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Oh, yeah, absolutely. To both.
I'm currently debating between my options, because I'm also tempted to pull some Etrian Odyssey/classic tabletop style stuff and have people attempt to maintain their own maps. If that's too much to ask, though, I can attempt to generate and maintain a few maps on my own.
@ERode: Last one. I want to stay away from hard numbers and tend more towards relative growth of strength plus ingenuity in defusing problems.

Items are weird in that I'm also counting animals and stuff in that sector, but still. Yeah.
Yeah, there's still room (though I might have to figure out more plans the more people arrive lol)

And, well, no concrete numerical stats on people or straight leveling up. The thing I'm really drawing from Solo Leveling is the Rifts, but yeah.

Also, I just realized that all three of the series I mention are Korean. What a coincidence.
Hey, cool. I think that's a good enough number to start with.

OoC will be up sometime tomorrow, I think. Look forward to it.

Paris, 2024

With the Summer Olympics over the horizon, the residents of Paris were abuzz with excitement. There was nothing to be said, really; hosting the Games always brought with it a large amount of national pride. Here, their grand city was on display for the world to see (as if it wasn’t famous enough), and shopkeepers were already preparing for the surge of tourists that would come once the reasons turned and the weather grew warmer.
Such a thing would be put on hold, however, as it made its presence known. A giant tear in what seemed to be the fabric of space-time, a Rift, opened up in front of the Eiffel Tower, The chaos that it caused—from both the nation’s citizens and from the world at large—was only a small taste of what was to come. As soon as that Rift appeared, more appeared all over the world—from Beijing to Los Angeles, Sao Paolo to Seoul, more and more of these Rifts seemed to pop up.
The international panic over these Rifts—about what they held within, about what could have caused their formation, and how to calm the hearts of the nation’s people—soon turned into a coalition formed by the UN, who sent the first squadron straight into the first Rift that had appeared in Paris. Upon their return, that team brought with them news of what seemed to be a realm of untapped natural resources, of danger that had only been seen within the realm of fantasy—and powers that could only have been gained in the world of fiction.
Attributes, they called them; while few members of the squadron had gained them, those who had were able to combat that which was beyond the Rift without the need for modern weaponry. There were a few who dubbed this ‘magic’, and rightfully so—though somewhat limited in scope, those with an Attribute were able to go well and beyond what any normal was capable of doing.
This revelation immediately preceded a shift in policy the world over—governments quickly formed their own teams to send into Rifts, and within a matter of days, found out far more about the Rifts. A few linked between nations, for example, while others led to locations vastly different from that which had been reported from the first Rift—closed systems whose only entrance and exit were the portal of light from which they had came. Others still held items or other such materials whose existences so defied the laws of nature that the scientific community was in an uproar.
It has been ten years since then, and the exploration of Rifts has thus been handed over to the people instead. While the governments of each nation still control who has access to a Rift (going so far as to sell the rights to non-international ones to corporations who specialize in the exploration thereof), the sudden influx of worldwide changes led to the rapid escalation in globalization, and exploring the new Rifts that appear and disappear with each passing day has become a viable alternative to the standard job market. With the number of people with Attributes growing ever so slowly in number and the increase of need to obtain things from these Rifts, it does indeed seem like the path of the world thus is set for the years to come.


Attributes, in short, are traits bestowed upon people who have ventured into a non-transportation Rift. They appear very rarely among the populace, and generally come in three varieties. In descending order of power (and increasing rarity), they are: item attributes, elemental attributes, and conceptual attributes. Item attributes are straightforward: they either allow the given item to manifest, or to strengthen a copy of it that may exist within the confines of reality already. Elemental attributes (water, fire, etc. ;) allow for the manipulation and creation of whatever they represent, the degree to which is determined by the strength of the user. Conceptual attributes imbue the ‘idea’ of something onto the user or something that they wield; for example, an attribute of ‘magnetism’ could allow a person to repel or attract metal objects, while something like ‘wound’ could potentially transfer or remove wounds from one location to another.
In all three cases, the strength of an Attribute’s usage is determined by a combination of both the strength and of the ingenuity of the Attribute holder and their ability to use their skills creatively. Not all Attributes are created equal, of course, and their existence is valuable to the point where companies actively try and headhunt for Attribute users as early as high school well into late college (with a few going so far as to encourage people to drop out of higher education outright).

