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Kumozaki Keisuke

Hearing an unfamiliar voice as he entered the staff room caused Keisuke to stop for a moment, trying to figure out if said voice belonged to anyone he had interacted with thus far before actually processing her words. That single second of pause gave way to curiosity, however, as he turned towards the source: a young woman who declared herself to be another Master. The Enforcer, of course, had some mixed feelings about suddenly having a new collaborator. One one hand, it was a miracle in and of itself to have someone else to help handle all of the Servants while out on a mission, given how eccentric they all seemed to be. That also meant the possibility to commanding on two fronts, which meant that handling multiple issues at a time was possible if necessary.

On the other hand, another Master meant another unknown added into the mix. He was no mind reader, after all.

"Miss Evangeline, then?" he asked, making sure to reserve any actual judgement until he could parse a bit more of her personality as he shook her hand. "Though I will contest the point about being a mercenary, that matter can wait. I look forward to—"

Before he could complete his sentence, though, the new Caster he had 'picked up' from their last mission arrived and immediately began to do... Something.

"...In any case, I look forward to working with you in the future," he said, ignoring the Caster's remarks and smug look as he handed off the Grail to the Atlas Alchemist on standby. No matter how he looked at that Servant, all he could see was a child trying to mimic an adult—uncomfortably so, no less. "In any case, yes, this is... Skuld, a Caster-class Servant. I assume you were monitoring the feed as I was out on the field, so her capabilities should be relatively apparent."

While he would acknowledge the girl, he would not allow her to run away with the conversation. The priority now was making sure that his new co-worker was fully up to date with everything before the next mission.

Kumozaki Keisuke

Keisuke's eyes widened in involuntary shock as Saber raised her blade in the air and revealed its true form. The radiance of the sword outshone whatever was giving the cavern light, and the Enforcer took a few steps back as he realized that the Saber was about to fire her Noble Phantasm...

In the middle of the cavern.

"Oh, this is going to be—" he began to mutter as the Saber let loose a giant beam of energy, aimed straight at the giant wolf that the Archer had just launched to the far side of the cave.

As soon as the energy from Saber's sword was loosed, the corrupted Lancer immediately decided to let go of the Berserker's arm in an attempt to move to the side away from the blast. That hesitation, of course, was her undoing; without a moment's delay, the Lancer was kicked into the path of the beam before the Berserker bounded back to the rest of the group.

The brilliant flash lasted but for mere minutes, but as the dust settled and the cavern began to shake, two things were made clear. First among them was that the Lancer was nowhere to be found, and the second was that the giant wolf was now missing half of its body. No, rather, the entire left side of the creature was now missing, with the smell of smoldering fur and flesh permeating that section of the room. Without even a pair of legs to stand on, the once-formidable beast collapsed and turned to ash entirely. In its wake, however, was a single golden cup.

With the cave beginning to shake, however, Keisuke glanced at the object before deciding that personally deciding to retrieve it was a fool's errand. In other words...

"Someone who can move quickly, retrieve whatever was dropped and meet us outside!" he declared, only to see that the Berserker was already well ahead of him in doing so. With a quiet nod, the Master quickly motioned to the others in a hasty call to retreat before the cave collapsed in its entirety.

By some miracle or another, the fight had ended without casualties, and the object that the Berserker had retrieved—a golden cup, likely the 'Holy Grail' mentioned prior—was something that his support was asking to have returned to the base immediately for analysis. In other words, the issue that he and his servants had been sent here to resolve was now over and done with.

"Good job, everyone," he declared to the group as a portal opened up in front of him. Let's go back and take a bit of a break from this whole ordeal."

With a glance towards Arturia (who was eyeing the little girl who had just arrived), Keisuke nodded and entered the portal, the Servants with him following suit.

Save the Valkyries, though; it seemed like they had something to settle on their own.

"Well done on your first mission, everyone."

The voice of the old man who had set all of these matters up in the first place was the first to greet the group once they had returned to the facility, though the owner thereof was nowhere to be seen.

"I see you've made contact with a few other Servants during your stay there. The facility should be able to maintain their existence, so do not worry about them being too much of a burden. That being said, only so many will be able to come along with you on your future missions, so do be mindful of that. That is all; you are free to spend the next week as you wish. Dismissed."

With that, the source of the voice went offline, leaving the group alone in the room.

"Hm... Well, I'll go hand this thing off to the staff," Keisuke said, nodding to the Servants as he walked ahead of them. "If you're a new tagalong, the ones who were contracted first can probably give you a quick rundown of how this place functions. I'll see you all... For... I think it's dinner soon?"

