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@TheFake: Describe the appearance in words if you can't find an image, buddy-o. And more than a sentence, please.

Anyways, FIRST POST. Have fun.

Edit: Okayed. Accepted new form.
Jin Kisaragi

With the paperwork on his desk finally completed, Major Jin Kisaragi took a deep breath and called for his assistant to bring this elsewhere for completion. Ever since the incident involving Yuuki Terumi, the world had been at relative peace; given his current state, he was more apt to call that a blessing than anything else. Unlike the muscle-headed womanizer that was Kagura, he didn't have a body strong enough to withstand the battlefield any more. Even so, the Nox Nyctores at his side never left him. Be it out of some odd sense of nostalgia or something else entirely, Jin found himself compelled to keep it around. There were probably better places to keep a weapon of this power, but keeping it by his side in case of emergencies was probably smarter than simply keeping it stashed away somewhere.

"Well, if this is all..." he began to trail off before the a sudden wave of vertigo struck him. Wincing, the Major gripped the side of his desk as he attempted to steady himself. The last time he had encountered something like this was—!

"Phenomena.... Intervention?" he asked himself before the sudden shift caused him to lose focus.

When he finally managed to steady himself, Jin found himself no longer at his desk, but rather in front of a large tower of some variety. There were a few minutes of pause before the young man sighed and began to list off the possible culprits.

"The possibility of this being another timeline is incredibly low, given the lack of seithr here... Another world, then? A Sector Seven experiment gone wrong? Given that I have my memories, it's possible that there is an Observer somewhere..." he began to say quietly before deciding that finding the cause and punishing them could be dealt with later. For now, though, figuring out where and when he was took priority.

The snow that coated the park here wasn't helping matters much, either; though Jin was well accustomed to the cold, it wasn't the smartest of ideas to try and figure out anything while wandering around like a fool in this weather.

"Hmph. I can already feel something troublesome brewing in the air..."

Yukine Chris

With a sigh of relief, the white-haired young woman who had just managed to trudge on home to her apartment threw her backpack to the wayside before promptly falling face-first onto her bed. Winter vacation had just begun, which meant at least some degree of respite from studying and exams in between dealing with international crises.

That was the life of Yukine Chris, more or less—while her past was more than troubled, the life she had now was something in between 'average high schooler' and 'superhero-slash-vigilante'. Being able to relax without her apartment suddenly being crashed into by Hibiki or Miku (seriously, why did the old man have to give them keys to her place?!) was a blessing that she was keen to take. Genjuro had given her and the others the day off, at least; for that, she was grateful.

"...Alright, I guess that's enough lazing around for now," she finally said, pushing herself off of her bed before promptly changing out of her school uniform and into something less formal. "Getting groceries sounds like a smart idea."

With that, the young woman promptly grabbed a light jacket and put it on before leaving her apartment...

Only to find herself on a very unfamiliar street—and with more than a few people staring at her and murmuring among themselves.


There was a slight pause as Chris turned around, only to find that her apartment was definitely not there. What was equally shocking, though, was that there was a life-sized cardboard cutout of her standing just a few feet away. The image of her was equipped with the Gear she was familiar with, of course, but the fact that it existed at all was more shocking.

"Oi, oi, you've got to be kidding..." she muttered before glancing around. The various arcades and electronic shops in the area painted a rough picture of the area in Chris' mind, and it took her a few seconds to realize that she was probably in Akihabara. But that itself was fairly alarming; after all, she had been spontaneously teleported here, with no warning, from in front of her apartment.

Without missing a beat, Chris pulled out her cellphone and attempted to call Genjuro, only to find that the number wasn't functional (despite her signal being perfectly fine). Just great.

The growing crowd coupled with the odd circumstances caused Chris to glance up from her phone for a moment before she decided to slip away inside the nearest arcade. If there was anything that could get people off her trail that didn't involve some convoluted scheme of running away through the buildings or flying off, it was the ability of the people working here to do their jobs.