Alright, so... Here's my latest weird idea. Taking cues from series like A Returner's Magic Should Not Be Special, Solo Leveling, and Hardcore Leveling Warrior, I've come up with this mishmash of an idea. In short, you are a person who explores these Rifts, employed or freelance (or somewhere in between, maybe?), and your goal is to go through and explore around for the sake of... Well, whatever it is driving you forward, really. The story itself would, ideally, span the globe; consider the idea of jumping from one continent to another between missions as something that might happen every so often. Players, ideally, would start in a major city (I’ll leave that up to a majority vote or shove them somewhere made-up if need be) and work from there. I won’t push for any specific groups to form up, though, so if you want a party of people having just met up online Durarara!! style, feel free to do so. Questions? Concerns? As usual, just bring them up and I’ll do my best to answer. In any case: form!

Having been comparatively silent the rest of the ride over, Tiral simply glanced towards the other knights every so often to confirm their status. A silent ambush en route to their target location would be more than a simple setback, and avoiding that sort of situation was worth the precaution; doubly so given their enemy's forces and capabilities.

Once they had arrived and the Witch spoke, though, Tiral simply pointed his dagger at the enemies standing in their path before firing off a salvo of icicles.

"Save your words. The babbling of a maniac like you doesn't warrant respect."

It need not be said that the mage-knight was still particularly irritated about everything that had transpired thus far; from manipulation to deceit to foll-blown assassination, all without a proper goal...

To be frank, the sooner that she was bleeding out on the ground, the better.
Alter Ego — Meltryllis

With all of the doors in the apartment left slightly open, Meltryllis found no issue in simply walking in and out of every room she found. Most of them were tasteless and bland, which was to be expected from a Master like her own. Completely average, like that one person, except with a far smaller willpower.

"Really, to be summoned by such a person... Isn't this discrimination against someone like me?" she complained, calmly walking back towards the living room before hearing the sound of glass shattering on the floor. A few steps forward was all that she needed to see how her plan had panned out. Her Master, now slumped against the leg of the nearest table, was already fading in and out of consciousness; the glass in her hand had since shattered and spread out in shards all across the floor in turn.

Honestly, the Alter Ego couldn't have hoped for a better outcome. Well, bar the glass shards scattered about the floor; it'd have been better if her Master had been using plastic instead, but she could definitely understand the appeal of the crystalline beauty of such a cup.

"I hope you don't think too poorly of me after this—or maybe you should, dear Master," she said, a cruel smile barely sneaking onto her face as she casually lifted her Master's limp body with one of the spikes on her knee and, with a few graceful movements, carried it over to the nearby bedroom. With a careless flick, Meltryllis lobbed the body onto the bed with wanton abandon before letting out a slight laugh.

"Yes, this is how it should be, shouldn't it? The look of agony on your face—it's almost unbearably amusing to look at," she said, not caring about whether or not the girl heard her in the first place. Even if she could, the pain would make attempting to speak a worthless endeavor, which meant that she was free to vent without fear of some glance of pity or disdain. "Yes, a being like me has no right—no, no reason to consort with you like this. This is a contract, but you are no more than an obligation for bringing me here in the first place. Far from my Master, the sort of relationship that we share is nowhere near equal. Unless, of course, you feel the urge to use a Command Seal on me to kill myself once dawn breaks, that shall remain the same. Fear me, loathe me—this is how you should treat a monster. Unless, of course, you're a sexual deviant who likes this sort of pain?"

With a cruel gaze, Meltryllis slowly drove one of her legs into Nanako's stomach, only deciding to pull back once she was about to pierce the skin.

"But yes, this poison of mine shall last until morning; I believe it should be nine parts pain, one part pleasure? Just enough to keep you conscious, and barely on a level where you can maintain some lower-level thought. I hope you had no further plans for tonight, because you'll barely be able to move an inch until this is over."


