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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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The two men stopped in their tracks in the middle of the diner when Ariel started singing and brought them up. They look at each other confused at first before their attention remained on her. One of the bandits raised a hand to his head in pain and let out a hiss of pain.

"Oi! Oi, Geeves! What's wrong?!"

"Ow! That singing...! It actually hurt!"

The bandits glared at Ariel and they angrily spoke to her,

"Oi! What's the big idea?!"

"Yeah! Didn't anyone teach ya to mind yer own business?!"

"Perhaps we oughta teach her a lesson!"

One of the men in black raises two fingers to his mouth and lets out a shrill whistle, before the both of them unsheathe their weapons ready to fight Ariel.

Got a post started now that I'm back, but will be going to work soon.

@Crimson Flame I still need an initiative roll from you. ^^"
That will be a 1d20 plus Ariel's Dexterity Mod, which will be a +2.
Since we're now at the end of Chapter 1, it's time for some end of session moves. We got two lots of questions here, one for each of your characters individually and one for you as a group.

First lot of questions:

1. Did you learn a lesson from a friend?

2. Did you help a friend solve a problem?

3. Did you fulfill an obligation to your House?
In Stargaze's case, did you get a step closer your destiny?
Both of these are tied to the obligations you guys have on your Characters Sheets.

For every 'Yes' you give, mark 1 EXP. Also give examples.

Sorry for the wait!

1. "Well...Does the opposite of Garrock's lesson count? He said that friends drag you down and that you get more stuff accomplished alone. But I found that that's not true. Friends are the ones who have your back and can help you accomplish great things even if the only thing they are doing is standing by your side,"


2. Hmmm...I helped navigate everyone through the island, and I did help Fellwing snap out of her panic and anger from the darkness, thanks to Skobeloff


3. That shadow dragon infected my home. Is that a coincidence or is that intentional on the shadow dragon's part? Thankfully we were able to chase it away, and I got the sense that it will want to get back at me for chasing it away. I think that's a step in the right direction towards my destiny.


Also, @XxFellsingxX, Would the group be able to check on Echo before they leave to see how she's recovering?
... I JUST realised ya'll are probably waiting for me, I am so sorry xD
I'll get the post down in the next couple of days. Things have been pretty hectic on my end.

No worries! It's all good.
I just finished a hectic week myself. ^^"
Hey there! I couldn't help but notice that you mentioned a limit of 7 players for the game. However, I noticed that the game still has the "Apply" status. I was wondering if you would be open to accepting a genderbent Aurora?

I think I can squeeze in one more player character.
I’m open to a genderbent Aurora.

@Guardian Angel Haruki Not trying to push but it's been a few days of silence. How you doing? We still going?

Doing ok.
Been busy with no chances to post.
This week is almost done and normal posting will resume soon.
I would like to thank ChatGPT for helping me write that song!

Let me know if I messed up. Because I probably did.

Your post is good!

The only mess up was where the sus guys came from. They were already sitting at a table in the diner, until they spotted the peasant. After that one headed out and the other two are heading to the peasant.
He got a 9!

Ariel’s spell DC is a 12, so he failed!

@Crimson Flame Go ahead and roll the psychic damage! That would be a d4. He will have disadvantage on his next attack.

Everyone: Roll Initiative!
@rush99999 Shh! Let the chaos ensue!

@Crimson Flame Just a quick note: Vicious Monkery only affects one of the sus guys. I’ll go ahead and roll a Wisdom Saving Throw for him against Ariel’s Spell DC.

@Benzaiten Let’s see if one of those guys save first. ^_^
Considering Ariel is a Bard, I figure all of her spells are casted by singing.

Ariel: Excuse me gentlemen. Can I interest you in a performance? *plays her lyre and casts vicious mockery.*

True. With Vicious Mockery, she can do that from a maximum of 60 feet away. XD
Sooo… if Ariel were to use Thunderwave on the guys in black, and Bardic Inspiration on Pacha the peasant. How would I do that?

Ooh! Here we go...

OK. So, Ariel would be able to do both at the same time because using Thunderwave is an Action, and Bardic Inspiration is a Bonus Action. However, after she does so, battle will definitely start and everyone will have to roll initiative.

I must also add that Ariel will need to move up to the guy to use Thunderwave, because the spell isn't a projectile that Ariel can lob at the enemy. This spell is centered on Ariel and will do damage to everyone within 15 feet of her, and push every unsecured object away from her. So beware, this will effect the other customers at the diner too.

There are other spells that Ariel can use in this situation as well!

Vicious Mockery is an attack cantrip that Ariel can use. Should the foe fail the Wisdom Save against Ariel's spell DC, not only will they take a little bit of Psychic Damage, but they will also have Disadvantage on their next attack (this means that they will roll 2d20, and take the lower result. Advantage is the opposite, 2d20 and take the higher result).

Cantrips can be used at will and as many times as the caster wants.

1st level spells and higher will have a certain amount of spell slots as characters level up. This means that those spells can be used a certain amount of times per in game day. The used spell slots return after characters take a long rest (i.e. going to sleep). Right now, Ariel only has 2 spell slots to use for 1st level spells.

Ariel also has Silvery Barbs. This is a spell that is done as a Reaction, instead of an Action or Bonus Action. In initiative, this would mean that Ariel can cast this spell when during someone else's turn. Ariel can use this to force the guy to reroll and take the lower result if he does something like attacking the peasant, and this allows her to give an ally of hers an advantage.

A note on Reactions: Once Ariel does use a Reaction for Silvery Barbs, she won't be able to do any other Reactions such as Attack of Opportunity.

I've linked the spells in question to this post. I hope this helps. ^^"
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