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Steven Fan

Once he had left Fremont to his own devices, Steven had made a beeline towards his usual workplace. It was part of the order he had been given earlier that day: pick up and drop off the new member he was assigned to, grab the necessary data that had been compiled, and start working on the job with everyone else assigned to the 'unit' he was in.

To be honest, the lawyer didn't much care for how military-esque everything was put, but it wasn't like he was in any position to argue.

By the time he had arrived at the bookstore that he had mentioned to the giant wall of a man, Steven noticed that the group that Donovan had been assigned to pick up was already there well ahead of him.

"Huh. So much for 'waiting over here', huh?" he quipped, glancing over at the quivering mess of a man standing at the building's entrance before slipping inside. It was quite odd that his superiors had piled on so many rookies—himself included—onto the same team, but this was no time to argue with people who could probably lop his head off at the first word.

"I see you've already made yourself known," he stated simply, glancing at Fremont (who, in turn, was staring at the giant rabbit that had been summoned by Yang) before stepping over to a nearby table and clearing the books off of it. "In any case, your 'wish' has been granted; we've got a job."

With that, Steven placed the sealed dossier that he had left to retrieve onto the table and opened it for everyone to see. A cursory glance over it made it clear what the job was, and the lawyer was starting to massage his forehead.

"Aaah... You're kidding, right? Stop a black market auction in the middle of the night, tonight, and detain as many of the people present as possible... Which group was this?" he sighed, flipping through the documents with mild irritation. "Hm. Intel's saying it's a Japanese Anchor by the name of 'War God's Wrath' in charge, so I guess things are probably going to get really physical."

Of course, Steven wasn't really familiar with all of the Anchor names yet—there was a great amount of them, after all—but there was an additional remark that the group had ties with the yakuza and a few other shadier Anchors on the paper. Didn't make the whole situation any better, to be frank; it just meant that they were probably armed to the teeth with conventional weaponry, even putting aside whatever Contractor(s) they had at hand.

"Alright, everyone. Directions were to let whoever wanted to read more to go wild, then burn the documents to ash and start preparations for the night. Location's the docks, and we haven't been given transport, so... Start planning."
@DisturbedSpec: Okay. First: Post characters in the OoC tab first. Then when they're approved, Characters tab. It's bad practice to do otherwise, so that's just to let you know for the future.

Next: OCs, as stated in the OP, are prohibited. No ands, ifs, or buts. Sorry.
@floodtalon: Okay, it's daytime and I am distinctly less tired. Having consulted with the others, this is the conclusion we've come to:

A final statline of C+ C A E E C is fine on our end.

The bigger point of contention was how the Manslayer skill was set up. I can see that you're trying to justify how his NP appears to work in-game, but we can also chalk that up just as easily to a technique that the dude knew. Super damage to a Servant or gibbing a Master on the spot with a nick is a bit absurd.
An alternative to setting this up is that wounds dealt by Izou take longer to heal (especially given how Servants have a knack to just shrug off chip damage after a while out of combat). If the wounds stick, then he has more utility rather than a built-in Zabaniya as a skill, which could also lead to more interesting situations in the long run.

(Dude has a habit of biting off more than he can chew, anyhow.)

Think that's about it, though. The others will say if there's anything left to be ironed out.
@floodtalon: Chiming in real quick 'cuz it's also late here.

Statline got too many buffs. His base is C D B E E C, and there's no way you get to A B A+ E E C from staging alone. It's not THAT big a buff; if anything, tune the statline to something like C+ D A E E C or something. His skills and NP make up for the difference anyhow.

Else, I think we're okay? We'll see what my counterpart has to say later.
@ERode: Hm...
I really don't think that idea works, to be quite frank. We already have two Vlads that exist in canon, and it's not like Servants really change that much when being summoned in other locations or are shaped by opinion thereof; what's recorded on the Throne isn't so easily molded like that.

To elaborate: Extra Vlad showcases what happens when we focus on the "Vlad III" aspect, while Apo Vlad focuses more on the "Dracula" aspect (however ironic that may be), and if this version of Vlad was to exist, then we're really getting... Well, neither, to be honest. The two Vlads are not only starkly different in bearing, but also basically encompass everything you'd expect in the package: a regal protector of the land on one hand and the batshit crazy stabman that made him really famous. Besides, they're also both Lancer, which is pretty telling when deciding which aspect to really commit to.

Placing aside the fact that the proposed skillset is a bit odd, I don't think that's a version of Vlad that could be given the go-ahead here.
Leonardo Watch

Leo quietly sat by and watched as the others talked, taking in the food with a quiet focus that seemed a bit unlike him... Mainly because it really was. The occasional shaking had resumed underneath them, and if the young man knew anything about how his life tended to end up, it was that at times like these things usually started to go horribly, horribly wrong for himself and everyone else around him.

