Hunter Name: Victoria Rosenbry
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Weapons: Two small pistols
Bio: Victoria was always a good kid, being praised and loved by almost everybody around her due to her success in a number of difficult hobbies and in education but when the few Supernaturals slowly started to live aside humans in her teen years, she realized that she would never quite be as amazing and peculiar as them. She tried her hardest to be friendly towards the majority of them but it never took her very far. She started to loose her so called friends and so the hatred for Supernaturals grew. They had shattered the perfect life she had built up for years. Now, she's joined a group of hunters to track them down.
Now not receiving joy from praise, but from killing.
Personality: Victoria find the strangest joy out of shooting a bullet through supernatural's body's and feels no shame in going crazy on them. She is very kind to her fellow humans but has a habit to be over friendly and comes across as creepy and disturbing. She has a good sense of humor, maybe too much of it since she find's something sidesplittingly hilarious at the most inappropriate moments. Most call her insane, which has given her, her most beloved nickname, Crazy Killer.
Other: Mwahahah, ♥ ice ♥