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@ERode@OwO: Accepted.
@HereComesTheSnow: Yes.
@Duthguy: Also accepted.

Anyways, here's a thing from me. Maybe it'll help spur other ideas on.

Question hath been answered already, so yeah.

Anyways, timeskip time. Dialing forward to the next in-RP day (yay).
Jason Liu


The smell of blood and burning gunpowder was seared into his memory, as was the girl who was splayed out across the floor of a small apartment living room. To the left, a tall man, wearing a black kimono and carefully training his rifle at the body, quietly stared at him. The dust in the room had yet to settle, and the magical energy seemed to hum for a moment before finally beginning to fade away.


"You," the man finally said, lowering the weapon as he turned towards Jason. "We're leaving. Now."

"You just—I mean, but you—" Jason said, sputtering out a few words as the man calmly sheathed his weapon as the girl seemed to twitch. Almost as if that action, that near-unconscious motion, was enough to spur him into action, the man—no, the Servant—picked up Jason and left the room in short order. It was as if there was no need for any sort of cleaning up, despite the distinct summoning circle laid out upon the linoleum floor.

It had been four hours since then—four hours of moving alongside the Servant he had apparently summoned, and one who was responsible for the injury of one of his classmates. To say he was rattled by the situation would be an understatement, and though it felt as if his lungs were beating out of his chest, his head was filled with mixed emotions.

"Why did he shoot Mary?
Why am I running away with him?
How did it even come to this?"

9 AM on a Saturday morning, and the young man was already at a loss for words. The subtle dread that he might die if he didn't follow the Servant's—his Servant's directions—was outweighed ever so slightly by the fact that he had finally succeeded. Though, well...

To be frank, given the current situation it wasn't particularly likely that this dream would last for long at all.

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

With her Master out of commission, Meltryllis took to sleeping on the couch instead of one of the guest bedrooms. It was an interesting experience, but given that she wasn't going to be an idiot and sleep next to the girl who was likely thrashing about in the room over, this would have to do. The sensation called 'sleep' might have been a bit more refreshing had she actually slept on a bed of some variety, but there would be a chance to do that in the future. Probably.

"Mmm... Well, the poison should be wearing off right about now. I wonder how that girl will respond... Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't leave her room for the entire day," the Alter Ego remarked, kicking her legs up on top of one of the couch's armrests and crossing her arms. "I wouldn't mind; better than being driven around by that BB all day on some sort of errand..."


Fusang University—Teacher Hall

The night had ended for both Grey and Lord El-Melloi II without any further incident, though it went without saying that the latter had ended up being dragged back by Iskandar (who, as it turned out, didn't particularly mind trying to do something crazy once the stakes had been lowered as far as they had). Construction had begun that night, and while the Lord himself had been thrown (quite literally) into his bed before the Rider had made himself scarce, Grey was still quietly contemplating Hinami's words from the night prior.

When morning came, however, Iskandar was the first to arrive to their place of residence, at which point he promptly threw a half-asleep El-Melloi II into his chariot and rode off to wherever it was that Gilgamesh and the others were waiting. Grey, of course, was left bewildered all the same; the cup of tea in her hand and singular piece of toast on the table meant that she had expected this to some degree, but not to this level of chaos.

Ruler — Sherlock Holmes

With a steady tapping of his cane onto the floor of their shared home, Holmes quietly read over the morning news from the comfort of his reclining chair. It was interesting, how technology had come so far a ways from the days he had been alive to bring even the luxuries of upholstery to the masses, but that was a lesser thought in his mind as he skimmed through the headlines.

"Hm... 'New underwater formation discovered near eastern coast of Fusang', or so it says," the Servant recited, glancing off to the side as he looked at his Master dealing with her own work before beginning to read through the rest of the article. After a few moments, the Ruler continued to speak, almost as if monologuing to Othis (who may or may not have been paying attention at all).

"To be frank, something seems off about this; even in a world such as ours—no, rather, especially in a world like ours, the discovery of a new object of interest so close to our shores warrants a bit of curiosity on my behalf. This newspaper company is not so shallow so as to only report on minor scientific discoveries when the boundaries thereof are being tested every day—or so I would hope—so I may go and see if any vessels are planning to head towards that region later today. Would that be of interest to you as well, Miss Obberhausen?"

Rookies okay, vets also okay, famous case-by-case (since you'd be unlikely to even touch the rest of the cast, I assume).
@ERode: Alright, you've caught my interest. Let's see where this rabbit hole takes us.
@TheWindel: Well, depends on the item (or, uh, animal if you go that route, I guess?) as well as the skill of the Attribute holder. You can get pretty wild (no, really, just throw something out there if you think it sounds cool and not too crazy for a starter).
Re: elemental attributes: Can do both. Sometimes, having a way to focus and visualize stuff makes things easier to do, right? Same sort of situation here. It's like image training, except not just an image.
...If that makes any sense.
@ERode: Instances of both can occur (because that can make for fun narratives).

