Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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Let's be real here, I'm not sure how many people are gonna phase out, so probably... Not?
Maybe I should, though.
Oh, almost forgot.

@Norschtalen: As always: depends. I remember citing (somewhat jokingly) that something like 'Cat' could manifest as a cat familiar (summoner style)...

Or just give yourself cat ears because you're a degenerate like that. :^)

And yeah, still accepting. There's a lot of people here. Wow.
@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR: Accepted.

I guess we have an Aigis on the roster now.

But yeah, uh... Mongolia crew, form up. As usual, up to 4 more other than Albrecht, so get to calling dibs, people.
Kay already on the LA squad, so that's looking to be a no go.
Well, people are working on it. Kind of. Too expensive and possibly too dangerous for general use.
Latter. Likewise, things in Rifts are also prone to being turned into Swiss cheese by bullets (but, y'know, it's impractical to retrieve goods if they've been turned into said cheese). Also making things go boom n stuff.

I will make a bit of an exception for weird magitechy shit because 10 years with weird resources and engineers and scientists in need of jobs will lead to uh... People doing crazy things.

Also because military-industrial complex is eternal and all that.
Eh, the future is relative. People in the 80s thought we'd have flying cars by now, and here we are with none of that.
RP takes place in 2034; as that's 10 years after the 2024 Olympics. Because math.
Likely starting sometime in the spring, I want to say? Yeah.

Anyways, I can work with Mongolia for group 2. Need to start spinning that one up, then.

Current cast size is making me contemplate a third group, but WE SHALL SEE.
Aight, noted. That's four outta five slots there, then.

Now, someone else: pick another place so I can start spinning stuff up there.
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