Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I personally loved it x3


That brings me so much joy!
It's not a perfect 'Power of Friendship' speech, but hopefully it works. ^^"

At first Stargaze was frightened. But, as she studied the shadow dragon carefully, her fears melted away and in its place was curiosity...before it grew into a newfound confidence. Her serpentine neck formed a perfect S as her head is lifted thanks to this new confidence.

She gained a smile as she realized what the situation called for. She couldn't help but let a laugh bubble out as she moves back to her friends, not taking her eyes off of the being in front of her, "Of course...! You're still only one being! You can't exploit our weaknesses when we're together! You can't use any underhanded tricks to pick us off one by one! You are completely and utterly alone!"

She laughed and she continued, trusting her friends will stand with her and back her up, "Well, guess what? We're not the only ones who are united against you! Skobeloff has already united the dragons at the fortress by now. The moon magic can easily cure your corruption. And we will never abandon each other!"

Her wings spread out proudly as she continues her 'Power of Friendship' speech,

"I will always be there for my friends, and I know they will be there for me too! As long as we stand together, there is nothing we can't accomplish! All of this island is united! There is nothing for you here!"

She inhales in a deep breath, "Now..."

Then she lets out a true dragon's roar, unlike what she showed to the corrupted brownies, and she deals a finishing blow of her speech,


<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Yes. Also remember you have 2 hold from your This Is My Destiny move that you did at the start of the session.

Oh, I remember. ;)
That's why I wanted to ask. Because I think this is the moment to use one of those holds.
@XxFellsingxX For presenting a united front...
Would that be an Act Despite Danger roll? Or would it be something else? ^^"
Surprise! I already had the Skobeloff side of the post ready to go, and one again, this is a situation where once I started writing the Stargaze bit, the words just sort of came to me.

Nice! XD Love it when inspiration kicks in!
@Benzaiten Yeah, I can see why! The characters you listed for consideration are pretty awesome. ^^"

How about leaving the decision up to the dice?
Rolling a d5 (or some other amount if you added more characters to the list) and going with the result?

1. Elsa
2. Pocahontas
3. Megara
4. Kidagakash
5. Jim Hawkins
@XxFellsingxX Sorry for the triple post, but my previous IC post has been edited with the roll result and the two chosen questions. ^^"
@XxFellsingxX Holy Moly...!

I got a 10! I did not expect to roll this high!
@XxFellsingxX OK. I'll go ahead and do so, and edit my post accordingly.
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