Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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Basically, only the Bersekers (on both teams) are left open. There are two odd situations, which are as follows:

Red Lancer/Assassin: There's a bit of debate at the moment, but basically whoever Vita does not take, Grey will. Unless, of course, Kyoka decides they want to swap with Vita for one of the two, in which case Vita will take Saber and the Kyoka will have first pick.

Black Archer: Is a mess. I'll update everyone on the full extent of the situation once it's been resolved.
Edit: Well, Rain beat me to the punch. Yeah, that's basically what happened.

Okay? Okay.
Logically yes, but EMIYA is arriving and we can't exactly steal riceman's rice like that.

Unless they somehow meet outside of the war Hollow Ataraxia-style and do some sort of charity drive.
"I like swords" is the theme of the day.

*Shirou waves hi*
  • Name: Emiya Shirou
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: "So long as it's to protect Illya-nee-san, I won't have any regrets."
  • Personality: With actions that can be called 'bold', 'headstrong', and occasionally 'very stupid', Shirou has a tendency to throw himself at any problem before letting other people attempt to handle it. Having not been given the trauma of being the only survivor of a giant magical disaster, Shirou is far less suicidal than one might expect him to be, but he is still very adamantly defiant in the face of anyone or anything that might bring harm to his older sister.
    Despite his faults, though, Shirou is never one to give up in the face adversity, and will always fight to the very last for the sake of his family or friends. Outside of the usual life-or-death situations that he occasionally finds himself wrapped up in, though, Shirou's quite open with people and... Well, quite frankly, is still fairly dense at times. He's still a good person who won't hesitate to help people with things like errands and whatnot, but there's a little less mercy in his actions if people piss him off.
  • Skills: Shirou is quite adept at fixing machinery, and despite his appearances he's a VERY good cook. Beyond that, Shirou is also a very good archer, having practiced kyudo often in school while he was still a part of the club. Other than that, though, this young man has an unnatural penchant for getting himself into trouble, mainly for the sake of others.
    Now, of course, is not an exception.
  • Abilities: Having been trained by a Kiritsugu that wasn't permanently traumatized, Shirou is able to use his reinforcement magecraft on things beyond 'swords', and can fight with pretty much any random tool on the fly. Not that the weapon itself will be durable, mind you, but most of what he reinforces can withstand at least a few blows before breaking apart.
    Aside from that, though, Shirou is able to project swords, though for the most part what he uses in emergencies are a pair of kitchen knives shaped like swords. After all, it's fairly difficult to get away with obtaining a sword in modern-day Japan, much less duplicating one endlessly without any real legal consequences.
  • Brief Backstory: Despite the lack of a Great Fuyuki Fire that annihilated a good chunk of the city, Shirou's parents still ended up dead, and the young child once again ended up orphaned. Even so, he ended up adopted by Kiritsugu and Irisviel for some reason or another (read: Illyasviel), and ended up becoming her adopted little brother.
    Getting used to a new life wasn't too difficult for the young Shirou, barring the fact that he was now being trained extensively by his foster parents in magecraft in order to protect his older sister. Even so, he managed to continue to live a somewhat normal life, not unlike a certain Tohsaka heir. Of course, the current situation now has led to him joining the Great Grail War, if only to protect his small older sister from harm.
  • Faction: Red (Tohsaka-Einzbern)
Hm... I think I've decided on a Caster. For now, though...

  • Name: Emiya Shirou
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: "So long as it's to protect Illya-nee-san, I won't have any regrets."
  • Personality: With actions that can be called 'bold', 'headstrong', and occasionally 'very stupid', Shirou has a tendency to throw himself at any problem before letting other people attempt to handle it. Having not been given the trauma of being the only survivor of a giant magical disaster, Shirou is far less suicidal than one might expect him to be, but he is still very adamantly defiant in the face of anyone or anything that might bring harm to his older sister.
    Despite his faults, though, Shirou is never one to give up in the face adversity, and will always fight to the very last for the sake of his family or friends. Outside of the usual life-or-death situations that he occasionally finds himself wrapped up in, though, Shirou's quite open with people and... Well, quite frankly, is still fairly dense at times. He's still a good person who won't hesitate to help people with things like errands and whatnot, but there's a little less mercy in his actions if people piss him off.
  • Skills: Shirou is quite adept at fixing machinery, and despite his appearances he's a VERY good cook. Beyond that, Shirou is also a very good archer, having practiced kyudo often in school while he was still a part of the club. Other than that, though, this young man has an unnatural penchant for getting himself into trouble, mainly for the sake of others.
    Now, of course, is not an exception.
  • Abilities: Having been trained by a Kiritsugu that wasn't permanently traumatized, Shirou is able to use his reinforcement magecraft on things beyond 'swords', and can fight with pretty much any random tool on the fly. Not that the weapon itself will be durable, mind you, but most of what he reinforces can withstand at least a few blows before breaking apart.
    Aside from that, though, Shirou is able to project swords, though for the most part what he uses in emergencies are a pair of kitchen knives shaped like swords. After all, it's fairly difficult to get away with obtaining a sword in modern-day Japan, much less duplicating one endlessly without any real legal consequences.
  • Brief Backstory: Despite the lack of a Great Fuyuki Fire that annihilated a good chunk of the city, Shirou's parents still ended up dead, and the young child once again ended up orphaned. Even so, he ended up adopted by Kiritsugu and Irisviel for some reason or another (read: Illyasviel), and ended up becoming her adopted little brother.
    Getting used to a new life wasn't too difficult for the young Shirou, barring the fact that he was now being trained extensively by his foster parents in magecraft in order to protect his older sister. Even so, he managed to continue to live a somewhat normal life, not unlike a certain Tohsaka heir. Of course, the current situation now has led to him joining the Great Grail War, if only to protect his small older sister from harm.
  • Faction: Red (Tohsaka-Einzbern)
Did someone say Shirou?

