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@VitaVitaAR@Rune_Alchemist@Lugubrious: Here we are. Forms whenever.

For ten years, war had engulfed the continent of Unira, permeating every last nook and cranny of the land. The aggressor, Emperor Lucius of the Volstanian Empire, found great success in the subjugation and destruction of the countries around him, and even when the remaining nations formed a coalition to combat the Volstanian forces, they found themselves being pushed further and further back. It was a futile war from an objective standpoint, but the cost of surrender that had been proposed by Lucius himself was far too high for the Tiarden Alliance to even consider that a course of action.

As the fighting dragged on and the Alliance was slowly picked apart, the nations who had banded together began to fall to despair. With all of their efforts being brought to naught and the Volstanian military slowly closing in, those who remained found themselves in dire straits. By this point, it was a given that they would die, regardless of whether or not they surrendered, and thus attempted to mount one last stand against their enemy.

This battle, which by all means should have ended with the destruction of the Tiarden Alliance, ended instead with a victory. Though the Volstanian forces were thus routed and forced to retreat, those who remained knew very well that the next assault would end in their defeat. To that end, the leaders of the Alliance decided to place their hopes in the future.

With the second assault over the horizon, those who stood out during the last battle—the heroes of the Alliance—were sealed away in a remote region of the land, in hopes that their return in the future would bring about the turnabout that they had desired. With the untested magic at its core, though, those who had been deemed 'heroes' would find themselves waking far later than the original heads of the Alliance had hoped.


Magic, as it is understood, works differently based on the method used to invoke it. To this end, there are two primary types of magic casting: external (circles, glyphs, etc.;) and internal (chants, incantations, etc.;). The method used, in essence, determines the source of mana, and thus its strengths and limitations. As a result of focused studies in regards to magecraft, however, advances have been made to the point where magic in either form can be regarded as a replacement for the development of firearms and other parallel technologies, which in turn has led to the creation of (somewhat limited) magitech. In other ways, however, both systems have been dissected in a manner similar to language and is often treated as such.

External magic draws from mana in its environment to cast, and is static in function once set in most cases. Circles, for example, will maintain their function so long as the inscribed systems are undamaged and will continue to perform once activated so long as they are not damaged. This is just as much of a downside as it is an upside, though, as they cannot be directly modified and can be canceled if something draws away the source of its power instead. In exchange, though, they are comparatively cost-efficient and occasionally stronger than their internal counterparts on the same scale. This also makes them quite reliable as enchantments, as they do not have to be consciously maintained by a user in turn.

Internal magic, in contrast, draws upon the mana of the user for activation. By nature, this makes them just as mobile as the caster if used to their utmost, and with proper training even the vocalization of magic can be omitted. That being said, synchronizing the magic alongside other users is far simpler than layering multiple external spells on top of one another, so it is generally preferred when executing more powerful spells.

So, I'm not going to go out of my way to hide that the world that the PCs will be returning to may have just gone through their fantasy equivalent of the Dark Ages with basically no Middle Eastern transcriptions to recover their knowledge from. The nations that the PCs have come from may or may not exist anymore, but the Volstanian Empire most certainly does, and all of the magical knowledge outlined above that the PCs should generally have...

Well, they're the last ones who have any degree of detailed understanding of those systems (and a lot of other things, possibly?) as far as they know.

Beyond that, though, Unira is in a state of comparative peace (if not mostly ignorance), and while a lot of the knowledge that had once been recorded has thus been lost and many of the intellectuals having long since passed on, much effort has been placed onto maintaining life in what one might otherwise consider a 'generic fantasy world'.

Yes, this means adventurers, monsters, and magic not on par to what would have otherwise been the norm for a few centuries' worth of time passing.

tl;dr: This is technically not an isekai, but also technically is. Also if you want to use, like, reverse Samurai Jack as a point of reference, you can. To a point. Yeah. Also expect the usual anime-esque power scaling; you know the deal.

(Also, I've taken inspiration from, like, seven or eight different series for this, so if the question is 'did you take inspiration from X series', the answer is probably 'yes'.)

Questions? Concerns? You know the deal. Here's a form.

Friendly thing to note: once this starts, no more people will be accepted. Please keep that in mind.

Zeke von Genbu

The stench of blood that hit the second that he and Pandoria walked through the door was met with an almost synchronized expression of distaste. It wasn't often that they came across scenes of recent carnage, and the smell of death that hung in the air only served to make them feel more disgusted.

