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@Raineh Daze@Crusader Lord: Also accepted.

@Rabidporcupine: Technically the first one does work. 'Joke' refers more to characters like... Say, Piranha Plant. You know, ones deliberately used as walking punchlines and don't provide much in terms of interesting story.

Also, I'm not sure how I'd feel about the Lagann being here. Probably not well.

One day, one random day in the middle of July, it appeared as if every electrical device that could produce sound malfunctioned, if only for a few seconds. After a few seconds of static and no more, a solitary voice began to speak. The culprit, while unknown, caused worldwide curiosity and panic with a single set of words as they permeated even the most secure of government communications and farthest reaching telecommunication networks.

"A dim night, the pale moonlight, and a wispy wind.
A shining sun, a cloudy sky, and a singular tree standing in the middle of a grassy field.
Though day and night are miles apart, they are, in essence, two sides of the same coin.
Just as fiction is to reality.
And so... What if 'fiction' and 'reality' were to meet? Upon this blank slate we call 'Earth', what would the end result be?
The stage is set, and the curtains have been drawn. The terms 'mastermind' and 'villain' are not in this story, though, and all that remains are the actors in this grand play.
Now, my dear viewers, let us see what path they choose in this grand farce, and how they—and the world—will react?"

The voice, sounding as if it came from a young woman, faded off into silence as fast as it had come, and the world was left in confusion. Of course, no source was found, but in the end, that day also ended up as the day everything began.
To be more specific, it was the day that 'fiction' and 'fantasy' met 'reality'.


In essence, this is a pretty basic(?) crossover RP that takes place on Earth. For all intents and purposes, this is our Earth, with all its modern amenities and whatnot. However, the reasons behind characters appearing and their reasons for acting... Well, that's something else entirely.


All characters are bound in some way, shape, or form by the rules of the world that they come from; if they needed an anchor to remain in their own world, then they need one to remain on Earth. Following that comment, assume that there is a complete disconnect from a character's original world and the one on Earth, and that no connection can be made to the origin barring reality-warping shenanigans.

If a resource exists in a character's home universe but does not ordinarily exist on Earth, then upon entry it will now exist on Earth. Hidden and sporadically naturally occurring, but it will exist.

Characters will not necessarily appear within the same area, nor will their goals necessarily be aligned.

Autotranslate is a thing for the sake of convenience, so don't worry about language barriers.

For the sake of the RP, characters should be at least semi-serious in tone. Blatant joke characters (at my discretion) can and will be declined. In addition to that, all characters should be from pre-existing works (or, at the very least, ones with relative popularity in some regard). No original characters or what have you.

Not all characters are created equal, obviously, but that doesn't mean swords can't beat guns or whatever. No character should be completely impervious to damage of any given type, and there should always exist some way for other characters to win if fight break out.

Furthermore, the characters being applied shouldn't be average joes who just happen to have guns or something of the sort. All characters will be scaled up to be able to match any other for the sake of the story if the need arises, but that doesn't necessarily mean that already one-sided matchups can be overturned with a simply wave of the hand.

Humans on Earth can be affected by the residual 'influence' of characters of a particular type. For example, a DBZ character existing means that the 'possibility' of flight and qi, however slim, now exists. Of course, that possibility can grow stronger depending on the person and time, but in the end it's all up to random chance and luck.

For the sake of diversity... Two characters total per person, and a global cap of 3 characters from any given franchise; no player may double or triple up on a given world.
Example: Player A wants to use a Servant from the Fate universe. Player A may only use that one Servant, but player B may use one as well. Assuming that a third player (C) picks one, then from here on no other Servants may be drafted up/played unless one is dropped. First come, first serve.

Any further questions, you can probably just ask me about. Easy. Anyways, form!

As it stands, this RP is being rebooted from its last iteration, which got a bit too far off track for my liking. There'll be a bit more balance and focus for the story this time around, so... Yeah. That about sums it up.