With a shrug, the Enforcer (and the rest of the Servants) left the room and dispersed.

Tomoe Gozen

With the whole ordeal finished and the hunt over, the Archer found it nice to be able to relax in her room, if only for the few hours before dinner began. Her Master was off handling... Whatever it was that needed handling, and she now had the time to go and experiment with the new electronic "game console" that had arrived during their excursion.

The concept of a "fighting game" was novel to her—an electronic device wherein people who had no capability to fight could mimic those who could? It was almost beyond her, even with the Throne giving her marginal knowledge of the technology of this era.

"That being said... I must try this for myself," she muttered to herself as she started up the device and began to fiddle with it.

There was only so long before dinner, so this wouldn't take too long to try... Right?

@Raineh Daze@KoL@VitaVitaAR
Jin Kisaragi

Jin clicked his tongue in mild annoyance as his second strike was deflected, but wasted no time in reacting as his opponent moved to his side and struck out. The fighting style from the girl in front of him was reminiscent of Hibiki's, at least in terms of speed. The blades she was using, on the other hand... Those made matters slightly more concerning.

As soon as his opponent struck out once more, Jin sheathed Yukianesa and created a barrier of ice to block the attacks. Once the last strike had been thrown out, though, the Major moved forward with a slight hop and attempted to sweep his opponent off her feet with a kick. Regardless of the outcome, though, Jin immediately followed up with another iai slash, this one aimed at the girl's hands and wrists.

His Drive could wait until she was suitably weakened; revealing that right now would cause more issues than it would solve, in his eyes.



Having failed the strike at Robin's hands, "Chrom" was, as expected, pushed back from his offense and forced to broke the oncoming spear strike with the Falchion instead. There was an audible clang as metal met metal, and the spear was soon forcefully warded off with a strong push in the other direction before "Chrom" took another step back.

A second later, however, "Chrom" threw his blade into the air, causing it to shine with a magical golden light, before leaping into the air to catch it and bearing down straight towards Robin. The Falchion seemed to pulse with energy with every passing moment, as the strike, aimed right at the woman's head, came crashing down from the skies.

The woman fighting Abigail, on the other hand, was forced to retreat once more as a beam of light came from behind the tentacles, her weapons barely managing to deflect most of the damage off to the side as she jumped back. There was a small chunk of her left arm now missing, the wound seared shut with whatever energy the blast had been made up of, but that didn't seem to impact her in the least.

With that said, though, being forced back didn't give her nearly as much time to react to the oncoming vehicle hurtling towards her. As a spur-of-the-moment reaction, the woman leaped into the air and brought her blades crashing down on the hood of the car before being forced off even further to the side from the residual impact.

@Crusader Lord@TheFake
Tiral took a deep breath as the supposed mastermind of this whole incident boasted about arranging the entire incident, ignoring most of what was being said as the ravings of a megalomaniac who thought the power that they held was more than anyone else could handle. Though he had to admit that the plan had almost succeeded, the plan was so half-baked compared to the ones of the past that it was almost laughable. Bait the Knights out, then assassinate their leader? While there was enough support from the rearguard to protect an entire militia?

There was no way that any of them would leave their Captain without support as a whole, even if more than a few members were more inclined towards unabashed offense over anything else.

"...You. Stay in place, unless you want your head lopped off on the crossfire," he stated simply towards the drider, who it seemed was still trying to process everything. "You'll still be punished for your misdeeds, but that can be settled later."

With a flick of his wrist and a quiet incantation, the mage-knight formed an array of icicles behind him before aiming them at the witch. There was no way that she wouldn't have countermeasures planned, but it was better to exhaust what she held now and let the others clean up the rest with brute force.

"I'll provide cover and support. Captain, she'll likely aim for your head if she cannot take us all; do be cautious," he said as he began to fire each icicle in rapid succession.
Astrid Kim

The trip from the forest back to Redrock didn't take as long as Astrid had expected it to—probably because she had a companion in the form of her Lancer now. Luckily enough, there had been no attacks targeted at either of them. Whether it was out of luck or due to those potential enemies having other things to handle, though, was yet to be seen.

Once they had arrived, though, Lancer's own assertion that a fight had broken out caused Astrid to stop in her tracks. She had only just arrived, after all, and being thrown into the heat of battle when she was only really alert by means of a caffeine boost was a dangerous proposition. That being said, though, her Servant did have a point; finding those sorts of people was what her mother had sent her here out to do, anyhow.

