Xan chuckled at Moira's comment. "You'll never know, there might be something you like hidden behind all these older books." She made her way down the aisle of books only for her to hear a familiar voice. Her eyes flitted towards the wind mage as he made his way towards the table.
"Any of you heard about “The Masked Phantom” before last night?”The girl shook her head, "no, I haven't heard of him before." Fair enough, considering she had only been a guilder for a little more than a year. "He's definitely an interesting individual." Her eyebrows creased in irritation as she remembered his little speech. She focused her eyes on the papers, "he said he was going to steal the most valuable piece of art, but the question is, which piece does he mean? Everything at the Academy looked...pricey."
Syed mentioned finding a pattern. It was a great idea, but unfortunately he couldn't find anything.
"Mhm, you're right. It's definitely strange, especially if he's been robbing the more affluent people in Artar. News like this tends to spread pretty quickly." Perhaps the Masked Phantom was a newer villain? However, judging by his confidence last night, it seemed as if he had been doing this for his entire life. "Is it possible that he's a much newer villain? After what we saw last night, it doesn't seem likely, but it could be why there isn't anything on the papers. Or perhaps, after a few heists in the past he began laying low. Moira mentioned a showy thief, it could be them. Maybe, this is like a big come back?" She shook her head, not exactly sure if anything she was saying made much sense.
Xan stared at the papers. "Did you deal with something similar in Fenaru?"