"This place is... I'm not sure how to describe it. If I had to pick between the city we were in before or the one we're in now... I'd definitely take the former," the Driver said, taking a few steps forward before noticing the corpse being consumed by the oversized ravens on the ground. "And no respect for the dead, either."

There was a solemn look on both Zeke's and Pandoria's faces as the former stepped forward, his sword now gripped in both hands as he stepped forward. The somber atmosphere was promptly broken, though, as Hibiki's sudden transformation caused both him and his Blade to turn towards the girl in confusion.

Which, given the subsequent spontaneous loud background music and singing, only served to further confuse them. After a few moments, Zeke simply shrugged in acceptance and, with a smile on his face, rushed forward after Hibiki to take out the remaining crow.

"Okay, I have... Many questions! Chief among them is why the heck you'd pick that sort of track for a place like this, but I'm not complaining! Let's go! Dynamic Spark Sword!" he shouted, holding his sword horizontally as he moved his left hand across it and covering it with an apparent full sheath of electricity. With one swing, he threw the bird to his left; with the next, his right. By now, the monster was all but dead, but a final swing downwards, with the blade crackling after having doubled in size, made sure that it was most definitely dead.

"Seriously, though, you get background music? By the Architect, I'd love to have that sort of thing, too! Oh man, I can just imagine how cool it'd be to get my own theme music when I dive into battle!" he said excitedly, the apprehension about this whole scenario having been overtaken entirely by this point.

@RolePlayerRoxas@Raineh Daze

Youmu's inquiry would result in an abrupt turn of the head from the old man, as if suddenly acknowledging her arrival from the moment that she spoke. Though the grin on his face remained on his face as he looked over her, the notice of a letter in her hand (that had most certainly not been there when the group had entered) caused his eyes to widen. As if seeing that piece of paper alone allowed him to understand everything, the old man nodded his head in "understanding".

"Ah, yes, yes, I see! You must be that man's long-lost daughter! Or grandaughter? I care not! For this land is yours now, and all of its sins are no longer just ours to bear!" he said, his hands clasped together over Youmu's hand, which he thus firmly shook. "I, in all my years looking over these lands... Yes, yes, you have vigor in your eyes. Surely, surely—!"

And with that, the old man, just as quickly as he had approached her, let go and walked back to the ruined statue. With a nod, he picked up what seemed to be a journal, desiccated and missing half of its pages before walking over to Youmu and handing it over.

"This was his, and his words have been left to you," he said, glancing between the other three people that Youmu had arrived with before nodding. "You have hired mercenaries already, it seems? Ah, but the words of that odd child in blue must mean that you have not told them of everything yet, am I wrong? Now, I must leave you to tend to my own work; these lands are vile, but I must make sure to tend to them even so."

And without giving a straight answer to anyone present, the old man left.

The letter that had found its way into Youmu's hands, unnoticed as it had been until now, seemed to be hastily written out in ink. Even so, the words remained legible, and what it had said bore nothing but ill omens.

@VitaVitaAR@Crusader Lord@Rune_Alchemist@KoL
Cool, people.

I'll probably move this to an actual thread in a little bit, since there's probably less people here than in actual Casual.
Jason Liu

The Berserker's own swing, having been cleanly deflected by the Saber he was facing off against, threw his arms into the air. Though he still held onto his blade, his body was now left wide open for the proceeding slash.

The fight itself was over in but an instant, and the result was self-evident. Though Hijikata's body had not been bisected, the gaping wound in his torso pouring blood out onto the ground was more than enough indication that his end was near.

"Damn... It..."

Despite those wounds, though, Hijikata, almost as if as a testament to his class, attempted one final swing towards his opponent before appearing to disappear into nothingness, with a mass of blue particles in his wake.

Jason, of course, simply remained motionless. Though he had enough sense about him to understand what had just occurred, the truth of the matter only made him want to just go home.

Given the situation, though, it was likely that his nightmare was nowhere near ending today.


Ruler — Sherlock Holmes

At his Master's inordinately blunt inquiry, the detective could do naught but smile in turn. It was a false courtesy, as was par for the course when he was to deal with Moriarty and his machinations, but as far as things went this was particularly troublesome. Though he knew that his arch-nemesis was far less inclined to tamper with matters involving the arcane than he, in this city there were a number of troublesome things that he could apply that might cause incidents.