Taking the runes that had been given to her by her Servant, Astrid quietly moved to a position close enough to the battlefield where she could see the battle in question unfolding. With her own spear ready in her free hand, the translator-turned-Master stared in silence at the high-speed battle unfolding in front of her. It was hard for her to keep up with each individual strike and the nuance of each movement, if at all, but that didn't stop her from trying anyways. Even if she could never hope to even come close to matching them, the possibility to trying to survive if it came down to a direct confrontation would have a lot more meaning if she knew what they were capable of.


The old man in question closed his eyes, as if deep in thought, when his Master requested a line of action. The possibilities that he presented were all options, but given the time of day and their appearance it was likely that they would be caught red-handed should they attempt to spy directly on any other faction. That only really left the problem of deciding whether or not to head to the Church or wander about town instead. Given the circumstances, the Archer was leaning more towards the latter.

"Magi tend not to acknowledge the common folk, despite how useful they may be," he remarked, walking out of the elevator with a sly grin on his face. "Though it may be against the general conventions of how these things go, so long as we never expose them to any magic or dispose of them if they do, we should be fine, correct?"

Now was the time to see how far his Master was willing to go in pursuit of victory. If he gave easily, then it would only make some of the more "morally reprehensible" things a bit easier to attempt in the future.
Kumozaki Keisuke

The Enforcer watched the battle unfolding in front of him with an impassioned gaze, his own blade at the ready on the off chance that any of them made it past the hail of arrows and spears that the rearguard was firing. The sudden movement of Fenrir to the front lines, however, caught him off guard. There was no way that he would be able to block any direct attacks from a beast of that size, and evading up a steep incline was about as foolish an idea as they came.

"Crap, the rest of our vanguard is pursuing Brynhildr—" he spoke as the wolf lunged at Arturia...

Only to be intercepted by what seemed to be a little girl and a bear.

"...Another Servant, I presume? I'm not going to complain; the more, the better," he remarked, calling for the rearguard to advance as the shadow beasts began to be pushed back. Military strategy was far from his srong suit, but it wasn't as if there was any other military commander here to handle the job for him instead.

With Elizabeth's latest attack, a large amount of icicles did indeed begin to fall from the ceiling, causing more than a few of their enemies to simply be impaled and die on the spot. The "singing" had the added benefit of disrupting the wolf's already-sensitive canine ears, and it seemed to be wincing in pain as it struggled to right itself after being intercepted. Almost as if reaction, Fenrir howled back, its fur now bristling as a layer of frost and ice began to cloak its body. It seemed to want that noise to stop, and that meant taking out the girl currently screaming her lungs out.

Tomoe Gozen

As soon as the giant wolf turned its attention away from the Sabers and towards Elizabeth, Tomoe sheathed her bow and began to slide down the rest of the incline. A few of the Valkyries called her out and asked what exactly she was planning, but the Archer didn't hear any of that at all. The Lancer's disruptive attack was enough to stall the shadow beasts that spawned, which made them easy targets for the combined force of Nero and the other Valkyries. That only left the two major threats, and their new ally was already off handling one of them.

"Avalokiteśvara... Please, lend me your strength!" she shouted, the mana inside her body building up as she moved to intercept Fenrir as it charged at Elizabeth. Without missing a beat, the Archer anchored herself and, as the wolf began to pass by, grabbed it by one of its forelegs and threw the beast into the air before drawing her bow. "The brilliance of the rising sun!"

With a deep breath, Tomoe calmly drew her bow back and aimed straight at Fenrir, who seemed to be suspended in midair for a brief moment, before firing off an arrow that seemed to burn with the light of the sun itself.

"Oṃ ālolik svāhā!"

Once the arrow had met its mark, the entire cave seemed to shine with a brilliant radiance before returning back to its prior dull red glow. The wolf, who had taken the brunt of the attack, seemed comparatively unfazed. That being said, though, the ice that surrounded it was definitely not there any longer.

"Tomoe Gozen, entering the battlefield!" she declared, switching from her bow to her katana as she began to cut through any beasts that were charging for her Master.

Brynhildr was limp as Atalanta dragged her from the mud, her eyes glazed over and unfocused as the material dripped off of her body. There was a slight twitch from her body as the Berserker screamed at her, but it was almost as if she was like a puppet that had its strings cut.

