Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Kim nodded in understanding at Kendra's response to the fact that he was a vampire. When she asked if he might know anything more about the situation, Kim shrugged and answered, "I'm not sure. But at the very least, this is a lead his agents could follow since they're helping me out. I'm not too worried about falling further into his debt, but I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to finagle another debt from me. So, you shouldn't have to worry about taking up the slack. Thank you, Kendra,"

Stargaze answers Alpin's question with simply one word, "Yes!" before she continued to search for the captured dragons and free them. Despite what her answer meant, her tone was still cheerful because of the fact that the shadow dragon is gone.

Upon finding one of them and seeing them wake up, she greets the blue dragon, "Good Morning! How are you feeling? There are other dragons who are trapped here like you were. Can you help us find them and free them?"

Then a familiar voice caught her attention and she turned to see Skobeloff appear with the others. She called to him, Garrock, and the other dragons who are with him cheerfully, "It's okay, Skob! We chased off the Shadow Dragon already!"

She stopped upon hearing him realize they missed the showdown and give an anguished cry. She bounded over to Skobeloff, and nudged at him, trying to reassure him, "Hey, it's okay, Skob. It flew away. I...did get the sense that it's gonna come after me next time...."

Her tone noticeably became much more worried upon voicing that realization.

But she pepped back up again as she spoke cheerfully again, "Anyways! Home is safe again, and Echo should be recovering by now...I think! Can you help us find the other dragons who were trapped here?
Sorry for the wait and the short post everyone. ^^"

Bavlorna's Cottage

As the group makes their way out of the tunnel, those who are still sober find that they are still tiny upon exiting the secret passageway.

For Brutrumukk, the conga line is still going, and they are indeed leading into the study where everyone else was. The question of how he was going to get past this door has not even reached his mind...
Hi Everyone!

Sorry for the silence on my part. Had a sudden, last-minute family visit over the past week and weekend. ^^"

I'll try and finish up the Location Lore in the world as soon as possible.
Hi guys!
Sorry, it'll be a bit before I can get a DM post up. Got family over.
I'm good with moving on as well. ^_^
@XxFellsingxX Let me know if I need to roll anything. ^^"

Stargaze keeps her red eyes on the black dragon and her wings still outstretched, ready for anything. She didn't waver as the dragon kept trying to find something, only to find nothing. She felt that someone else was watching through the dark dragon and that she had made a great and terrible enemy today.

She didn't move until the dark dragon had flown out of sight and signs of life were returning to the island. She relaxed then and looked around. She couldn't help but smile, "Now....this feels more like home...!"

She looked to her friends happily and she couldn't help but hop and bound around in circles happily while cheering, "Guys! We did it! We actually did it! Whoopee!!!"

She then stopped when she remembered an important task and she spoke, "Oh yeah! Let's get the others out of those vines!"

She then excitedly got to work, trying to free the other dragons from the overgrown plant life.
Stargaze: We scared him off! :D
Garrock: …Is that a joke?
Stargaze: No, we really did scare him off!
Skobeloff: ………Fine, don’t tell us then.
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