Anyways, right. Here's a link to the new OoC, if you're checking this out.
@TheFake@VitaVitaAR: Accepted.
  • Name: Jin Kisaragi
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: "A waste of time."
  • Personality: Jin is a very cold and aloof individual, preferring to not involve himself in the matters of others if he can help it. That being said, though, he does care for his subordinates and will not hesitate to get involved when there is more at stake than just one person's life. Jin is also a very goal-oriented individual, and his drive to do just that is terrifying combined with his ambitions for the future. The Power of Order has also led Jin to become far more adamant in succeeding, no matter the cost he (personally) must pay.
  • Brief History: Originally an orphan living with both his brother Ragna and sister Saya, Jin was eventually adopted by the Kisaragi family once a fire had struck his home and the weapon Yukianesa had possessed him to cut off his brother's arm. Jin grew up to become the heir of the household and, later, both a Major of the Novus Orbis Librarium and the 'Hero of Ikaruga'. Eventually, however, certain events led to Jin abandoning his post and uncovering a conspiracy built from Yuuki Terumi's scheming over the past century. Following the mastermind's defeat and the usage of Master Unit: Amaterasu to change the worldline, however, Jin has regained his post and even acts directly under the current Imperator of the NOL, despite his inability to take part in combat again.
  • Universe of Origin: BlazBlue (Post-Centralfiction)
  • Equipment:
    • Nox Nyctores - Mucro Algesco: Yukianesa—A blade formed of a magical ice that can never melt, Yukianesa is a weapon forged by Nine the Phantom for the sake of slaying the Black Beast. The blade has the ability to create ice for offensive or defensive purposes, and can be used to freeze people directly. It also has the ability to drive its wielder mad, but Jin has since overcome that with the Power of Order. The weapon can be summoned to his side at will, meaning that he is never truly unarmed in combat.
  • Abilities: Jin is a well-versed practitioner of iaijutsu, and it the primary means by which he fights with Yukianesa. His strikes are, in turn, quick and precise, with no margin for error. By invoking the power of Yukianesa, though, Jin is able to create ice even when his weapon is not drawn; this includes things like swords of ice, crystals erupting from the ground, and so on and so forth.
  • Other: By all means, the events of Centralfiction should mean that Jin is no longer able to fight. However, whatever has brought him to this Earth from 200 years ago (or so he thinks) has returned that strength to him—and more.
@VitaVitaAR@TheFake: Accepted.

  • Name: Jin Kisaragi
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: "A waste of time."
  • Personality: Jin is a very cold and aloof individual, preferring to not involve himself in the matters of others if he can help it. That being said, though, he does care for his subordinates and will not hesitate to get involved when there is more at stake than just one person's life. Jin is also a very goal-oriented individual, and his drive to do just that is terrifying combined with his ambitions for the future. The Power of Order has also led Jin to become far more adamant in succeeding, no matter the cost he (personally) must pay.
  • Brief History: Originally an orphan living with both his brother Ragna and sister Saya, Jin was eventually adopted by the Kisaragi family once a fire had struck his home and the weapon Yukianesa had possessed him to cut off his brother's arm. Jin grew up to become the heir of the household and, later, both a Major of the Novus Orbis Librarium and the 'Hero of Ikaruga'. Eventually, however, certain events led to Jin abandoning his post and uncovering a conspiracy built from Yuuki Terumi's scheming over the past century. Following the mastermind's defeat and the usage of Master Unit: Amaterasu to change the worldline, however, Jin has regained his post and even acts directly under the current Imperator of the NOL, despite his inability to take part in combat again.
  • Universe of Origin: BlazBlue (Post-Centralfiction)
  • Equipment:
    • Nox Nyctores - Mucro Algesco: Yukianesa—A blade formed of a magical ice that can never melt, Yukianesa is a weapon forged by Nine the Phantom for the sake of slaying the Black Beast. The blade has the ability to create ice for offensive or defensive purposes, and can be used to freeze people directly. It also has the ability to drive its wielder mad, but Jin has since overcome that with the Power of Order. The weapon can be summoned to his side at will, meaning that he is never truly unarmed in combat.
  • Abilities: Jin is a well-versed practitioner of iaijutsu, and it the primary means by which he fights with Yukianesa. His strikes are, in turn, quick and precise, with no margin for error. By invoking the power of Yukianesa, though, Jin is able to create ice even when his weapon is not drawn; this includes things like swords of ice, crystals erupting from the ground, and so on and so forth.
  • Other: By all means, the events of Centralfiction should mean that Jin is no longer able to fight. However, whatever has brought him to this Earth from 200 years ago (or so he thinks) has returned that strength to him—and more.
Since we're all in agreement to start from scratch:

@KoL@Raineh Daze@TheFake@Crusader Lord@VitaVitaAR

One day, one random day in the middle of July, it appeared as if every electrical device that could produce sound malfunctioned, if only for a few seconds. After a few seconds of static and no more, a solitary voice began to speak. The culprit, while unknown, caused worldwide curiosity and panic with a single set of words as they permeated even the most secure of government communications and farthest reaching telecommunication networks.

"A dim night, the pale moonlight, and a wispy wind.
A shining sun, a cloudy sky, and a singular tree standing in the middle of a grassy field.
Though day and night are miles apart, they are, in essence, two sides of the same coin.
Just as fiction is to reality.
And so... What if 'fiction' and 'reality' were to meet? Upon this blank slate we call 'Earth', what would the end result be?
The stage is set, and the curtains have been drawn. The terms 'mastermind' and 'villain' are not in this story, though, and all that remains are the actors in this grand play.
Now, my dear viewers, let us see what path they choose in this grand farce, and how they—and the world—will react?"

