Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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The die has been rolled!

We got.....



Looks like someone's groove is going to be thrown off!
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I vote we get the Alice in Wonderland treatment and end up in in whack ass dream land.

OK! That's interesting!

...Wonderland is certainly an option since Alice in Wonderland is one of Disney's earlier works (Yes, I'm talking about the animated version, not the Tim Burton versions). XD

Since we have four votes, I think I'll call it. The majority is now: Rolling for it.

I will include Tirasea and Wonderland as part of the choices that could be rolled. What I will not include are places the Characters just left, and places the Characters would have to travel through dangerous areas to get to.

So results list for a d8 is as follows...

1. Tirasea
2. Nevrastir
3. Etoile
4. Camelot
5. Glassial
6. Corona
7. The Empire of the Sun
8. Wonderland

If I roll an 8, I will be rerolling for when the Player Characters wake up...

Please wait, result will be posted soon...
@Lucius Cypher
By the way, can I just say I love the delicious irony of the Great Stone Dragon you came up with? Especially with the context of Mushu's actions and motivations.

This message is approved and seconded by me, the Dungeon Master. XD
@Double Nice! Captain Li Shang is accepted!

Go ahead and post him in the Characters' tab.

Also, any preferences on the starting location? ^_^
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Well for characters, at the moment I'm thinking of Captain Li Shang, who I imagine would end up being some kind of Fighter and/or Monk. I once played in a campaign a long time ago that did a setting where I played as Captain Hook so I guess he could be another option.

Ooh, that's good to know...!

Interestingly, one of the accepted Player Characters right now is the Great Stone Dragon from Mulan. XD
They're played by @Lucius Cypher.

Hi. First off this is an amazing campaign idea that I wish I had thought of first. xD Second, if you're still accepting I'd like to offer my hat the ring. I've got tons of D&D experience, though mostly for the older editions, but I'd love the chance to better familiarize myself with 5th Edition.

Thank you very much! XD

I'm still accepting! And I'm more than happy to help you with the rules for 5e. ^_^ Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

I say we roll for it.

That's an interesting proposition...
If there isn't a consensus, I may be rolling for it.
@rush99999@Crimson Flame@LuckyLudor@InnerFlame@Lucius Cypher

The locations are finally complete! Sorry for the wait, everyone. ^^"
It's time for me to start on the beginning IC post!

But before that...after much mulling and thinking, I think it might be best to let you guys have a say: Where you would you like your characters to first meet and begin your adventures?

I wanted to check in with you. Are you still interested? ^^"

I think I should mention this, for any next posts. ^^"

The shrinking effect from the secret passage only lasts for 1 minute.

Sorry about that.
X_X Sorry I took so long posting guys...
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