Quentic or Quentist as opposed to Quentin;
3) 'Bear' children as opposed to 'bare';
4) In general, access to the Gift is not common, and especially being Fourth Wheel or above. It may be good to touch on that.

I'll do a final tally and review of all Character sheets on Wednesday and ping (mention) everyone who is chosen. At that point, I'd ask that you join the discord assuming that you're not already in it under another name.

The number of grapes that Azar had consumed - both in solid and liquid form - was truly unholy. By Arhaphast himself, she had devoured a queenly amount. She reclined on a divan in a fine silk robe making little dancing fire puppets with her fingers.

What a maroon! Haha! What a knob! She grinned with a self-satisfied air and it lingered on her face for a good few more seconds before she let it fade. She flicked a grape up and caught it in her mouth, feeling rather proud of herself. She'd always been naturally acrobatic. Smug as a snake in a ratsnest, she went for a second but, this time, it went down a bit wrong and she nearly managed to choke herself. Azar sat up, coughing and wheezing. She stumbled to her feet, hammered her chest, and swallowed. She could taste grape in her nose and suddenly she did not want anymore. After a few further coughs, she drank greedily from her wine and, at last, managed a steady breath. Cursed little choking-orbs! With a petty sort of satisfaction, she smacked the silver bowl away and watched the grapes spill across the floor. That'll teach you! she forced herself to think, twin flames igniting in her palms, but it was not near as satisfying as she had hoped and the fires flared and were extinguished.

This was stupid. She felt stupid. She was no sumptuous courtesan or high class lady. She was, always had been, and always would be dirt. Why, Azar could not even swallow a grape properly! It was absurd to think that she'd actually wormed her way into the Imit's good graces: absurd! Were she capable of such feats, she'd have managed one last time she'd been here. After pacing for a few minutes, increasingly distressed, mind going to paranoid places, temperature rising like it inevitably did, she paused by the window and looked out over the city. but if I could get my hands on even a small sliver of this...

She knew that she wouldn't. She was playacting at being a schemer again. Sometimes she had enough chutzpah to pull it off in the short term but, in the long run, she always came undone. Even now, just a few minutes ago, she had nearly burned the room down over a grape. Steal what you can, the practiced scoundrel's voice within exhorted her, scare them with fire, and run for Baneghora or Esaad. She went back to pacing, mind flighty, coming up with and endlessly amending half-plans until she ran out of impetus and hurled herself back down onto the divan. Within half an hour, Azar was in bed in her silk robes. It was a really nice bed. Maybe she could make this work after all. Maybe she didn't need to cut and run for once. Maybe, if she passed whatever inevitable trial the Imit would send her way - for that was the manner in which opportunities always seemed to come to her - she could just... be lucky, for once. The young ayiralite managed to half-shrug into her covers. Before sleep claimed her, she remembered to thank the divine. She recited the seven virtues and was lost to dreams.

Histories & Legends_________ __ __ _ _

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Flora & Fauna_________ __ __ _ _

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