The voice, sounding as if it came from a young woman, faded off into silence as fast as it had come, and the world was left in confusion. Of course, no source was found, but in the end, that day also ended up as the day everything began.
To be more specific, it was the day that 'fiction' and 'fantasy' met 'reality'.


In essence, this is a pretty basic(?) crossover RP that takes place on Earth. For all intents and purposes, this is our Earth, with all its modern amenities and whatnot. However, the reasons behind characters appearing and their reasons for acting... Well, that's something else entirely.


All characters are bound in some way, shape, or form by the rules of the world that they come from; if they needed an anchor to remain in their own world, then they need one to remain on Earth. Following that comment, assume that there is a complete disconnect from a character's original world and the one on Earth, and that no connection can be made to the origin barring reality-warping shenanigans.

If a resource exists in a character's home universe but does not ordinarily exist on Earth, then upon entry it will now exist on Earth. Hidden and sporadically naturally occurring, but it will exist.

Characters will not necessarily appear within the same area, nor will their goals necessarily be aligned.

Autotranslate is a thing for the sake of convenience, so don't worry about language barriers.

For the sake of the RP, characters should be at least semi-serious in tone. Blatant joke characters (at my discretion) can and will be declined. In addition to that, all characters should be from pre-existing works (or, at the very least, ones with relative popularity in some regard). No original characters or what have you.

Not all characters are created equal, obviously, but that doesn't mean swords can't beat guns or whatever. No character should be completely impervious to damage of any given type, and there should always exist some way for other characters to win if fight break out.

Furthermore, the characters being applied shouldn't be average joes who just happen to have guns or something of the sort. All characters will be scaled up to be able to match any other for the sake of the story if the need arises, but that doesn't necessarily mean that already one-sided matchups can be overturned with a simply wave of the hand.

Humans on Earth can be affected by the residual 'influence' of characters of a particular type. For example, a DBZ character existing means that the 'possibility' of flight and qi, however slim, now exists. Of course, that possibility can grow stronger depending on the person and time, but in the end it's all up to random chance and luck.

For the sake of diversity... Two characters total per person, and a global cap of 3 characters from any given franchise; no player may double or triple up on a given world.
Example: Player A wants to use a Servant from the Fate universe. Player A may only use that one Servant, but player B may use one as well. Assuming that a third player (C) picks one, then from here on no other Servants may be drafted up/played unless one is dropped. First come, first serve.

Furthermore, no strictly customizable character (e.g. Dragonborn, any Monster Hunter hunter, the Hunter from Bloodborne, etc.;) will be allowed in.

In regards to enemy NPCs: it's fine to perform actions if you're dealing with an enemy and create a chain of events, but please ask if you plan on doing so. If the okay is given, well... You're okay!
I reserve the right to shoot down things if they get too off-the-rails and start infringing on other people's ability to RP, though. GM's word is law.

Any further questions, you can probably just ask me about. Easy. Anyways, form!

Astrid Kim

Once her Servant had relaxed and responded in turn, Astrid nodded and quietly put the spear in her hands away. There was a bit of silent brooding about the idea of 'bringing honor to one's family' being taken as the reason for why she was here, but in this case it was probably better not to debate too much about it. Despite being a Servant, after all, the Lancer in front of her was once (and still probably was) her mother's superior, in all senses of the word.

Before she could respond to the idea of 'beginning', however, the sight of Lancer casually casting rune magic in the air caused Astrid to pause and stare. The words were familiar to her, of course, but there had been no indication that she could perform such spells without a medium over the course of her upbringing.

Or maybe that was because her mother never taught her as much...?

"Beginning... Well, that seems logical enough," she responded, watching as something burning fell to the ground. "Give me a moment to clean up the boundary and we can leave. I'm more curious as to what you mean by 'invitation', but I'm assuming it has something to do with whatever you just killed over there."



The response from his Master caused Archer to nod in turn, and after a bit of a pause he placed the cup he was drinking from back down. Concealing the presence of a Servant was nothing too impossible, and though he was no Assassin, the old man had enough confidence that being discovered was still far from likely.

Tapping the coffin-gun on the wall twice, the Archer watched silently as it dematerialized before he moved to pick up his own outfit—an overcoat and a trilby—and put them on in turn. Leaving his Master to wander about unprotected would be the height of folly, after all.

