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@Vesuvius00@KoL: Accepted.
@SquishStar45: Yeah, there will be.

Also, I've decided. One team in Lousiana. 3 floor Rift.
Four people, form up around sticky man (not Sticky Fingers, there are no zippers here).

Also, someone else pick a new starting point so I can get to designing more encounters.
Hey, hey, if you parse through the who knows how many billions of people alive, you'll get a few standouts regardless, right?
@TheWindel: Accepted.
Oh god not World Rejector. Don't do this to me. Kakeru drove me up the wall.
Yeah, things like that.

No Requiem pls.
RE: How crazy/strong they can be:

It all varies on application, honestly. The uses of attributes can be messed with by the user, and the only real factor (other than straight practice) is imagination.

But if you try something like 'vector' or 'strong atomic force' or what have you, I'm probably gonna say... No? I mean, it'd have be weaker relative to narrower points of focus, but it's still a bit iffy.
@TheFake: I'm going to need more time to think on this one. There's a few under-the-hood things that accepting that form would throw out of whack, and I need to decide how that goes.

@HereComesTheSnow: Accepted.

Maybe a few more days before we start, though. Need some more time to start planning for the first few... Rifts? Places? idk

In the meantime, discuss where you want to kick off, I guess. I'll do some research and alter my plans accordingly.
@HereComesTheSnow: Both could work, I think, but if you have to pick one, the latter.
  • Name: Akuta Daichi
  • Age: 20
  • Appearance: "Yeah, I've got my notes from last lecture. There a problem with studying here?"
    Daichi stands at about 5'10" tall, with no real standout features other than his hair and eye color.
  • Personality: In short, Daichi is a relatively laid-back individual who only puts in effort where he deems it necessary. This, of course, includes work in the Rifts (because, well, work is work), but also extends to juggling lectures, projects, and making himself known in the working world. He isn't particularly confrontational, but does have a tendency to clash when people take greedy risks out in the field. With that in mind, though, Daichi is also notably resourceful and studious, which comes at the cost of having neutered his social life. Social cues don't always click for him, and he's definitely a bit more 'book smart' than 'street smart' overall.
  • Attribute (If any): Pressure [Concept]
  • Abilities: With a primary focus on using his Attribute, Daichi is able to manipulate pressure—mainly air and water—around him. Any other applications. such as compression of objects, require far too much focus for him to make any use thereof in combat. With regards to water and air, Daichi can fire out pressurized bursts of either material, provided he has a source to draw from. In the case of the latter, Daichi can also manipulate barometric pressure to a lesser extent.
    Aside from that, Daichi is more of a ranged combatant, preferring to stay out of the line of fire if possible and sniping at enemies from afar. Even when put under mental duress, he is able to rationally think of the best ways to utilize his and his partners' capabilities—or, at least, enough to overcome the situation at hand in his head.
  • Skills: Placing his own manipulation of pressure aside, Daichi is rather skilled in tinkering, having been able to mess with far more pieces of technology in his life than most others might have access to. On top of that, due to being made to travel a lot while growing up, Daichi is able to comfortably speak in a variety of languages the world over. That being said, he doesn't particularly stand out otherwise; with all of the skills one might expect out of a university student in his second year dorming, Daichi's skills everywhere else range from 'passable' to 'disaster in the making'.
  • History: Born from the union of a foreign mechanical engineer (his mother) and a medical researcher (his father), Daichi's upbringing was, for the most part, normal. The sudden appearance of Rifts all over the world simply meant that they had a far larger workload on their hands, especially with the influx of new materials that came about in the next few years thereafter. In their stead, the young Daichi found his solace in the news, watching as the world around him began to look like something out of a comic book or video game. For the most part, though, he was content, as with all of the new and interesting came the dangerous, and more than once did he pass by a Rift surrounded by ambulances and paramedics. Here, simply seeing everything from afar would be more than enough.
    Daichi was ten years old when he was first brought into a Rift; a mistake, as it turned out, had sent a bunch of people (himself and his family included) to the wrong Rift when they were planning to travel to South Korea for vacation. Though the Rift itself had ultimately been harmless (given the other adventurers planning to travel with them) and everyone present properly compensated for the mistake, Daichi came out of the incident with a little bit more than that. As it turned out, the young man had an Attribute—and a particularly useful one, at that. Word spread quickly, the means by which neither he nor his parents knew, and soon enough the small family of three was being bombarded on all sides by people vying for his power.
    With the power of political ties, though, Daichi's family managed to stave off all of the people wanting to use him to their own ends, and Daichi himself was able to live a life free of as much turmoil as it might have otherwise due to their efforts. By the time he reached college, though, those favors had all but run out, and the offers once again began to roll in. Now, though, Daichi was able to make his own choice to decline any direct ties to any one group.
    That being said, though, the only real obligation he had now in that regard is to Tokyo University; given how useful his Attribute is to aiding in physics experiments and his possible future prestige, Daichi was offered a scholarship in exchange for running tests whenever needed and, as it turned out, building up a name for himself outside of academics. With a full scholarship on the line, of course, the young man finally caved; technically, he was still not bound to any one given group, and with the University backing him, there was no safer option in his mind.
  • Other: Like a good chunk of the population of Japan, he plays mobile games during his downtime. A lot.
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