Though causing the spontaneous creation of an underwater structure overnight? Even he had to balk at such a thought.

"It is as Miss Obberhausen has said. Though I question the necessity of your direct aid, information, if you would be so kind as to provide it, would prove useful. Given our usual relationship, though, I doubt that you shall do so. Am I mistaken?"

The half-backhanded remark was made in a slightly sarcastic manner, as if goading the old man to prove them wrong. There was always the possibility of a lie or a half-truth, all things considered, but the Ruler himself did not expect this line of questioning to bear fruit.


At the Arena

The cloud of dust that had been momentarily kicked up by Mordred's decisive strike seemed to only give a bit of dramatic flair to the match, as by this point the Archer (whose countenance had hardened mid-fight) was now lying prone on the ground with his opponent's weapon aimed at his forehead. There was a moment of silence before Chiron smiled and raised his arms in defeat.

"This match is yours, Sir Mordred. I concede defeat."

Given that the other match had just about ended in a similarly decisive manner, those who had gathered to watch the spontaneous double exhibition match seemed to be charged with energy. The approval that the Knights had gathered from their victories... Well, that spoke for itself.

Once Mordred had relented and allowed Chiron to get off of the ground, the Archer brushed himself off and nodded towards his opponent, offering a handshake in turn.

"Of course, I cannot teach a person not willing to learn, but you certainly do seem like the type to refine your style in combat. I would recommend you continue to challenge yourself here; there are far better opponents than I suited for you."

For ten years, war had engulfed the continent of Unira, permeating every last nook and cranny of the land. The aggressor, Emperor Lucius of the Volstanian Empire, found great success in the subjugation and destruction of the countries around him, and even when the remaining nations formed a coalition to combat the Volstanian forces, they found themselves being pushed further and further back. It was a futile war from an objective standpoint, but the cost of surrender that had been proposed by Lucius himself was far too high for the Tiarden Alliance to even consider that a course of action.

As the fighting dragged on and the Alliance was slowly picked apart, the nations who had banded together began to fall to despair. With all of their efforts being brought to naught and the Volstanian military slowly closing in, those who remained found themselves in dire straits. By this point, it was a given that they would die, regardless of whether or not they surrendered, and thus attempted to mount one last stand against their enemy.

This battle, which by all means should have ended with the destruction of the Tiarden Alliance, ended instead with a victory. Though the Volstanian forces were thus routed and forced to retreat, those who remained knew very well that the next assault would end in their defeat. To that end, the leaders of the Alliance decided to place their hopes in the future.

With the second assault over the horizon, those who stood out during the last battle—the heroes of the Alliance—were sealed away in a remote region of the land, in hopes that their return in the future would bring about the turnabout that they had desired. With the untested magic at its core, though, those who had been deemed 'heroes' would find themselves waking far later than the original heads of the Alliance had hoped.


Magic, as it is understood, works differently based on the method used to invoke it. To this end, there are two primary types of magic casting: external (circles, glyphs, etc.;) and internal (chants, incantations, etc.;). The method used, in essence, determines the source of mana, and thus its strengths and limitations. As a result of focused studies in regards to magecraft, however, advances have been made to the point where magic in either form can be regarded as a replacement for the development of firearms and other parallel technologies, which in turn has led to the creation of (somewhat limited) magitech. In other ways, however, both systems have been dissected in a manner similar to language and is often treated as such.

External magic draws from mana in its environment to cast, and is static in function once set in most cases. Circles, for example, will maintain their function so long as the inscribed systems are undamaged and will continue to perform once activated so long as they are not damaged. This is just as much of a downside as it is an upside, though, as they cannot be directly modified and can be canceled if something draws away the source of its power instead. In exchange, though, they are comparatively cost-efficient and occasionally stronger than their internal counterparts on the same scale. This also makes them quite reliable as enchantments, as they do not have to be consciously maintained by a user in turn.

Internal magic, in contrast, draws upon the mana of the user for activation. By nature, this makes them just as mobile as the caster if used to their utmost, and with proper training even the vocalization of magic can be omitted. That being said, synchronizing the magic alongside other users is far simpler than layering multiple external spells on top of one another, so it is generally preferred when executing more powerful spells.

So, I'm not going to go out of my way to hide that the world that the PCs will be returning to may have just gone through their fantasy equivalent of the Dark Ages with basically no Middle Eastern transcriptions to recover their knowledge from. The nations that the PCs have come from may or may not exist anymore, but the Volstanian Empire most certainly does, and all of the magical knowledge outlined above that the PCs should generally have...

