Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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DM Post has been updated with the results! XD
My Perception Roll is 16 Assuming I did it right.

According to Kovu’s stats in the character sheet, he’s got a +1 bonus thanks to his Wisdom score. So, his Perception is at a 17. ^_^

EDIT: I’ll edit results into my previous DM post once I get back from work.
Hold your horses!! WHAT IS HAPPENING? we are already rolling!? Let me read the IC real quick - what did I just miss why wasn't I here ahhhh

Don’t worry! You didn’t miss much. ^^”
So how do I include this in a post?

My Dnd newbness is showing?

No worries! ^_^ It's all good.

You let me worry about how to incorporate the result of the roll. XD
I have to let you know what Ariel sees with that 21.
I got 21

Nice! XD A 21! That's really great for a first roll!

As a quick note: You don't have to create a new campaign for every new roll. You can keep rolling in the same campaign. ^^"
Is this how I roll perception?

@Crimson Flame Not quite. ^^" Good thing I was just writing the below up before your post.

For Checks and Battles, we roll a d20. If the players need to roll a different die, I will let you know.

For the called Perception check, go ahead and roll a 1d20+2 in the Site's Dice Roller. Ariel gets a +2 bonus because she is proficient in Perception checks. Otherwise, any other check that calls for her Wisdom will be a straight roll.

Ariel's CS shows which skills she's proficient in and which ones she isn't in and what the bonuses to each skill is, depending on her stats and proficiencies. ^_^

I hope this helps!

And DM post is up!
It's a little shorter than I would have liked, but I was able to get one out before work. XD

The waitress writes down each and every order, and and answers each request with an affirmative. All of the party would notice that she addresses almost everyone as "Honey". However, in Li Shang's case, she called him "Handsome".

While the party gathers and speaks with each other a bit, the waitress soon comes out with the ordered food and drinks. While the diner's foods look...appealing enough to eat in presentation, everyone from all walks of life (from fine dining to having to eat what they could get), can all tell that the food...is not of high quality.

The waitress delivered quite a spread to the large table of six. There were burgers(?), there were steaks(?), and there were...bugs?! When the party's eyes land on the rolled up bug dish, the waitress answered the lingering question, "Special of the Day, the Roly-Poly in celebration of the Emperor's Birthday tomorrow," She also delivered the meads to the adults and a cup of orange juice to Mabel. The mead's coloration doesn't look right for those who drank it before, and Mabel realizes that the orange juice looks like someone actually took an orange, and simply squeezed it over a glass.

After that, she delivered a steak and special roly-poly to Shang, along with a cup of tea.

While the party continues to talk amongst themselves, and possibly eat and drink, another guest enters the diner. This peasant is tall and burly in stature, but he has a peaceful demeanor. He is wearing a green poncho and a simple brown cap on his head. He takes a seat at one of the empty tables and sighs. He places a rolled up scroll on the table, away from the end towards the floor more towards the window as he looks at the menu.

The sound of clattering on a table can be heard.

"What-What is that?"
"Oh, it's just the fate deciding dice. Don't worry about it,"

Kuzco immediately gulps in worry.

"Fa-Fate Deciding?"

The Huntsman, Li Shang, and Shi Long don't really notice the peasant or the scroll on the table.

For Shang, the waitress informed him in passing, "Let me know if you want anything else, Handsome," She gave a casual wink that could be flirtatious in a tired way. She even slides a napkin towards him that had...numbers and words written on it? on the table surface towards him. ...Was she flirting with him?

The Roly-Poly dish smell is revolting for all three who weren't paying attention to their surroundings. All three cannot help but feel their gag reflexes start to act up.


As Fellwing shouted in happiness as well, Stargaze shouted in elation as well, "AHHH! I CAN'T WAIT TIL SHE HEARS! MAMA'S GONNA BE SO HAPPY AND OKAY!". As she responded to her friend, Stargaze had the biggest, goofiest grin on her maw. She was the most intoxicated on the flippant atmosphere.

After speaking with Skobeloff, and hearing him call, she hurried to help him free the dragon he found. She called to him, "Lemme Help! I'm on my way!"
I’ll wait for @Lucius Cypher before I post the next DM post. ^^”
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