Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@AwesomeZero5:... Mmm, yeah, sorry. As much as the concept intrigued me initially, being left with 'detachment' and 'raw aggression' are pushing me towards a decline for now.

Actually, speaking of declines...
@Sanity43217: Sorry, upon a bit of rumination I've decided that the RP, with people having planned entry already beforehead, will be full from here on. Denied by capacity.

In any case... Yeah. The only people I'll accept forms from now are @SquishStar45 and @Rin. Changing the RP to closed; we'll be starting in a short while.
Ah. Was kinda tired for some reason and half forgot.
@Lugubrious: Accepted. Though, uh... It's kinda weird to have ties to another group while travelling with this crew, but idk. We'll see.
@Rune_Alchemist: Accepted.
@AwesomeZero5: Hm... Okay, let me see here.

Well, there's a few problems with that posited premise—mainly that the RP takes place in 2034, and that Rifts appeared in 2024. Using that date as a basis, the character would have to have been... 30 in 2024? And have been to college from 2012 to 2016, I'd guess...? Hm.
Yeah, honestly, I'm not exactly buying it. While I don't think it's unthinkable that the US did some secret science-y shit during WWI-Cold War era (hell, I think most nations were), I still think you could find a different excuse that might work better in lieu of that. A forced retirement is fine, but political conspiracy isn't exactly a theme I want to tackle all too extensively in the RP (at least, not as far as you might be expecting).

As for the second point... Logically, I could see a person being unable to relax after having had to live more or less their entire lives in paranoia about what might be lurking around the corner, but to be so broken to the point where you must be in a combat scenario... It feels slightly off to me, and I'm not quite sure why. It might be better to shift towards more behavioral tendencies developed as a result of these decades of living through hell, in my opinion? Rather than "the only place I can go in order to stay calm", maybe... "The only place where I have left to go"? I dunno, just giving suggestions.
Yeah, we have...
Some room. Need to fill out squad 3 anyhow.

Anyways, for the sake of speed, Discord server. Join at your own convenience; I'll still respond to things here if questions are asked, but this can be comparatively faster?
@TheWindel: Accepted (Again). Replace what you have thus and I'll edit accordingly.
@AwesomeZero5: Sorry for taking so long; exhaustion finally caught up to me when I saw the question, so I couldn't respond yet.

Alright, so, basically, the character functions super well even without human experimentation to the point where I feel like you could push forward without it. Most of the form feels like something you could kinda see happening in a film, but that one bit feels... Well, tacked on? The fact that it really did nothing AND that he has enough emotional baggage as it is (which works well in establishing goals/motivations) makes me feel as if you could streamline the character a bit better without needed to resort to that.

Because seriously, I really do want to see how this character pans out otherwise.

(Also because dealing with more things that break the Geneva Convention, uh... Well, yeah, I dunno what else to say.)

You're free to debate me on this, though. I'm fairly open to letting it slide IF you can convince me.

Followup: can you give me a justification for the whole "He has to fight or put himself in dangerous situations since he can’t adjust to being without it." thing? Like, I get that he can't adjust to a civilian lifestyle, yes, but is there further justification for such a mindset?


@Anonawrimo: Accepted.
I might send Daichi off to LA because I'm not sure how well he fits (tonally) with the others.

Speaking of whom: last group, location. Gimme.
@AwesomeZero5: I think that, aside from that paragraph re: human experimentation, the form is solid. If you snipped that out I think you'd ge in good shape for acceptance.
@Norschtalen: Well.
You're taking plenty of liberties there that don't match up with what the setting has, so let's see where to begin.

1. The effects of the Rifts on the world. No, they don't do that. It's not some weird mirror world of 'this' reality where changes are reflected.
2. Evil org throwing people into Rifts as cannon fodder. Uh... Well, how about let's not. I could go on for a while about how this isn't viable, but I don't feel like doing that at 1AM. Also, like, yeah, putting aside all of the whole ethics problem here (I've literally gone on about this elsewhere)...
3. All Rifts being cast as places of instant bad within context of the form... Well, I even state in the OP that that's not how things work.

So, uh... There's honestly more to go on (and, like, even the literal criminal has more in line with the tone of the RP), but it's almost 2AM.

Denied, full stop.

@TheFake: New form accepted.
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