"But seriously, though... Who the heck would make that sort of creepy thing? It's not like I'm some sort of celebrity like senpai is..." she muttered as she began to rapidly dial through her friends' numbers in order. Even if Genjuro's didn't work, the possibility that someone else's might wasn't something that she could simply pass up.
Astrid Kim

The half-Valkyrie paused as she considered the implication behind being 'invited' for combat by an enemy magus. Being spied on was certainly something to be expected, but to think that it was a familiar like that...

Well, it wasn't as if she knew all too well what that entailed, but something about the prospect of combat sent a shiver down her spine. Be it out of worry or anticipation, the young woman was all too unsure about what that would lead to.

"N-no, I can fly," Astrid responded, shaking her head as she moved to go retrieve all of the runes that she had placed around the area earlier. "I'd rather not, though, in case someone tries to attack all of a sudden. I'm sure they're unaware of my lineage, and something like that could prove to be essential in overwhelming an opponent."

Once all of the runes had been gathered, though, Astrid walked back up to her Servant before glancing back at the woods through which she had arrived here from.

"I think that seeing a person flying above the forest is less subtle than trekking back through it, but the possibility of danger is much higher if we take the slow route... Very well, Lancer. Let's return to Redrock for the moment. It would probably do us well to get you some clothing so that you may blend in with the crowd," she finally stated, subconsciously feeling for her wallet as she spoke.

It wasn't as if she was lacking in funds, but there was only so much that she was comfortable spending at once. The cost of the trip here was already a bit painful as it was...

  • Name: Yukine Chris
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "Quit messing around! We've got a job to do!"
  • Personality: Chris is rather rough around the edges, and usually comes off as abrasive and hot-headed to those that she meets. While she used to be a far more antisocial person (partially due to her own upbringing), the events of the last few years of her life involving the other Gear users have caused her to open up considerably more to those who come to know her despite her own shortcomings. At heart, she is committed to doing the 'right' thing, even if she personally suffers due to the consequences of her actions.
    Despite her behavior to those around her, though, Chris is less of a delinquent and more of a straight-A student. In that regard, she is the opposite of Hibiki—a studious young woman who is able to come up with and execute complex solutions to problems on the fly, and one who relies on her brain more than she might brute force.
    Not to say that she doesn't occasionally decide that 'bigger is better', though; if you have enough firepower to level a mountain, then sometimes brute force is the best answer.
  • Brief History: The child of a famous singer and artist, Chris was brought along by her parents to volunteer at a country that had, at the time, recently exited a coup. Both of her parents were killed during a terrorist bombing, however, and a young Chris was soon kidnapped and sold into slavery. Though rescued by the UN a few years later, Chris was kidnapped once again by Fine, who continued to exploit and abuse her until eventually abandoning her altogether.
    After this event, it was Kazanari Genjuro, the leader of S.O.N.G., who took her in as his adoptive daughter. Though she is still somewhat far from fully recovering from the trauma of constant abuse, the events of the last few years and the bonds she has formed with the other Gear users have allowed her to readjust to society once more.
  • Universe of Origin: Senki Zessho Symphogear
  • Equipment: Chris, like Hibiki, has a Gear made from a piece of a Relic—though in her case, it is the bow Ichaival rather than Gungnir that is used as a basis. Once activated, Chris gains increased physical durability, as well as a pair of crossbows that can fire multiple magical bolts at a time. Aside from these weapons, though, Chris' Gear itself gains the ability to shoot a seemingly-infinite supply of missiles at will. The aforementioned crossbows also have the ability to change into other projectile weapons, particularly firearms; while Chris prefers to use them as a pair of gatling guns attached to her arms, these weapons have also been shown to be able to take the form of a pair of pistols, a Japanese yumi, and a large sniper rifle (which can also double as an emergency bludgeoning tool).
    Additionally, Chris also possesses an Ignite Module and can use its power to amplify her own, for a short period of time. As with all Gear users, she also has her own ace-in-the-hole in the form of her Swan Song, but that also comes with the risk of necessary medical intervention should there no be no way of diverting the backlash elsewhere.
  • Abilities: Placing aside anything directly involving her Gear, Chris is particularly skilled in kyudo and marksmanship (which, all things considered, plays into her own skill with the Gear itself). Aside from that, Chris is also quite intelligent and can act as a relatively decent emergency tactician should the need arise.
  • Other: N/A
@Rabidporcupine: Yeah, Owain is fine. Accepted.
(I mean I'd make a case for Rend Heaven and Quixotic but hey, you do you).
@Rabidporcupine: I mean, I don't mind carrying things over; heck, look at CL's sheet for Robin; it's got everything and then some. In any case, I'd prefer the skills be stated before the form is accepted.
@Rabidporcupine: Any skills beyond Ignis? I mean, that's only mentioned outside of Abilities, but even so...
Also who the heck actually used Odin as a dark mage during CQ lol