In other words, now was the time to eat and savor the moment before everything got too out of hand.

"I think it's good that we're getting more people on board for this, at least," he said between bites, catching his cup of water as the rumbling began to hit a fever pitch. "Okay, this is just starting to get out of hand. What's going on outside?!"

As if on cue, Sonic came flying in from one of the windows, a few singed hairs on its head as it grabbed Leo's shirt by the collar and began to rapidly point outside in a panic. With a few beads of sweat running down his forehead now, the young man took the glass of water with him and walked over to the restaurant's exit to peek outside...

Only to immediately duck back inside and close the door, a small part of his fair also having been singed off.

"Um... Guys? I think we might have a problem," he said, calmly pointing out the door towards the street.

Indeed, there was now a small army of aliens now streaming down the streets, firing their weapons at any people who were unlucky enough to be standing in the way.

Or, in the case of the insectoid ones, infecting and killing people to add more to their ranks as they went.

Hinanawi Tenshi

Tenshi couldn't help but laugh as she watched Mordred struggling with the strange machine in front of her, crossing her arms over her chest as she gave off an aura of (perceived) confidence. The idea seemed simple enough for the Celestial, at least; press button, move the weird machine-arm-thing that she was used to seeing the kappa use, and let go. Simple!

"Hey, let me have a try," she said, slipping past Mordred to try her hand at a machine adjacent to the one she was at. A few coins were added into the machine (after a bit of fumbling), and off the girl went!

To fail. And more coins were added. And another failure.

By the third try she seemed to be just as angry as Mordred.

"Hey, come on! This has to be cheating, right? Right?! Even festival games aren't as crazy as this!" she shouted, stomping her right foot on the ground and (inadvertently) causing a small, localized earthquake. "I swear, I'll get this... I'm not sure what it is, but it looks soft! Whatever!"

As soon as Hibiki let the giant wolf down, it took a few steps back and slowly attempted to move its limbs about, as if to check for any damage, before turning towards the weird man among the group and tilt its head in confusion. It seemed to understand what was being said, but the question itself seemed to make no sense at all to it. Not like it could speak, though.

The biker, of course, seemed to stare at the group for a moment before sagging her shoulders. She was used to weird occurrences back in Ikebukuro, of course, but this... It was, admittedly, a bit much for her.

"You don't think that sending a giant wolf careening across the sky is more attention-grabbing than what it's been doing since last night?" she typed, half expecting the group to know why the police had evacuated the area before realizing that if that was the case, they might not have come at all. "There was a giant earthquake in the middle of the region here, and this wolf's been doing nothing but circling that place all night. I don't know if it's looking for someone or something, or if it's trying to keep people out, but I can't just overlook something like that in the first place."

"Coming right up!"

As soon as Nanoha made her order, the chef nodded and quickly got to work, jumping back and forth between different workstations in the kitchen as the smell of food cooking filled the air. It didn't take long for the food to be done cooking, if anything—only a few minutes of work were needed before all of the dishes were ready and on the table.

"Hope it's all to your liking. Minami, got you the usual, so... Mind explaining a bit more about this whole situation?" Sakajima finally said, taking a seat near the two as he took a glance by the door. "Honestly, dunno why I opened up after all those messes yesterday; probably ain't gonna be anyone coming out to eat anyhow today."

"Oh, thanks," the Private responded, handing over some money to the chef (who promptly slipped it into his pocket) before nodding. "Well, how much do you know?"

"Earthquakes, various anime enemies popping out of the woodwork, people going missing... About what you'd expect on an incident of this scale."

"Hm... Any local incidents? Gossip from last night?"

"I heard one of the regulars—you know Endo, the otaku kid from five blocks down—shouting something about 'Noise' near his home. Nobody could understand a lick of what he was saying outside of that, though, so everyone else here was kind of just... Eating before they left."

With that minor information-gathering session finished, Sakajima turned towards Nanoha and smiled.

"So... Nanoha? The actual Nanoha? Honestly, I have two questions. One: do you have anything to prove that you're the real deal?" he asked before leaning forward, a smile on his face. "And two: how's my food compared to where you're from? Second question's more important, of course, but I'm not going to pass a chance like this up. Imagine the buzz I could get after all this is over, y'know?"

@KoL@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR@TheFake@Crusader Lord
    Current Servant opening status:
      Black Faction:

      Red Faction:
Okay, Caster done. She should be a familiar face for anyone who's been following JP FGO.

Well, I need a faction so I can add that to the sheet, then.
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