~ Name ~Hale Westlake
~ Appearance ~
~ Personality ~Confident, witty and vain.
~ History ~Hale grew up in a wealthy family, while everyone in the city as well as the world, was able to live comfortably, Hale's family was exceptionally comfortable. His older sister, Hana, was gifted with the ability to extract and further manipulate cobalt. Due to her skill she went into a career which predicted and prevented earthquakes. His sister being nine years older than him, ensured that for the majority of his life, he had witnessed Hana already adjusting to her magical talent and soon leaving home to pursue a life of her own. From his perspective, Hana was talented and lovely and he longed for the day when he could follow in her footsteps.
While Hana's passion was in studying the Earth's ever-changing surface and tectonic plates, Hale found comfort in something much more easy on the eyes. Hale would spend hours in the bathroom studying his appearance and finding ways to stand out. Fashion was modest and often muted, leaving no room for much personalization as many began to believe that it was a waste of time and effort, when one could be working or studying. Hale found great joy in creating fashion from scratch and when his powers failed to reveal upon reaching puberty, Hale focused on designing clothes and fabrics.
His parents weren't supportive of his lack of magic and went to great lengths to enroll Hale in private school so he could learn and be pushed while out of the public eye. He was pushed to see countless doctors who found nothing wrong with him. All scans unable to detect the shard embedded within his forehead. No one thought to connect his disappearance to his lack of magic, after all he had only vanished for an hour while on a school tour at the age of seven.
Eventually his parents refused to continue supporting him since they were worried what their friends would say about their son. Hana by that point was making enough money to send her baby brother to college. Hale urged the school to allow him to take an otherwise dead career as a designer; and upon graduation, he found himself once again struggling with finding a job. Hana offered him a place to stay but he declined, determined to make his own path.
Thanks to word of mouth, Hale could offer his services of handmade fabrics and designs to those who wanted to stand out, even if those customers were far and few between. When asked why he wears glasses, since all vision issues are correctable, Hale insists its a fashion choice. While unable to make a steady living, Hale's pride is in his ability to do something creative, something he believe can never be replaced by robots or programs.
~ Major ~Fashion Design
~ Job ~Freelance personal stylist and textile manufacturer
~ Element ~Water