Because I'm prepping him right now.

Anyways, I'm busy juggling between ideas right now, but I'm waiting for a more fleshed out roster before I commit.
Reporting in for duty. o7
Steven Fan

Fremont's deliberate attempts at throwing Steven off were working just a bit, even if the lawyer didn't show any hint of it on his face. There were far worse things to be staring at in Hell's courts, after all—he had seen a few of those firsthand, no thanks due to the Yama's tests before forming the contract.
Of course, they couldn't have hurt him, but the knowledge that such things and such places existed was enough to burn into his mind without having to worry about losing sleep.

"Targets vary depending on what headquarters wants us to handle; they can range anywhere from taking out a single person to dismantling entire underground crime rings or things that go a bit beyond that, if what my superiors have mentioned is anything to go off of. Both the membership and library card should be handled in a few days should you put in the request via your representative—in other words, me, and your request has been placed under consideration. We have a few bases that you can use for both of those purposes anyhow, so it shouldn't take too long for me to approve them," he stated, stopping the car as Fremont's last question came through. The subject of 'how many people' wasn't something that the prosecutor wanted to touch on all that much either, but this was one of those questions that was going to have to be answered one way or another.

"As for your last question... Well, I can't say I know everything, either. Not how many forces our group employs in this city, at least—its influence reaches across the nation, that much is for certain, but as of right now we don't have that many personnel in the city that can actively fight. Mostly logistics and support. Other than that... It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that one wrong step would make the entire world your enemy. This rabbit hole reaches far further down than I can see, and I've already gotten this far."

With that, Steven sighed and calmly opened the door to the car and let himself out.

"In any case, we've arrived," he continued, beckoning the large man to exit and locking the vehicle once he did so and passing a key ring with a key on it to him. "Your room's on the eighth floor, so go check it out. Should be filled with the basics, so just let us know if there's anything you might want to put in a request for. Of course, your results will likely change how those pan out, so please, do your best. I'll be waiting at the nearby bookstore should you finish checking this place out; apparently, there's some things to be handled today. See you later."

With that, the lawyer waved and began walking away. There was enough confidence in Fremont to not cause another scene so soon after leaving jail, and it wasn't like he needed to babysit his now-coworker. That would betray the implicit trust that had been built up until now, and building something like that back up from scratch, no matter how small the progress might have been, would be far harder than any other thing he had done until now.
The second that the Captain made the call, Tiral quickly began to shine the light off his ice towards the other side of the forest before stepping into action. Drawing his dagger and quickly casting an incantation, the mage-knight took a deep breath and extended his free hand towards the enemy encampment. It'd take a moment for the orcs to mount a defense, all things considered, but he would have preferred if his own ploy could have been done with less noise... So to speak.

It didn't take long for the ice to snake its way through the enemy encampment, causing the ground to become slippery and the orcs to begin to fumble and trip over one another. Of course, this meant that their cover was all but gone, and Tiral assumed that whatever was being shouted in their tongue right now was some sort of warning to everyone else. In other words, it was now or never to charge in.

"I've given the signal, Captain. Lead the way," he stated, tucking away his dagger and drawing his sword in preparation for the charge. "It'll only take so long for their forces to recover, but it's not the orcs that we should be worrying about, after all..."
Kumozaki Keisuke

The constant flashing of blades and the various magic spells firing away at the horde of undead gave off more than enough light for Keisuke to attempt to scan the area for any enemies that might be able to slip through. Of course, given the intensity of the barrage on part of two Casters and an Archer, that in and of itself seemed quite unlikely, if not impossible, for any normal enemy (and especially not these undead). The Lancer and the wolves at her side continued to advance, though, which posed a more important problem—namely, that the fighting would accidentally reach the gates of the town regardless of how they dealt with the horde.

Elizabeth's suggestion was not lost upon Keisuke's ears despite the ringing that seemed to grip his hearing, and the Enforcer took a moment to steady himself before nodding.

