Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Crimson Flame
The Huntsman already used his action to Dash, which means he doubled how far he could move in one turn (instead of moving 30 feet, he could have moved for 60, but chose 45 to block the bandits).

So, no need to worry about that.

Your spells do allow you to act from a distance.
I know, right?! The reunion was both hilarious and a huge relief. I am impressed with Aabria/Deanna with her final question during Commune.

As for working in the Genie Warlock into the intro, the item granting knowledge aspect works perfectly!

According to the rules/flavor text, genie warlocks use genie vessels for their spellcasting focus. So maybe my character’s item would be a lamp, or a bottle, or a ring with an empty compartment?
@CaptainManbeard Oh! While I'm thinking about it...

I was thinking for my character, would it be possible for me to play a Genie (Djinni) Warlock?
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Have you been keeping up with Campaign 3? Shit. Got. EPIC! LOL

As much as possible, yes! Just...WOW!

Watching C3 E65 right now.
Wonder who I accidently killed. . . anywho, @Crimson Flame Ariel's up.

At least it wasn't a Natural 1. Then you can worry about who Mabel accidentally killed.

Yes. Sign me up!

I'm all for this.

EDIT: I do Play D&D 5e and watch Critical Role if that helps. ^^"
I even run and play some D&D 5e games on this site.


Cascade looked to Flicker. At first, she was going to answer their question, but Aura beat her to it. That in turn, seemed to cause Flicker to curl up, like a hermit crab moving to hide in its shell.

While she doesn't know what's bothering them, it's clear that she sees Flicker's emotional baggage. Her mind immediately went into big sister mode. She's seen some of the younger members of Zephyr like this, and she's helped them calm down and possibly through their problems.

She couldn't make tea or coffee for Flicker right now...
He's clearly not ready to talk about what's bothering him...
That left her with one possible option to help Flicker...

"Do you need a hug?"

After she asked, she held out her arms, ready to accept Flicker into an embrace should they accept. Whether or not they accept, she tells them,

"I know I'm still new, but...you do have friends, an Ohana, who are here for you,"

Well, their reactions wasn't what Cascade thought.

Upon reaching the prisoners, Cascade thought she was going to have to make sure that they weren't going to do harm of their own will. But, part of her expected their reaction, while another part of her was pleasantly surprised by how they were happy to be freed and were willing to work to repair the damage done to this place.

Of course they would be happy to be freed from slavery. Who wouldn't be?

She noted the name of the Dao Sultan, Roshan. Her anger flared once again upon hearing that this sultan made an alliance and was currently trying to enslave more people. But she didn't lash out at anyone. Her hair simple roiled once again. The way punishments were mentioned made her hair roil even more.

She didn't really have much to say to the prisoners. The wind was taken out of her sails, so to speak.

But then, Aura brought up her father and how he may be able to help. She looked to Rala as she asked her how they were going to get to said Father in the first place.

After a moment of silence, Cascade piped up, "Actually...while we're in Zephyr and helping them, I can try and get a message to Mom. Maybe she can help...?"

She nods to the prisoners and gives a smile as Rala bids them goodbye.
@XxFellsingxX There isn't anything specific I can think of when they are mostly checking to see if she's okay, and telling her about what happened with the Shadow Dragon.

I do think that right before they leave, Stargaze would have accidentally called Echo "Mom" in front of the other dragons, while saying "Goodbye" to her.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Is the Huntsman within 30 feet of the bandit Ariel viciously mocked?

I will say the Diner is a circular building with a diameter of 90 feet. Since they are in the center, they would be 45 feet away from the Huntsman.
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