However, that seemed to change the second that the icicles began to rain down from the ceiling. Immediately, every muscle in the Valkyrie's body seemed to go rigid before the corruption on her arm seemed to instantly overtake the rest of her body. The armor she wore was now dyed black, and her eyes, now both golden, seemed to instantly focus onto the Servant in front of her. There was roughly a second of silence before the corrupt Lancer immediately gripped the Berserker's extended arm and began to twist it. It was clear the the intent was to return the favor from last time, and given that the corruption had returned the arm to a somewhat usable state, the threat of lasting damage being done was very much present.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@KoL
Jin Kisaragi

The young woman's response to his bluff caused Jin to mentally berate himself. Things hadn't gone as he had hoped they would, obviously enough; given the initial introduction, he had expected her to act more like Noel than not. That being said, though, something was clearly off about his body compared to how it had been right before that forced transport. It was almost as if that weakness that had been shackling him ever since the Terumi incident had been removed—no, more than that, even. But given the current situation, he was in no position to muse over that; if anything, combat would be the greatest indicator if anything had changed.

"Very well. A duel it is, then," he stated calmly before quickly drawing Yukianesa from its sheath. There was a blinding flash of white as the blade of ice lashed out at Youmu, but Jin immediately followed up the strike by attempting to close the distance and striking out with a slash aimed to trip his opponent.

Killing someone now would be far from ideal, of course; the only goal he had in mind was to incapacitate his opponent so he could make her speak. Given that he was moving almost as if he was in his prime, Jin silently came to the conclusion that whatever had caused this incident had also restored his fighting power.

"Probably for the best; I would hate to act as a simple civilian in a scenario like this."


Yukine Chris

"Alright, I'll leave this to you," Chris said, placing a hand onto her friend's shoulder as she moved the other way towards the fleeing crowd. As she did so, the young woman grasped the Relic around her neck and recited her own chant in turn.

"Killter Ichaival tron."

Just as Hibiki had, Chris had donned her own Gear—though for the moment, her weapons were inactive.

"Alright, everyone inside this arcade right now, keep moving! The exit's that way!" she shouted, her gaze turning towards the upper floors of the building before realizing how likely it was that there were other people upstairs.

"I guess I should head up—" she began to say before seeing that Hibiki had launched the not-Tsubasa into one of the nearby claw machines. There was a bit of exasperation on Chris' face as the lookalike slowly crawled out of the wreckage, the plastic and metal making up the machine falling off to the side as it did so. At the very least, its attention seemed to be wholly focused onto Hibiki now, which meant that she had the leeway to tray and get everyone on the upper floors to safety.

"Oi, keep her on the streets!" Chris shouted before dashing to the next floor. There were a few people glancing about in confusion, unsure of the current situation, which itself was... To be expected.

"Alright, everyone! I want you to gather around this stairwell and prepare to move out of here once I'm back here. Are we clear?!" she declared before moving up the building again. While the probability of the arcade collapsing was infinitesimal—after all, Japanese architecture was built with earthquakes in mind—it didn't hurt to try and get them out in case the not-Tsubasa tried to summon a giant sword to cut through the building instead.

As Chris continued to move about and try to get the other civilians to safety, the shadow Tsubasa silently held her blade ready before bringing it level with her head. There was a moment of pause, though, before it opened its mouth and began to... Sing?

Unlike the Tsubasa that the Gear users knew, whatever this was had a voice that sounded less like a human's and more like a Vocaloid's, complete with autotune to correct what would otherwise be relatively uneven singing. That being said, though, it seemed that this 'song' (if it could even be called that) was close enough to one of Tsubasa's own to at least bring her speed up a little. That was made evident, of course, by the fact that she immediately began to dash towards Hibiki, her sword prepared to make another attempt at cutting through the one in front of her.

The figure that had attacked Abigail remained expressionless as a multitude of tendrils of light sprang forth from seemingly out of nowhere, and the weapon in her hands clashed against them for a moment before she decided to swing a few more times, just to see if she could break through. That, too, failed, and after a few moments she took a step back and simply raised her weapon...

Only to simply stab it into herself.

The blood that spurted out of her coated the weapon in short order, and soon the blade was lit ablaze in flames. With that in hand, the figure took to striking at the tendrils once more, with a more noticeable effect than it had been up until then.

The battle with 'Chrom', on the other hand, was progressing in a different manner. Though Robin had struck out at him with a spear, the blue-haired man simply pushed off to the side at the last second, rolling under the attack instead. The dragon of ink that Owain had sent out, on the other hand, struck its target's back cleanly. There was a visible gash through the armor that he wore now, revealing an open wound that seemed to be at times bleeding flesh and others some sort of dark energy. Even so, 'Chrom' remained unfazed by the wound and lashed out with the Falchion in his hands, aiming at Robin's extended arm in an attempt to cut it off.