Ruler — Sherlock Holmes

Holmes simply smiled and let out a light chuckle as his Master mentioned his old acquaintance. Surely, Watson could have been a bit more observant, but there was certainly something different about working with him as compared to what might be seen as a pupil with potential. The subsequent statement, on the other hand, was enough to cause Holmes to pause and shake his head.

"Miss Obberhausen, remember that I am not necessarily a charity worker. Though they may require aid, sometimes a simple request from law enforcement is enough to resolve even the trickiest of matters in this land of scientific wonder. I take on cases that interest me and those that are brought to me; after all, some people desire to solve their own mysteries every so often. Would you not agree?"

With that said, though, the Ruler did take a moment to lean forward and scan the information that his Master was presenting in turn. While the location did catch his fancy, an evening visit was rarely a good time to pry into unsolicited matters.

"Rather, would it not be more interesting to run some simulations of that world that Miss Meltryllis spoke of? I could only imagine how drastically the world would change with a lack of mana in the air, especially if we consider that such an era extended into the future—no, not even just that, but the concept of 'time travel' no longer being bound to the realm of simple science fiction... It certainly piques one's interest, does it not?"

Fusang University—City Streets

"Old's... Worldest... Playboy..." Gray parroted, trying to make sense of how casual Hinami was being about being the technical 'Master' of the King of Heroes. Granted, the relationship seemed a fair deal less one-sided than what she had heard about the Fourth Holy Grail War from Lord El-Melloi II, but it was still a bit jarring to hear about it from someone firsthand. The mention of a Sealing Designation also caused her to pause, though, as there were some minor similarities that the young woman could draw between both their situations. The words of wisdom that came soon after, though, caused Gray to hesitate for a few moments before replying.

"Mmm... I'll keep that in mind, then. As for Add... Well, Add doesn't eat. It's... Complicated, but you can think of him as an artificial familiar under my control rather than something contracted to me. I hope that makes sense," she stated, watching as two plates of piping-hot yakisoba and a pair of cups of tea was brought to their table. With an exchange of bills and a nod, Gray turned towards her meal, then at the tea, before looking off at her companion's distinctly redder food.

"Er... That looks... Dangerous," she said, quietly looking at her food and glancing at the utensils presented thus. Luckily, it seemed like it was obvious enough that she would need to use a fork, which the waiter had so graciously provided, and with a hesitant forkful of noodles, Gray took a bite of the yakisoba in front of her.

"...Huh. It is a bit oily, but not unbearably so. This is actually quite nicer than what I had expected..."

Okay, well... Since we now have a lack of Servants stapled onto our resident Einzbern homunculus, debate has happened.

As a result, until someone else wants to swap, we're tying our albino crazy to good civ. Okay? Okay.

As an aside: once the lake, izakaya, arena, and zoo scenes tie up, I'll dial forward to the next in-RP day.
Alter Ego — Meltryllis

"'You noticed'? Really? Is that your excuse?"

The Alter Ego might have let the problem slide (however slightly) if the girl had been doing it subconsciously, but hearing her confession and halfhearted admission of fault and attempted justification only served to irritate her further.

"No, no, Meltryllis. Calm yourself. This child isn't something worth losing your temper over."

With a deep breath, the purple-haired Servant straightened her back and continued to train her eyes on her Master. Her legs, jutting in front of her, almost acted like a barricade of sorts to prevent the target of her ire from even attempting to take a seat on the other side.

"Hmph. Well, if you have the mental capacity to realize how rude you are, then I suppose it's a start," Meltryllis replied, watching as the girl walked off somewhere, only to return with a glass of water. The sight of that, of course, gave the Servant an idea—one that would, in theory, fix most of her problems in one swoop.

Pushing herself off of the couch, the Alter Ego brushed herself off and brushed past her Master, allowing a few drops of diluted poison to fall into the glass cup in her hand. The result of that was obvious, but if anything, it'd give the both of them some time to think about what to do from here on out.

"I'm going to go look around this place you call a 'home'. Go reflect on what you've done, and I may find it in myself to forgive you this once."

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