"I think that we have enough ways of keeping them at back should fighting break out elsewhere, but the two Sabers are already moving to intercept Brynhildr," he shouted, thinking for a moment before nodding in affirmation. "That being said, if we can eliminate the enemy Servant before whatever's wrapping around her arm gets any further, we should be able to avoid any further trouble. Let's move out!"

As soon as he gave the order, Keisuke sent a message to both of the Servants who were already at ground level to pierce through the enemy lines at meet Brynhildr in direct combat.

Siegfried, having received the message, gave a quick shout of affirmation as he rushed forward, slicing his way forward in an attempt to meet up with Arturia before engaging the enemy Lancer. The sudden blur of darkness in the night, though, caused the Saber to temporarily halt his advance in order to ascertain if the figure breaking through enemy lines was a friend or a foe. Given that the wolves seemed to be getting eviscerated, though, it seemed as if it would be fine making an attempt to "coordinate" some sort of offense using the unknown Servant's presence as a buffer.

As soon as he made his way through to the blonde-haired knight, Siegfried brandished his blade and turned towards the enemy Lancer.

"King of Knights, we should push ahead while we have a cha—" he began to say before a sudden flash of light caused him to shield his eyes. Not a moment later, though, Siegfried jumped back and held his blade aloft, barely deflecting a spear of light that had just been aimed at his chest.

"Not a step further!"

The declaration came from a blonde woman wielding a weapon not unlike what had just been launched at Siegfied, with wings that seemed to shine brightly in the midst of the night sky. Of course, what seemed to be more concerning than the being in front of the pair of Sabers was the fact that there were dozens more of them flying in the skies above.

"...Hm. Upon further inspection, you're not Sigurd after all. My apologies, but even so, I cannot allow you to hurt Elder Sister! If you wish to fight her, you will have to get past me first!"

Tomoe Gozen

As soon as the two Sabers seemed to be stopped, Tomoe quickly turned and took aim at the woman who had just arrived. Without a moment's delay, the Archer loosed an arrow aimed for her head, only for it to be quickly blocked by another one of the flying beings—this one, with pink hair instead of blonde.

"Master, the presence all of these new enemies are giving off—they're all Servants!" she shouted, quickly leaping to the side as she dodged a spear of light aimed at her last position.

"Yep, all of us here are Servants. You know, you're fairly brave, even though you're facing against all of us. Are you a warrior from the east? I've never seen one before..." she asked, a smile on her face as she raised her arm to throw another spear.

"Yes, that is so. So what of you, then? Are you simply here to assault this town?"

"What? Oh, no, that'd go against a lot of things we stand for. We're just here to help our Elder Sister out. But, well... Hm. Those undead down there are making things a bit more troublesome than I'd like. Ortlinde, go ahead and eliminate them, all right?"

Almost as if on cue, a giant barrage of spears fell upon the undead, with particular focus given to Skuld's giant, and before long the field was littered with the remains of the undead.

"Good job," the pink-haired girl said, giving a thumbs up back towards the other Walkure flying in the air before turning back towards the Servants guarding the town's gates. "Well, with all that said and done, you'd probably go after our Elder Sister with the town secure, right? Sorry, but we're not going to allow that to happen! Everyone! Charge!"

With her spear pointed towards the Servants situated near the town walls, the other Walkure began to rapidly close the distance towards the group. With a deep breath, Tomoe drew her bowstring back and took aim, but not before the Walkure who had been speaking up until now dove in to attack her.

"Nope, not going to let you do that! You're an Archer, right? In other words, if I let you do as you please, you'll just try shooting everyone down... So a duel it is! I hope you're prepared for the worst!" she said, smiling as she swung at Tomoe. The Archer, taken slightly off guard by the sudden interference, quickly parried the two thrusts aimed at her heart before tossing her bow to the side and drawing her katana.

"Very well, then. If you desire a duel, then I shall oblige."

As the beast-like Servant tore through the wolves surrounding her, Brynhildr slowed her charge and instead turned towards the source of the chaos. Though it was not her intended target, the Lancer could at least tell that the one charging through the rest of the wolves was most definitely not one of her 'allies'. And so, just as quickly as she stopped, the valkyrie quickly turned towards her new target of elimination and rushed forth, flames cloaking her as she attempted to swing her spear at the Servant's neck.

With the sudden change of situation on the battlefield, Keisuke cursed under his breath and dashed off to the side, eyes trained on the Walkure as they charged towards the Casters and Elizabeth. There was no way he could fight any of these Servants on his own, but their numbers seemed far too overwhelming to simply deal with up front.

"Elizabeth! Can you get us to regroup with the two Casters? As we are right now, the possibility of getting picked off one by one is too high for my liking!" he shouted, barely dodging the various spears being lobbed at his location by the skin of his teeth. "We can't hope for an offensive like this!"

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@KoL
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