Well, they're the last ones who have any degree of detailed understanding of those systems (and a lot of other things, possibly?) as far as they know.

Beyond that, though, Unira is in a state of comparative peace (if not mostly ignorance), and while a lot of the knowledge that had once been recorded has thus been lost and many of the intellectuals having long since passed on, much effort has been placed onto maintaining life in what one might otherwise consider a 'generic fantasy world'.

Yes, this means adventurers, monsters, and magic not on par to what would have otherwise been the norm for a few centuries' worth of time passing.

tl;dr: This is technically not an isekai, but also technically is. Also if you want to use, like, reverse Samurai Jack as a point of reference, you can. To a point. Yeah. Also expect the usual anime-esque power scaling; you know the deal.

(Also, I've taken inspiration from, like, seven or eight different series for this, so if the question is 'did you take inspiration from X series', the answer is probably 'yes'.)

Questions? Concerns? You know the deal. Have an early form down below so you can prepare something before this hits the big time.

The building that stood waiting for the group as they arrived was relatively undamaged as far as the ruins went; despite the toll that time had taken from the rest of its surroundings, this one in particular—marked with a single torch, its flame burning against a darkened backdrop of a ruined town—seemed to have escaped the worst of things. The door to the building itself, wooden and shoddily made, was half ajar. Though not fully opened, the stale air that seemed to pass through the small gap was drenched with energy that, to even those only marginally aware of the arcane, would feel incredibly wrong.

The land past the door, however, would show no sign of the corruption that lay beneath the earth; at least, not at first glance. What instead lay before those who passed through the door was a desiccated town, with few residents in sight, if any. The location that they had entered from—the back of a stagecoach—was worn, and though the driver of the vehicle found the cast in their distinctly anachronistic outfits odd, paid them no mind.

A closer glance around would show that the town was in a far worse state than it might have initially seemed, with every building in sight falling apart in near-abandonment. Boarded up windows and holes in roofs seemed to be the least of the townsfolk's worries; least of all the old man seated at the ruined stone statue in the center of the square. The permanent smile, etched on his face despite his attempts to cover it up, clashed with the nature of the town itself. That being said, the oddities that had made themselves known were paid no mind by any of those present.

If any could be said to be in the first place, at least.

@VitaVitaAR@KoL@Rune_Alchemist@Crusader Lord
Zeke von Genbu

The somewhat steady pace that the Driver had intended to set was promptly broken with the sudden sprint Hibiki had broken into, and it had by all means caught both Zeke and his Blade off guard. It took a few moments for him to realize how gung-ho she had been despite how sketchy everything felt, but with a cursory glance backwards to check if Magilou was following as well (she was), Zeke immediately bolted after the young girl who had left the three of them in the dust.

"Oi, oi, hold on a sec!" he shouted, having finally managed to catch up with her after a brief sprint and trying to pull on her shoulder in an attempt to slow her down (to little avail). "I get that you really wanting to save that girl, but if you charge in alone, who's to say you won't end up in an equally bad spot? That Magilou girl is tagging along too, by the looks of things, so at the very least try and not leave us without saying a word, would you?"

Of course, by this point, Zeke had essentially been dragged all the way to the point of interest, and the ominous atmosphere that this building, miraculously intact as it was, did nothing to hide the multitude of issues. Something so blatantly ominous was never a good sign, after all.

On the upside, Hibiki had stopped, likely due to the existence of a door in her way. That, at least, was a relief.

"Look, uh... Hibiki, was it? I'm not going to judge, since I know a kid who has the same gung-ho attitude that you do, but we can't exactly help if you go diving off into the middle of nowhere on your own, you know? At the very least, let's all cooperate to help that kid out, yeah?" he said, taking his hand off of Hibiki's shoulder and glancing at the door. "But, man... I'm not sure I like the look of this place already. Given the building Pandoria and I popped out of, if that creepy image up there is any indication, we should probably be ready for a fight the second we pass through."

@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas
Zeke von Genbu

The smirk on Zeke's face as Hibiki applauded his and Pandoria's introduction was soon replaced with a distinctly less amused frown as he watched the girl fiddle with the map. The video that played soon after did not serve to lighten his mood either, and before long the Driver had taken a step back to assess the situation. It wasn't like he was able to stand by after seeing something like that, either, but...