@Rabidporcupine@Crusader Lord@Raineh Daze
Jin Kisaragi

With a quick glance around, the Major quickly noticed that the people who were walking around were wrapped in layers of clothing, which made him stand out even more than normal. A slight grimace passed over his face as he began to walk through the freshly fallen snow, his boots making a distinct crunching noise with each step. He didn't make it far, though, before the sound of someone meekly calling out to him caused him to stop cold in his tracks.

"Are you addressing me?" Jin asked calmly, turning around to face whatever person—a young woman clad in green, or so it seemed—had called out to him. "If so, you..."

The Major's words trailed off as he took in the person's outfit and how much they stood out relative to more or less everyone else in the area. There was a moment of hesitation, though, before he took an active stance and stared the young woman down.

"Never mind that now. You stand out as much as I do, so I can only assume you might know something about this incident. Speak up, or I won't hesitate to cut you down where you stand," he stated, right hand on the hilt of Yukianesa as he readied himself to parry or strike out at this prospective enemy.

This was a bluff, of course; as far as he knew, it would only take a few strikes from the woman in front of him to bring him down if he wasn't careful, and it had been a while since he had last seen combat. Hopefully, however, her apparent disposition would make wanting to a avoid combat a higher priority than taking him on that challenge.

@VitaVitaAR@TheFake@Crusader Lord

Yukine Chris

After cycling through most of the people on her phone, Chris was beginning to lose hope in being able to contact anyone else at the moment. It would be difficult enough getting home from Akihabara barring flight, and given the situation even she wasn't entirely sure if it was worth it trying to get back home right away. All hope was not lost, however, as there was still one number left to dial.

"Mmm... If there was any time to try calling you, it might as well be now," she sighed to herself mentally as she began to call the person in question...

Only to hear the ringtone of said person a few feet behind her. With a start, Chris turned around, only to see Hibiki clutching a plushie of what she assumed to be Miku... Which, creepiness factor aside, matched up with the stand outside of the arcade. With a quick flick of her thumb, Chris stopped the call and walked over to the brunette standing idly by.

"Oi, Hibiki, do you have any clue what happened? Did you try contacting the old man yet? I took two steps out of my apartment and now I'm here... And what's with that plushie?!" she asked before sighing and taking a deep breath. Knowing Hibiki and her current reaction, it was likely that her friend knew as much as she did about the situation—in other words, next to nothing at all.

"On second thought, only that second question really matters right now," Chris continued, realizing that questioning why Hibiki had made a beeline towards that sort of arcade reward wasn't a question as much as it was an eventuality. "My cellphone still works, for what it's worth, but—"

As soon as she spoke, a whole horde of people began to flood into the arcade's first floor. The sudden rush caused the young woman to instinctively grab onto Hibiki's arm and drag her off to one of the walls to the side as the crowd passed by. Chris' first thought, of course, was that they were running away from something.

"But what..."

The answer to her question was made obvious when the rush of people had cleared. Standing out in the middle of the street was a giant blue and white sword, blade splitting the asphalt asunder. Though nobody seemed to be harmed by it, there was only one person who either of them knew who could possibly be the cause of such a thing.

"Hey, what the heck, Tsubasa?!" Chris cried out, shoving her way through what people were left to make her way onto the street. "There's no threaaaa..."

There was indeed a figure that looked almost identical to the one that they knew as Kazanari Tsubasa standing atop the blade, but the visible dark particles and soulless glowing eyes made Chris do a double take and move a few steps back.

"Hibiki, I think we're going to have to fight. Do you think you can evacuate the civilians, or should I cover for them instead?" she asked, hand on the Relic around her neck as she prepared for battle.

A few streets away from that incident, though, a similar problem had thus arisen near the other group of three. A few bodies were lying in the middle of the street, backs cut open as one figure stepped slowly out of the crowd. The blue hair and Mark of the Exalt on his right shoulder made it all to clear who it was, though it was also obvious from the aura surrounding him that there was something distinctly wrong about it all. Further back, however, stood something relatively more ominous.

A second figure, equally cloaked in that same presence, stepped forward towards the fleeing group. A quick flick of the blade in her hand caused blood to splatter across the street, and that same weapon was soon pointed at the young girl in front of her.

After a moment of silence, the former dashed towards the young man, sword aimed squarely at his neck as he struck forth. The latter followed suit, her blade aiming to take the head of her opponent as quickly as her body would permit.

@Rabidporcupine@Raineh Daze
Ah, understandable.

Think you'll be able to get smth out later?


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