Avatar of Foster


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6 days ago
Current So apparently there's 60 minutes in an hour because it's divisible by base-12.
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1 mo ago
Well, the good news is I have dodged food poisoning, for now.
2 mos ago
So I found out my fridge broke *after* having some leftovers, so I may/not be doubled-over in pain for a bit.
2 mos ago
But the real question is: Are you lighter than a duck?
2 mos ago
Autism be like: If it quacks kinda like a duck and looks like a bigger duck, it's probably a goose. But they lump it in with all the other ducks anyways, because a duck is a duck even the Canadians.
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-There will be delays in replies. Largely due to working overtime, voluntary obligations; other RPs and online-things may compete for my attention.

'Bout me:
Started RPing (badly) back in '05, mostly doing nation-RPs with an emphasis on technology and strategy, later edging out to character-espionage and military-tactics before doing "less serious" character roleplays that were outside of the 2005-2008 continuity.

That's when I went to Dead-Frontier, and found the RP community there, joined a clan, did some pretty good roleplays and pretty much loosened-up my online-personality. When the clan-leader decided to move her RPs here, most of the clan followed.

Took a course in technical-writing back in '08, so now I may sometimes use the semicolon correctly.

In 2010 I dusted off the old nation-RP continuity I had, doing a few hetelia-esque RP-shenanigans there..

RP-Habbits: I tend to geek-out on little technical-details, and sometimes infer how those details would impact the background of the roleplay. Great for world-building, not so great when you had a perfectly good plotline and I just MacGyver it off the rails (though I usually er to the side of amusement, sometimes it creates very grim side-stories).

Most Recent Posts

The key part here being a character I made, and not one made by someone else and then thrown in my lap when they bounced from an RP to see what I could do with that character (it's a lot).

Based on how often I've tried bringing them back, probably the OG Chartose. Drunken and disorderly half-elf mercenary with a crossbow, lance, and a very clever girl horse. Also present was a dwarf, who he was racist against, and a giant, who also disliked him, and a fire-elemental whom he was smitten by (and also happened to be a princess in exile operating incognito)... who also hated him.
-He's been re-imagined/re-booted/re-interpreted more than a dozen times by now, even changed species a couple of times along the way as the harbinger of well-intentioned chaos.

One of the favorite one-hit-wonders was a water-merchant I made for a fallout RP. Befriended a lone-surviving tribal and set out on a quest to free them. Ended up breaking up a brothel, recruiting an NCR ranger, made a pet nightstalker, and encountered some slavers in a tank. Originally I'd planned for him to get mortally wounded by the end of the RP, but everyone else made a very strong case that he should live happily ever after. Oh, and I never even played fallout before (still haven't), so I was just making things up as I went and had a page open to the wiki for any fan/canon info as needed. Washed that all down with a brahmin-burger with cheese and a tall glass of sunset sasparilla.

After that it's a tie between Ira Strank, Adrian Vance, Alexi Sheppard, and Specialist First class Schwartz.... Think Delta-Green meets Red vs Blue. Honorable Mention for Agent Stratton for making the most unsettling backseater in a police-cruiser when doped-up on painkillers.
-They had to make a skippy's list... for each individual member...
--BTW, that's where the signature came from.
See, [Foster] cared not if the mission succeeded or not, as long as it was spectacular trainwreck. Sometimes that was the host Nation firing a SCUD into a hospital to destroy a foreign infection and accidentally sparking a rebellion... or accidentally starting the Mokan Drug War.

Although those incidents are tame compared to the Task Force Atlas chronicles... doing everything from HALO insertion in the eye of a hurricane upon an erupting volcano to defuse a doomsday-weapon, to... that thing with the airship... and a mecha that thinks it's a cow.
Oh, and supersonic LAPES because SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED

*The BPL is a separate entity, but we pretty much both wrecked a pair of perfectly good airships for funsies.

Others would've been "that time Adrian was a werewolf", a couple of mech pilots, dragon-hunters, some shenanigans in space, and a pointy-eared fae blacksmith that was deathly allergic to iron.
When I finish Lilith's backstory, I'm gonna put Varlan/@Yankee in so much danger
Qaymu's new worry is the new maid - who undoubtedly has a master key to all the apartments - including his.

That's she's part-celestial is concerning, what's the chances she might decide to smite some of the residents?

I'm hoping as a celestial they're lawful-good.

So no killing troublemakers unless they break "ze-rulez".
I just realized that there are 2 Shoggoth's that want to talk to Theria... Am I in danger?

I'm sure Ms Holloway is a big softy at heart... she may eviscerate anyone who tells you that, though.

But at least there's an 80/20 chance they'll dump your lifeless body in front of the hospital ER afterwards.
A bit of a double-post, but...
<Snipped quote by Dragonydas>

Oh god.
Well, she's free for a little bit, since Velvet's probably getting up at like 8pm tonight. It's been a LONG night.

When I get Lilith finished, Velvet can chill in a hammock at her apartment in building-2 if things in building-1 get to be too much.

They would compete for food, although her meals are more of a protein-slurry that may include blood.

@Foster Did I also miss your character sheet?

It's unfinished, I need to work on her crack-spider backstory.

Yes, I am adorable


Now why is Miyuki so scary? Is it because she's a hot babe? It is it because she's not a hot babe but a hot monster? Afraid she's gonna turbo granny you?

The territorial twins
@Foster Did I also miss your character sheet?

It's unfinished, I need to work on her crack-spider backstory.

In case anyone was wondering where Lilith at.
That's why they said "mostly" harmless, like Earth.
Yeah, invading the residents' personal space is only legal if you can be cute about it!
Fair, I'm just remembering how we used to deal with 150 player dogpile-RPs back when I was doing nationbuilding-stuff. Since that was the only way to keep posts organized by location/ability-to-interact and institute a posting-order while encouraging collaborative-posts since not doing those things would be 500+ posts per RP-thread/day. And doing so usually cut IC posts down to like 15/day/thread.

Our group, thankfully, isn't that big.

Pretty sure we still call it rabbit-posting since the posts multiply like rabbits.
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