"What a weird video. Well, it's not like I'm going to just stand by after seeing a kid crying like that, though; seen more than my fair share of people down on their luck to let that be," he remarked, crossing his arms as he stared at the route that the map was pointing them towards. "I don't know about you two, though, but I think I'm going to go check that place out... Creepy as it was."

As if responding to his voice, the map seemed to pulse for a moment, causing the ground to light up as if guiding the way.

"You know, I'll take this over getting lost any day. C'mon, Pandoria; we've got a job to do."

"Right behind you!" replied the Blade, bowing towards the other two girls before moving to catch up with her Driver.

@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas

There was a moment of silence as Nanoha's own scan proceeded, with most of the city being in various states of disrepair or disuse. For the most part, there were no other signs of life in the immediate vicinity, but before anything beyond a few dozen blocks in any direction could register, each of the orbs that had been sent out seemed to seize up and stop, even if only for a moment.

Then, without any warning, a screen seemed to project itself from the young girl's device, and a video began to play in front of those present. This was followed, of course, by a single message, flashing across the screen in distinctly written English.

"In time, you will know the tragic extent of my failings..."

Once the sequence had concluded, the functionality of everything that had been paralyzed until then was returned, with only one notable change: on the map that had been created from the scan, a single point, laden with subtle (yet intense) indications of energy made itself prominently clear. Above it, though, was a small descriptor of the location, vague as it was: "The Hamlet".

@VitaVitaAR@KoL@Rune_Alchemist@Crusader Lord
Jason Liu

The tension that hung in the air as the Berserker faced the sole exit to the alcove that he had stationed himself in was oppressive to the young man who was, by now, at a complete loss for words. It was not as if he had lost consciousness; no, nothing of the sort. But the fact that he had been lead to believe that he had finally managed to prove all of those naysayers wrong, that he could finally stop be treated as nothing more that a third-rate existence——

It all meant nothing when even a Servant declared him as unfit to be a Master on a fundamental level.

The words of the Saber as she confronted Hijikata fell on deaf ears, as did her reassurance towards the young man behind him. While the latter was still struggling to come to terms with the whole ordeal, the Servant in front of him simply scoffed and readied his katana.

"Surrender? So long as I live, the Shinsengumi will never surrender!" he declared. Despite the amount of blood dripping from his injuries, the Berserker seemed thoroughly unfazed as he rushed forward, katana drawn in an attempt to cut down the one in front of him.

Despite knowing full well, of course, that it was nothing more than a futile last attempt at survival on his own terms.


Alter Ego — Meltryllis

Given everything that had just transpired, the Alter Ego found it somewhat irritating that this was what BB had sent them out to handle. Meltryllis herself had no clue what the point of these things were in the first place, nor did she have any particular desire to remain as BB's errand girl...

But given the circumstances, that particular problem couldn't exactly be helped. Not like it was any easier with the half-conscious Master that she had at her side, though; ideally, this situation could have waited a day so that she could have an obedient helper and not a half-conscious human to escort around, but this was also a situation that she had brought on herself. All things considered, she couldn't exactly complain without being hypocritical, and that was more than unbecoming of someone of her stature.

So, as the only thing left to do was report back, Meltryllis quietly walked behind Nanako as they made their way back to the apartment, making sure to poke the girl with her heel every time she seemed to be on the cusp of falling over onto her face. If anything, the pain would keep her conscious until they reached a bed for her to sleep on instead.

The Arena

Chiron let a sigh slip past his lips as he heard Mordred's rebuttal, though that was as short-lived as his leeway before one of the arrows that he had fired made their swift return. Though he was barely able to react in time, the Archer still found himself grazed by his own arrow, and a gash made itself prominently visible on his right arm despite his own attempts to avoid the attack outright.

"My, my, you really do live up to your name. Maybe I should ask Achilles to train with you one of these days; he's gotten far too lax without his usual practice," he remarked, dusting himself off as he watched the mana flare up around his opponent. By now, the centaur was far too used to seeing Sabers who fired beams, and so he promptly prepared himself for the usual countermeasures...

Only to find himself caught off guard by Mordred's alternative avenue of attack. Despite the situation he found himself in, though, Chiron could not help but smile.

"Well done!" the teacher responded, deliberately kicking the ground and forcing himself to fall as he attempted to deflect the attack with his left arm. His right, of course, had discarded the bow and was now aiming to strike Mordred's chin as she passed by overhead.

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