Paris, 2024

With the Summer Olympics over the horizon, the residents of Paris were abuzz with excitement. There was nothing to be said, really; hosting the Games always brought with it a large amount of national pride. Here, their grand city was on display for the world to see (as if it wasn’t famous enough), and shopkeepers were already preparing for the surge of tourists that would come once the reasons turned and the weather grew warmer.
Such a thing would be put on hold, however, as it made its presence known. A giant tear in what seemed to be the fabric of space-time, a Rift, opened up in front of the Eiffel Tower, The chaos that it caused—from both the nation’s citizens and from the world at large—was only a small taste of what was to come. As soon as that Rift appeared, more appeared all over the world—from Beijing to Los Angeles, Sao Paolo to Seoul, more and more of these Rifts seemed to pop up.
The international panic over these Rifts—about what they held within, about what could have caused their formation, and how to calm the hearts of the nation’s people—soon turned into a coalition formed by the UN, who sent the first squadron straight into the first Rift that had appeared in Paris. Upon their return, that team brought with them news of what seemed to be a realm of untapped natural resources, of danger that had only been seen within the realm of fantasy—and powers that could only have been gained in the world of fiction.
Attributes, they called them; while few members of the squadron had gained them, those who had were able to combat that which was beyond the Rift without the need for modern weaponry. There were a few who dubbed this ‘magic’, and rightfully so—though somewhat limited in scope, those with an Attribute were able to go well and beyond what any normal was capable of doing.
This revelation immediately preceded a shift in policy the world over—governments quickly formed their own teams to send into Rifts, and within a matter of days, found out far more about the Rifts. A few linked between nations, for example, while others led to locations vastly different from that which had been reported from the first Rift—closed systems whose only entrance and exit were the portal of light from which they had came. Others still held items or other such materials whose existences so defied the laws of nature that the scientific community was in an uproar.
It has been ten years since then, and the exploration of Rifts has thus been handed over to the people instead. While the governments of each nation still control who has access to a Rift (going so far as to sell the rights to non-international ones to corporations who specialize in the exploration thereof), the sudden influx of worldwide changes led to the rapid escalation in globalization, and exploring the new Rifts that appear and disappear with each passing day has become a viable alternative to the standard job market. With the number of people with Attributes growing ever so slowly in number and the increase of need to obtain things from these Rifts, it does indeed seem like the path of the world thus is set for the years to come.


Attributes, in short, are traits bestowed upon people who have ventured into a non-transportation Rift. They appear very rarely among the populace, and generally come in three varieties. In descending order of power (and increasing rarity), they are: item attributes, elemental attributes, and conceptual attributes. Item attributes are straightforward: they either allow the given item to manifest, or to strengthen a copy of it that may exist within the confines of reality already. Elemental attributes (water, fire, etc. ;) allow for the manipulation and creation of whatever they represent, the degree to which is determined by the strength of the user. Conceptual attributes imbue the ‘idea’ of something onto the user or something that they wield; for example, an attribute of ‘magnetism’ could allow a person to repel or attract metal objects, while something like ‘wound’ could potentially transfer or remove wounds from one location to another.
In all three cases, the strength of an Attribute’s usage is determined by a combination of both the strength and of the ingenuity of the Attribute holder and their ability to use their skills creatively. Not all Attributes are created equal, of course, and their existence is valuable to the point where companies actively try and headhunt for Attribute users as early as high school well into late college (with a few going so far as to encourage people to drop out of higher education outright).

Alright, so... Here's my latest weird idea. Taking cues from series like A Returner's Magic Should Not Be Special, Solo Leveling, and Hardcore Leveling Warrior, I've come up with this mishmash of an idea. In short, you are a person who explores these Rifts, employed or freelance (or somewhere in between, maybe?), and your goal is to go through and explore around for the sake of... Well, whatever it is driving you forward, really. The story itself would, ideally, span the globe; consider the idea of jumping from one continent to another between missions as something that might happen every so often. Players, ideally, would start in a major city (I’ll leave that up to a majority vote or shove them somewhere made-up if need be) and work from there. I won’t push for any specific groups to form up, though, so if you want a party of people having just met up online Durarara!! style, feel free to do so. Questions? Concerns? As usual, just bring them up and I’ll do my best to answer. In any case: form!

Well, when I say 'element', I refer to general 'things' that don't necessarily have a concrete form; example, while 'metal' qualifies as an element, thing like 'iron', 'silver', or even 'magnesium' count as well. Specificity would also lead to higher power relative to a more general attribute, so making a sword with 'iron' attribute is easier than 'metal', but 'metal' would be able to generate other things... If that makes sense.
By extension, 'water', 'fire', and all the classic 'elemental' stuff you see falls under this umbrella category, though obviously things have to scale in turn.
As for elements of the mind and things like 'aether', I'll run that on a case by case basis. For the most part, you might consider those in between 'concept' and 'element', leaning towards the former.
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