@KoL: 's fine. I'll give it a few days since I'm also trying to not die from overwork right now.
@Rabidporcupine: Aaah, knew I was forgetting a caveat somewhere.
No fully customizable player characters allowed.
@Rabidporcupine: Depends on the mech.
@Crusader Lord: Accepted.

Meanwhile, here's my second (made at the behest of someone else).

  • Name: Yukine Chris
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "Quit messing around! We've got a job to do!"
  • Personality: Chris is rather rough around the edges, and usually comes off as abrasive and hot-headed to those that she meets. While she used to be a far more antisocial person (partially due to her own upbringing), the events of the last few years of her life involving the other Gear users have caused her to open up considerably more to those who come to know her despite her own shortcomings. At heart, she is committed to doing the 'right' thing, even if she personally suffers due to the consequences of her actions.
    Despite her behavior to those around her, though, Chris is less of a delinquent and more of a straight-A student. In that regard, she is the opposite of Hibiki—a studious young woman who is able to come up with and execute complex solutions to problems on the fly, and one who relies on her brain more than she might brute force.
    Not to say that she doesn't occasionally decide that 'bigger is better', though; if you have enough firepower to level a mountain, then sometimes brute force is the best answer.
  • Brief History: The child of a famous singer and artist, Chris was brought along by her parents to volunteer at a country that had, at the time, recently exited a coup. Both of her parents were killed during a terrorist bombing, however, and a young Chris was soon kidnapped and sold into slavery. Though rescued by the UN a few years later, Chris was kidnapped once again by Fine, who continued to exploit and abuse her until eventually abandoning her altogether.
    After this event, it was Kazanari Genjuro, the leader of S.O.N.G., who took her in as his adoptive daughter. Though she is still somewhat far from fully recovering from the trauma of constant abuse, the events of the last few years and the bonds she has formed with the other Gear users have allowed her to readjust to society once more.
  • Universe of Origin: Senki Zessho Symphogear
  • Equipment: Chris, like Hibiki, has a Gear made from a piece of a Relic—though in her case, it is the bow Ichaival rather than Gungnir that is used as a basis. Once activated, Chris gains increased physical durability, as well as a pair of crossbows that can fire multiple magical bolts at a time. Aside from these weapons, though, Chris' Gear itself gains the ability to shoot a seemingly-infinite supply of missiles at will. The aforementioned crossbows also have the ability to change into other projectile weapons, particularly firearms; while Chris prefers to use them as a pair of gatling guns attached to her arms, these weapons have also been shown to be able to take the form of a pair of pistols, a Japanese yumi, and a large sniper rifle (which can also double as an emergency bludgeoning tool).
    Additionally, Chris also possesses an Ignite Module and can use its power to amplify her own, for a short period of time. As with all Gear users, she also has her own ace-in-the-hole in the form of her Swan Song, but that also comes with the risk of necessary medical intervention should there no be no way of diverting the backlash elsewhere.
  • Abilities: Placing aside anything directly involving her Gear, Chris is particularly skilled in kyudo and marksmanship (which, all things considered, plays into her own skill with the Gear itself). Aside from that, Chris is also quite intelligent and can act as a relatively decent emergency tactician should the need arise.
  • Other: N/A
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