"Very well. If you wish to explore this backwater town, then I shall follow. Perhaps there might be something of interest in the meantime," he remarked, spinning his cane casually in the air before planting it on the ground. "I, myself, am not particularly accustomed to how the American underworld works, but there is no better time than the present to find out."

@King Cosmos
Once Tyaethe had managed to apprehend the drider and remove the golem from their path, Tiral let out a bit of a sigh and crossed his arms. Their opponent had been carried over to the Captain like one might a sack of flour, and given her current position, the likelihood of her actually pulling any surprise attacks was almost nonexistent. That didn't mean that he was simply going to let his guard down, though.

The girl's vehement denial of what had transpired caused the mage-knight to stare silently, a mix of disbelief and irritation clear on his face. The battlefield was no place for naivety or stupidity, and it was clear to see that one or the other was clearly in play.

"There was no such—" he began to say before the person they had been seeking finally made their way out of the shadows. Without missing a beat, Tiral gripped the dagger in his hand and began to prepare a counter-spell. On the off-chance that another attempt was made for the Captain's life—or any of theirs, for that matter—he would be ready.

"For some reason, I doubt that simple testimony would be reliable after all of the subterfuge and assassination attempts that have occurred today. Call it intuition," he remarked, staring coldly at the woman looking down on the group.
Kumozaki Keisuke

Once Tomoe had called his attention towards the new Berserker, Keisuke stood by and listened silently to the latter's words. The obsession that the newcomer—Atalanta—had with protecting children was a bit odd, but given that her current class was 'Berserker' the Enforcer decided to give that a pass. It wasn't like the goal wasn't noble, but given that she was a Berserker it was mildly difficult for him to try and figure out what might constitute as 'not seeking to bring harm to children' given the unpredictable nature of what might be to come.

Assuming, of course, that they came out of this ordeal and if she decided to follow them back (if she could).

"Yes, I understand. Atalanta, we would gladly accept—" he began to say in response before Nero promptly stole the stage and began to speak at length to the Berserker. With an awkward cough, Keisuke took a few steps back before noticing the other Caster requesting praise. Though it was true that she had done well in handling the Valkyries inside of Nero's Noble Phantasm, the fact that she had also spent a good amount of time cowering was also worth considering.

"A-ah... Yeah. Sure. You did your best, huh?" he asked, a smile half-full of pity on his face as he patted her on the head.

It didn't take long for the combined efforts of Siegfried, Ortlinde, and the other conscious Valkyries to transport the wounded back to the town, and the addition of Atalanta to their ranks meant that tracking Fenrir down became fairly straightforward. The wall of ice had taken a bit of effort to break through simply because of how densely packed the magical energy inside of it was, but eventually the structure caved and allowed them to pass through—Keisuke, of course, remained worried about that as they continued moving throughout the night. The Archer and two Sabers at his sides continued to discuss a strategy for taking down the massive wolf, and in the end they had developed a rudimentary plan to deal with the wolf who ate the Sun.

The plan of attack was relatively straightforward—lead with a ranged assault upon their enemy to distract it, then send those more suited to close quarters combat in to handle both the corrupted Brynhildr and the giant wolf in two separate teams. The rest, they would play by ear.

It wasn't long before the Berserker had led them to the gaping maw of a cavern that descended into the earth, with fresh tracks from the giant wolf they were tracking still visible under the moonlit sky.

Tomoe Gozen

With their stratagems laid out, Tomoe silently nodded as the group collectively entered the cavern. The light from the other Valkyries' weapons and the flames from her bow were enough to make sure that their descent downwards wasn't prone to sneak attacks, but after a certain point the unnatural red glow from the cavern walls was enough to light their way down instead.

Once they arrived at the bottom of the pit, though, it expanded into more of a subterranean arena that well and beyond dwarfed what any of them had expected. In the center, just barely visible to Keisuke, was a stream of some unearthly black liquid coalescing into a deeper chasm; with it, of course, was the great wolf Fenrir that they had been chasing and the wounded and now-unconscious Brynhildr being submerged inside whatever it was that was gathering in the center.

"It doesn't seem to have noticed us yet," Tomoe stated, drawing back the bowstring on her weapon and preparing an arrow. "Let us end this hunt and slay this beast, once and for all."

There was a moment of silence as the Archer drew the arrow back further, and the Valkyries with them slowly rose into the air as they raised their spears one by one in preparation for the signal.

When Tomoe's arrow was loosed, the rest of the blindingly bright weapons followed. With a snap of its head, Fenrir let out an unearthly howl that seemed the shake the entire cavern before loosing a variety of beasts from that very same pool of liquid at them.

"The rest of you, go strike down that youkai! We shall hold off the rest here!" she declared, loosing arrow after arrow at the oncoming horde of shadowy enemies.

@KoL@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze
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