"You were taken because you were weak! WE gave you strength, and still you failed!" the Saiyan laughed as he pulled Viral in, delivering a hard blow to his body that nearly lifted the Beastman off of his feet. For a man who was written off as dead he had a surprising amount of fight left in him as the Elite took a punch to the face, releasing his grasp on Viral's arm when kicked back. Clutching his stomach for a moment the Saiyan spit before grinning, motioning for Viral to come after him. "Good, so you can still fight. I was beginning to worry that killing you might be dull." Slamming his foot into the ground and kicking off the Elite went straight after Viral again and attempted to grab hold and drive the Beastman backwards, into and through a nearby building. If successful he'd begin to mercilessly pound on the former commander, using his Ki to enhance every single strike. If unsuccessful... Well, one benefit of being a Saiyan was the ability to use Ki, unlike those freaks of nature. He could simply wear Viral down with consecutive Ki blasts until he was unable to fight back, moving in for the kill then would be child's play.
Yumi had barely a second to gather her wits before she had to roll aside and avoid being stomped on by the Elite. Spinning onto her shoulders she kicked out and knocked the man away, springing onto her hands and again avoiding being crushed. A high kick narrowly missed his head and she arched back to avoid a strong punch that smashed apart a support beam behind her. Leaning back further she stood on her hands and wrapped her legs around the Elite's arm, pulling him along and off his feet before dragging him down onto the ground. With his arm in a lock she swung out to try and smash his chest with the back of her arm only to have it caught, leaving both her and the Elite in a deadlock. Neither could make much of a move and she considered letting go at first, the decision being made for her when a notable heat began pooling at her back. Promptly unfurling her legs Yumi just barely managed to move when a blast was unleashed, gathering Ki and throwing her own blast to retaliate. The Elite had managed to dodge by blasting the floor and sending himself skyward, to which she jumped up and grabbed hold of his leg, yelling as she yanked him back down and threw him into the rubble of the building.
So the Elite had to see him to use those freaky powers of his huh? Easy, all Kabocha had to do was somehow become invisible and then he'd win in seconds. Sputtering as he coughed up dust he peeled himself out from the rubble of the building, wondering to himself how in the world he was supposed to make that happen. He wasn't quick enough to just vanish like some fighters could which left... What? He'd used the dust as a cover once and he doubted it'd work again so he'd have to come up with another plan then. Looking for the twins he spotted them squaring off with several soldiers, smirking and waving to the Elite before darting off towards the twins. "Hey Kai! Choi! Tag out will you? Take care of this guy!" No way was he going to be able to deal with that man in a one on one, he'd have to take on someone more his speed. With all the other Elites preoccupied though that left him nothing but the regular soldiers, still a cut above from your usual fodder but hardly an Elite. Against them the typical tricks should work just fine. Darting after one of the men fighting the twins he grabbed them by the shoulder, turning them and near knocking them out with a punch square to the jaw. Ducking under a retaliatory swing he knocked the man's jaw again with the top of his head, finishing them off with a sideways swing of his arm that put the soldier down for good. Finally an opponent that wasn't going to throw shit at him, what a welcome change!
The Elite wondered why Kabocha was fleeing until he saw the two twins, promptly picking up two large pieces of rubble. If they thought numbers were going to overwhelm him then fine, let them try it. Smiling its eyes flashed yellow before both pieces shot into the air and went after Kai and Choi, each fixed on them, prepared to chase until they either hit their target or were destroyed.
"Yes, it will be going to King Nema's lands first, as a proof of concept. Once other cities and kingdoms see what it's capable of though I imagine there's going to be a lot of demand for extensions. Just imagine, a safe way for our people to travel between regions! It's going to open up so much for our kind! Travel, trade, we'll be able to expand businesses, transport troops to help one another, the widespread distribution of ideas..."
Yusef smiled in amusement as Katas continued on with his ramblings, rubbing at an antennae. "Yes well... You can see Katas is very excited. It's going to be a while yet until its ready but we're getting there and already we have big plans for its use. I think next time you visit us you won't even recognize the city anymore." A lot was going to be changing for them in the coming days and the troops were going to be rather busy as a result. Katas was eager and optimistic about the changes yet Yusef had to be the realist here and prepare for the worst. Not everyone was going to be so receptive to the changes, there would be people who would no doubt try to disrupt the construction and trouble them even after it was completed.
"It's w-weird, seeing a world like this," Haku said, smiling as he looked at the tunnel's entrance, "I've always seen worlds that were already b-built, or that the Saiyans, uh... R-Ruined. But your world's building and ch-changing, it's the first time I've s-seen one that's like it. In a lot of ways."
"We're going to keep most of the world the same, it'll be the major cities that will be different," Yusef pointed out, glancing around to try and find Katas. Seeing the man talking rather animatedly with some of the workers he opted to leave the Captain be, gesturing for T'charrl and Haku to follow him again. "We won't be building further into the forests, and we'll do our best to build the tunnels where they won't disrupt anything. There might be some problems the more expansive these new ideas become... But we'll worry about that when we get there. It's all new territory for us so planning ahead isn't possible, we'll just have to do our best."
They would definitely have to come back to this world now just to see how things changed each time. Would the monorails be up by the time they returned? Would they have something else entirely? Haku wondered if T'charrl was half as excited as he was about all of these changes; T'charrl had seemed on edge about the construction, was there something to it all that he knew that none of the others didn't? Did it have something to do with spirits?
"Hey, not bad there buddy! You hit one that time!" Takeshi beamed as he spoke, patting Shu on the back, "Looks like that one was... A whole 3 points. If you get 12 more then you win one of those." He referred to a stuffed toy on the board, a colorful plush of probably some native animal with exaggerated, cutesy eyes. Probably some little kid's toy and far from anything he'd care to win but it was probably something Shu would be all about. For such a doofy game with crappy prizes he was unusually excited for this. Maybe he just wanted to see Shu have fun with it and win something. Grabbing the next ball before his brother could Takeshi grinned, bouncing it in his palm and then handing it over to the younger boy. "You've got this buddy, just hit the same target you already hit and you'll win that toy."